Guys with planks. Yeah, sure. What’s happened to our little grey friends?!? First, Paul Allen’s cover is blown and now this!!! Has GWB been targeting the wrong aliens by mistake?


Hay fever, different crops, tragedy, emigration and yet more argument. Yes, the 2006 crop circle season is now under way… or is it? The rumours spreading around the wacky crop-circle world of Wiltshire are that there might not be as many of the mysterious formations this year as in previous summers.

While some people who claim to make the crop circles say they are hanging up their planks and ropes to have time out, others in the furtive world of the circlemakers pledge that this year will be the biggest yet.

And then, of course, there are the crop-circle devotees. They scoff at such planks-of-wood nonsense and say the more other-worldly circle- makers are sure to carry on.

One thing is certain, the possibility that there will be fewer, or even no crop circles this year, has sent the close-knit croppie community into a geometric vortex.

  1. RTaylor says:

    This has got to really piss the poor farmer off. I know the crop loss in probably minimal, but they operate on such narrow margins anyway. Besides that you have strangers, many nut cases, walking all over your land. In the rural state I grew up in this would invite a load of birdshot in your butt.

  2. Byron Smart says:

    No even thinks of the the THIRD option: Following the spacecraft in the sky in your car , and it leading you upon miles and miles of 6-7 feet crops . Upon following the craft you have made crop circles in the farmland and your alloted driving speed isn’t going to be fast enough to destroy these thick crops, but merely flatten them. I should know I found proof on 7-28-2003 in Clovis New Mexico road Cr 2. Oddly enough there is an Air Force Base about 30 miles from that road location. So I am curious in all these formations, how close is the nearest military facility.

    🙂 All The Truth Is Out There, However in the information age people dissmiss starting a hypothesis for the convience of a mind made up by big talkers.

    Byron Smart—

  3. Smartalix says:


    1. Those darn kids got tired of doing it and crop circles died as any fad does.
    2. The Aliens are headed home and it’s so far that it will be years before they’re back to make more.
    3. Farmers got sick of wasting good crops to those damn kids and are keeping them off their fields.
    4. Genetic supercorn doesn’t bend.
    5. Genetic supercorn ate the damn kids
    6. Genetic supercorn ate the Aliens (should we search for the empty spacecraft?)
    7. The aliens were captured by the government.
    8. The grant the Aliens had from the National Endowment Fund ran out.
    9. They realized we don’t understand and are preparing to try something else.
    10. The 10-year mandatory notice period is over so they stopped putting up flyers since the Vogon Destructor Fleet is coming.

  4. hamgrl says:

    I like reason #s 8 and 9….

  5. Paul Stewart says:

    Maintenance Testing , Complexity Discernment Algorithms, Energy Weapons Platform, Siege City. Feature Maping Division, Survailance Survey Program. Subjet: Type Maping, Vegitation Class, Material Failure Specifications.


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