[UPDATE] — Apparently this vid is now hot to watch as CoasttoCoastAM and other big sites have discovered it. Enjoy.

  1. MAtt says:

    Well, I don’t think the point of this video is to represent what would actually happen if a planetoid crashed into the earth. It’s supposed to seem that way in order to keep the audience’s attention. But that’s besides the fact, it would suck for all of us.

  2. Capt. Red says:

    Quicker than waiting for a nuclear “Jihad”. This would be an act of kindness. Hopefully before we figure a way to get off this planet and spread our holy wars in space.

  3. ian says:

    The crater from the impact would be so vast, given the size of the object…but the size would be relative to speed of that great ball, which was not depicted.

  4. Cliff S says:

    All I got to say is so long, it was a nice life
    we all got to die some tome right?

  5. hucktunes says:

    She did have a very pleasant voice. I liked the way the kids partied on at the end.

  6. T12 says:

    I just have two things to ask in light of all this…

    If none of this were at all possible and just the ramblings of scared lunatics & conspiricy theorists drivel, then why;

    Why does the pope have an obseratory in Tuscon Arizona unless he is looking for something out there? could it be that he believes that whatever it is he’s searching for may be on it’s way here?

    If we have nothing to fear such as asteroids or other planetary objects striking our planet, thus leveling small towns or large cities in it’s wake as many others are inclined to believe is upon us soon, then Why would the RAND Corp. take an ‘official stance’ in their statement indicating it would be in our best interest to “Not” warn the general public of an impending impactor of such magnatude? If nothing of this is to come, then why bother even taking up such a position to make a comment like this?

  7. robertT says:

    Our moon was said to have been created when the Earth was struck by a planetoid nearly the size of Mars.

  8. Chup@Cabra says:

    Well, haven’t read all the comments, so this might have been said before. The object looks like a small moon (maybe the size of Phobos or Deimos of mars?). From what i remember from high school science (and the Discovery channel :-), once it came within a certain range of earth it would be broken up by the earth’s gravity. The results would still be devastating, but it wouldn’t be one solid hit.

  9. B Simonetti says:

    …all I know is that the lusciuos voice of that narrator had me imagining drinking warm Saki from her rosewood box, to hell with the annihilation of the world…

  10. jim says:

    Was this in the algore movie?

  11. LZ says:

    Aaaaaah, who are they trying to kid with this? Everybody knows that if an impactor that size hit the earth, the earth would crack open and it’s yolk would spill out into the solar system, drifting towards the sun, where it would begin to turn into a vast stellar omelet.

    If this is NOT true then why does the Pope sometimes eat eggs for breakfast?! If it’s NOT true then why does the RAND corporation capitalize all the letters of its company name?!

    My grandmother used to say “IT’S BETTER TO THANK THAN TO NOT THANK AND BE A JERK.” after which I’d say “Grandma, seriously, why are you yelling?! All caps means you’re yelling! Pipe down grandma!”

    You people who don’t believe this is a documentary from our future brought back time Time Travelers™ need to get a clue! This has already happened in the future. Maybe not our future, maybe not any future, but definitely a future somewhere along some space-time continuum that’s out there right outside of our solar system. Or maybe on the moon.

  12. Kevin Schreier says:

    Will my gold fish be safe in pond outdoors? Actually, I am in favor of nuking anything remotely approaching his planet and at least a distance away to have the gravity of other planets pull the fall out away.

  13. rob says:

    I think If something that large hits, 5 years of food won’t help. Looks like the basic act of breathing will be on your mind. If you survive the bar-b-que session.

  14. R.Macon says:

    I don’t speak Japenese, but maybe their trying to tell us to be thankful for what we have—-not give us a lesson in physics or astronomy or any other science–lighten up people its animation; geeze!

  15. Laurie says:

    Now there’s a way to get rid of Karl Rove and neocons…

  16. Jan says:

    An object that size, game over, wait another 30 million years
    for life to come back.

    Better build your extraplanetary UFO.

    Mars would be a paradise in comparision.

  17. J Marx says:

    This IS a possibility.

