The Duke Nukem Forever List

“The List” originally started as a forum or usenet post somewhere and quickly spread around the internet in early 2002 to poke fun at George Broussard and the rest of 3D Realms. At the time Duke Nukem forever had been in development for five years. Well, nine years have passed since the original press release, dated April 25th, 1997- so I decided the list needed updating. Also, I realize that some of the games listed aren’t released yet, they will be before Duke Nukem Forever.

Computers & Internet:

* In 1997, the fastest consumer internet connection was a 33.6 kbps modem. On average, consumer internet connections are 300 times faster today.
* When Duke Nukem Forever was announced, the fastest processor available to consumers was a 233Mhz Pentium. Since then the clock speed of consumer processors has increased over 16 times (32 times counting dual cores), and the fabrication process has decreased from 250nm to 65nm.
* In October of 2001, Apple announced the iPod and Slashdot dismissed it as an immediate failure. Since then there have been 5 generations of iPods, as well as the iPod Mini, iPod Shuffle, and iPod Nano with 42 million iPods sold worldwide as of 1/06.
* Steve Jobs was still running NeXT when Duke Nukem Forever was announced.
* Every peer to peer file sharing program including Napster was developed.
* In April of 1997, Google, eBay, and the term “weblog” didn’t exist.
* Linux gained at least 10 times the popularity it had while its kernel tripled in size.
* Mac OS switched to UNIX and became the most highly regarded general purpose operating system on the market among the computing press.
* Microsoft released 5 consumer-oriented versions of Windows and might release Vista before Duke Nukem Forever hits shelves.
* Netscape Navigator 4 was released, Microsoft Internet Explorer destroyed it. Netscape 6 released on an entirely different rendering platform, Netscape dies, Mozilla foundation rises. Open-source Mozilla browsers become popular and force Microsoft to start working on new version of Internet Explorer.

  1. Andrew says:

    How much of an ignorant buffoon do you have to be to take a decade to make a videogame.

    Maybe they should limit engine switches to three next time.

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    Even Microsoft will be able to bring out Vista sooner. Maybe.

  3. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Looking at the list, I vividly remember reading the End User Agreement for Netscape 4. I agreed not to share the code with China and a few other places on the American “not best friends list”. Then last year, a Chinese company controlled by the government bought the PC originator, IBM. How the wheels have turned.

    Whatever happened to Duke Nukem anyway?

  4. ECA says:

    Iv been waitng for 1 program ALOT longer.
    either a graphical update, or even a total rewrite, or even a NEW version.

    And in its whole, it RAN on a 1meg video card.

  5. Byron Smart says:

    I see the plan… Master Cheif will reveal his mask after beating the Pyramid oracle who controls all the HALO rings, and low and behold Master Chief will be …..Duke Nukem… Forever


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