Sunday Times – June 18, 2006:

THE race is on to keep humans one step ahead of robots: an international team of scientists and academics is to publish a “code of ethics” for machines as they become more and more sophisticated.

Other dilemmas may arrive sooner than we think, says Christensen. “People are going to be having sex with robots within five years,” he said. So should limits be set on the appearance, for example, of such robotic sex toys? The greatest danger, however, is likely to lie with robots that are able to learn from their “experiences”. As systems develop, robots are likely to have much more sophisticated self-learning mechanisms built into them and it may become impossible to predict exactly how they will behave.

  1. Eideard says:

    Asimov’s 3 Rules are all you really need.

  2. Smartalix says:

    New addendum:

    4. A robot may pursue its own orgasm if said orgasm and the actions required to achieve it do not conflict with the third, second, or first law.

  3. RTaylor says:

    Roddenberry had the Data character do this in season one of STNG. Put’s a whole new spin on the old blues song 60 minute man. Even the movie, “Metropolis”, had strong erotic overtures. If it keeps some yahoos from reproducing I’m all for it.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised that the first ones who will develop sexbots will be from Japan or S. Korea.

  5. Smartalix says:

    To sell us.

  6. jim says:

    Japan has these life like silicone dolls that you can rent out for sex. Supposedly they are quite popular. (I just don’t see it)

  7. Smartalix says:

    They dislike cheap inflatables, I guess.

  8. Improbus says:

    Someone let me know when my Lexa Doig, a.k.a. “Rommie”, sexbot shows up. Thanks!

  9. Johnny-Cakes says:

    Actually, you brought a smile to my face with the picture that accompanies this story. I really liked that Futurama episode…and if you get a chance, watch it.

  10. DavidtheDuke says:

    Sex will lead the robotic revolution, the demand will be stupendous for a 24-hour willing sexual servant, especially since I’m sure they’ll make them customizable (along with mass-produced ones). I’ve been waiting for this forever!

  11. I’m picturing a scene much like the documentary in that Futurama episode.

  12. Improbus says:

    All men really want is a sex toy that bring us beer and will shut up when it is told too. That would be a vast improvement over what we have now. LOL *jumps in to bunker*

  13. Raff says:

    Yeah if it’ll clean the house too, it’ll be a sure winner..

  14. Smartalix says:

    …and humankind would go extinct!

  15. Improbus says:

    Where is the downside Smartalix?

  16. J J F says:

    Isn’t this the typical marriage after a year?

  17. Smartalix says:

    Real woman are fun to have sex with – trust me.

  18. Kevinb2999 says:

    I bet there will be some interesting
    – New diseases pop up. 😉
    – Custody cases / small claims court
    – Religious issues
    – Marriage proposals

  19. Mike Voice says:

    Real woman are fun to have sex with – trust me.

    Oh sure, now you tell me…

  20. arkansasboi says:

    atleest it will kep pedophiles off the street if they are released in the us


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