A nice set of boobies for all the male readers!

The Independent – 18 June 2006:

Sleeping with the light on or staying up late could be a cause of breast cancer, authoritative new research suggests.

The research – which is being hailed as a “watershed”, providing “the first proof” of a link between artificial light at night and cancer – confirms a mass of the studies suggesting that modern life causes the disease by interfering with natural sleep cycles.

  1. Charles Gross says:

    How could they use the word “mass” in that artical without say “no pun intended”?

  2. Floyd says:

    “Early to bed, early to rise, makes [one] healthy wealthy and wise.” Hmmmm. There’s goes the nightlife.

  3. RTaylor says:

    Several years ago I read research that even a night light can interfere with natural sleep patterns. The article advise if you can’t get the room dark, wear a sleep mask. There’s so many LED’s around our room you could just about read with the lights out.

  4. Steph says:

    jesus, why can’t scare tactic journalism give journalists cancer? that would be awesome.

  5. Lou says:

    Let be clear here. There are definitely aspects of modern life which can make us sick. But in the overall scheme of things, modern “life” allows the vast majority of us to live longer and more productive, enjoyable lives.

    Let us continue to use science to improve our lives, and learn from all this knowledge, but to say “modern life” causes disease is plain silly.

  6. joshua says:

    those are some really awesome *boobies*!!!!!!

  7. Mark Derail says:

    The #1 cause is underarm deodorant plus the fact that the girls shave, give breast cancer. Look it up on CNN.com

    Too many corporations putting cancer causing chemicals to act as stabilizers and preservatives. Lipstick, eyeliner, deodorant, cream. Making 1.99$ lipstick stay fresh up to 5 years is not normal.

    Then I see the local health-food stores marginally making enough sales to stay open, that have healthy and safe alternatives. Or find your local Tea Tree Oil reseller that has the same products.

    I know so many 40+ years women that have had breast cancer in the right breast, and are right-handed, shave and use off-the-shelf dangerous deodorants since age 13.

  8. carol cappuccio says:

    what next on breast cancer… perhaps we should stop easting , drinking, now its the late nights….. give us a break. !

  9. Gordon says:

    Yeah guys – when I first read this article I thought that it was probably nonsense too. But a closer look shows that the research was actually quite well done and probably does stand up to close scrutiny.
    So – shut those curtains and put the hall light off !!
    My wife Marjory has breast cancer and we’re blogging our experiences as we go about beating breast cancer.
    Pay us a visit for more views on breast cancer causes and treatment.


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