    Last summer at 2:30am EST we blew up an H-bomb on an asteroid after it was dug in by probe launched from a satellite we put up to watch the whole thing miles away. Watched it live on FOX News, you know what it did….nothing. NASA has tracked and probably still is tracking deviation for long term assessment. The concept there being a centimeter a day with 10- 20 years knowlege, might be enough. The other concept NASA is at work on is called a ‘gravity tractor’, which would be a large man-made object launched to accomplish the same idea, but through the use of a ‘tugboat’.
    We DO in fact have the chance to be hit by an asteroid that is why we sent those probes up. In the 2020s an object WILL pass through Earth’s orbit. IF the object passes within a certain distance of Earth, it’s orbit will be altered to collide with us in a return pass in 2036. This is public knowledge. This came out I believe in September, but I do know for a fact that I read off page A3 in the Washington Post.
    People please learn how to connect the dots in the world you live in and whom you put your trust in to take care of the things you don’t spend a moment thinking about it. Someone said it best here…..Quicker than waiting for a nuclear “Jihad”. This would be an act of kindness. Hopefully before we figure a way to get off this planet and spread our holy wars in space. We have been externally corrected before, not just once.

  18. Dana Devoe says:

    Incredible video, can I get a copy of it, can I download it?

  19. crowjr68 says:

    That was pretty freaky, although I doubt we would ever see anything like that happen. An asteroid? maybe. A planet? doubtful. They say it happened before, who’s to say it won’t happen again!

  20. Belyflopper says:

    Entertaining clip…but very strong on fiction. Sure an impact from space would cause a great deal of damage..but lets give physics a say in this scenario.Oh…and if it were within possibility..forget the canned food in the basement.

  21. alex says:

    There’s all this talk of colonizing the moon or Mars. What we really need to do is colonize a roaming planetoid such as this one. Now that would be one neat ride. I’ll get to work on the logistics after lunch.

  22. Dan G. says:

    I guess nows about as good as time as any, to wrap up our dominance on Earth. The way things are now I firmly believe that the earth should be populated and dominated by cockroaches. Mankind has a way of screwing things up, so why shouldn’t the galaxy screw us up.

  23. Max Bell says:

    Hmm. I bet Halliburton/KBR/Nabisco/BP have plans to build giant steam turbines to harness the power of something like this. This could solve the gas crisis!

    Still. This ruins my surprise. I’ve been building a giant, burnt marshmallow to crash into the earth in my back yard for the last five years.

    Curse you, UAVs! You ruin EVERYTHING!

  24. Dick Gellner says:

    What a bunch of BS. It looked more like my cooking.

  25. Gary Marks says:

    With our luck, just when we get to the point where we’ll be capable of colonizing in space, our first colony will be on the one body destined to collide with Earth. Oops!

  26. DogWings says:

    So basically, life here in Arizona would be about the same. HOT.

  27. John Ski says:

    WOW this was a great Video! I cant wait until the real thing Happens!

  28. MikeW says:

    I would like to see it again in asterios sizes, 200meters, 2000 meeters, and 20Km. Also, in ocean impacts, and landstrikes.
    Let’s look at the whole range of possiblities, starting with realistic possabilities, like apophis.

  29. Madagascar Penquins says:

    The Book of Revelation tells us that prior to the expected Great Tribulation and Rapture, a rogue star called Wormwood will approach dangerously close to Earth. Although it itself will not hit us, Earth will pass through its debris field. Like repeated shotgun blasts, our entire planet will be pelted with megatons of devastating, fiery meteorites—including at least one the size of a “mountain” hitting an ocean (just like in the movie Deep Impact). Most of us will be so unprepared for this that we will literally “run to the hills” for shelter. When we emerge, we will find our civilization in ruins —

    [editor — this was followed by pages of more of the same — please see Comment Guidelines]

  30. dcrews says:

    Sure, it has to hit North America! I’m glad I didn’t see anyone I knew.
    Some people are taking this way too seriously. But then, what’s with the recent statement by Stephen Hawking about needing to find a new place to live soon?
    Oh, well – looks like everything turns out okay in the end.
    Don’t worry. Be happy.
    PS: There is a Planet X.


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