CRAZY BEETLE — An obvious chick magnet.

“The car was built because I wanted the wildest street-legal ride possible. With this project, I was able to use my engineering skills (I have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University) to design the car without the distraction of how other people have done it in the past – because no one has.”

  1. moss says:

    Uh, lotta guys without PhD’s did this over forty years ago. Starting with folks like the Arfons Brothers. Admittedly, no one was trying for street legal; but, a few of those were built.

    In October ’64, the land speed record was broken several times — finishing at 537 mph. The drag strip boys spent less than $10K on that car — and like all the series — it was a “Green Monster” because that was the only color paint they had around the garage.

    p.s. John, you must have brought the guy’s site down. Tried to go there to see if he credited Arfons. Never got through.

  2. RTaylor says:

    “Atomic Batteries to power. Turbines to speed,
    and Robin did you put a new arrangement in the dash vase?”

  3. RonD says:

    Wouldn’t want to tailgate him!

  4. Anymouse says:

    Hehe…speaking of old news JC, this was blah, blah, blah…

    [edited for guidelines — and the thrill of it all]

  5. Ben Franske says:

    As mentioned, jet powered cars (and even some prototypes that almost went into production) are nothing new.

  6. Bruce IV says:

    So what if it’s nothing new?!? Its freaking sweet! I wish I had the money and expertise to do something like that. (and didn’t Anymouse (4) break the posting guidelines?)

  7. Podesta says:

    No question about it. A fellow who would drive around with a pseudo penis emerging from his car has sexual issues.

  8. rus62 says:

    #5 — They must have seen Home Improvement on the jet powered riding mower and added a little more.

    Still neat though, if you can afford the money.

  9. GregAllen says:

    That VW appeals to nerds and everyone with penis envy!

    Also, any idea what sort of milage that thing gets?

  10. Carl Trimble says:

    He never even takes it for a spin. Just sits and revs it up. I am not envious at all. Its a bug!? He should have just put a rocket on wheels. That would’ve been more badass then this.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    That’s one VW beetle with a bad case of hemorroids!

  12. Babaganoosh says:

    @ #8
    You forget, it’s a JET POWERED pseudo penis. Much cooler than a normal pseudo penis. Besides, who can seriously claim that a man who would buy a VW Bug is overcompensating for small genitalia? If anything, the Bug is an emasculating car.

  13. John says:

    Gee I wonder if the wheels would melt if he spun up the afterburner on the autobahn. There’s no speed limit there right?

  14. GregAllen says:

    I’d love to have that afterburner on my car.

    It is not uncommon, in this part of the world, for people to honk at you BEFORE it turns green just to make sure you alert when it happens.

    That’s when I’d kick in the afterfurner.

    It would be good for tailgaters, too, except I’m guess that jet cars don’t get that many tailgaters.


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