
Now I’ve seen just about everything. Why not just hang a sign that says “I have too much money” (or better yet, “I have issues”) on the car ? Next thing we’ll be bringing back the potlach.

Here’s a link to a video of the rims in action.

The PimpStar is a huge leap forward in the evolution of the wheel. With the PimpStar’s built-in full color LED lights, microprocessor and wireless modem, you can display virtually any image, including text, graphics, logos, and even digital photos! 

The included software allows you to create your own images and send them to each wheel individually or all wheels at the same time as you drive! You can even pre-load up to six images into each wheel and program them to change automatically at the time intervals you select. The wheels are environmentally sealed, so you don’t have to worry about going to the car wash; and they are powered by the vehicle electrical system so there are no batteries to run out or change, ever.


Moronic? or too cool for words? I guess if the car was reeeeeeeealy phat and you had something relatively tasteful as the image (maybe a low-key flame animation?) on the rims.

  1. OldDug says:

    Oh come on man, don’t be such an old stiff neck. This is a very cool app for custom cars. Maybe a little distracting for a busy roadway, but so cool.

  2. Smartalix says:

    Hey, I love gadgets! However, there is a limit to the extent you can inflict your taste on other people.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    I guess if the car was reeeeeeeealy phat and you had something relatively tasteful as the image (maybe a low-key flame animation?) on the rims.

    Careful, thats a slippery-slope… [grin]

  4. Wanderley says:

    Pimpstar: because all we need is more distraction when we drive…

  5. mike cannali says:

    I think it is useful to have “I am an asshole” designators on cars – lets us know who to avoid. It goes along with oversize wheels on older cars, neon lights to illuminate the road underneath, and spinning wheel covers. This is an option that depreciates the value of the vehicle

    There is a reason why this stuff is not offered as an option on new cars – most people would not buy the car. Used car dealers remove trailer hitches, spotlights, police gear, garish accessories, bumper and window stickers, or anything else that indicates that car may have had a checkered past.

  6. Neal Safestein says:

    I agree on the slippery slope.

    Neal Saferstei

  7. Metrobilly says:

    Please, please tell me these are illegal.

    I love how they’re called “pimpstar,” and yet the video shows them displaying Coca-Cola and Mickey Mouse.

  8. ECA says:

    I LOVE the resale values after ALL this Bling is placed on a vehicle…

    NONE, NOT 1 penny increase in the value, NOT unless you find a SUCKER willing to pay it.

  9. John Paradox says:

    Now, I’m just waiting for someone to have these on their car and trying to escape the police. There was a classic ‘weird news’ type ‘stupid criminal’ story where someone had those sneakers with the lights on the heel trying to run away from the cops in the dark. The lights, naturally, helped them keep track of the idiot.


  10. Steph says:

    i love seeing this crap on cars that are only worth $500. living in madison, wi you see A LOT of that.

  11. You want to impress anyone? buy a Rolls Royce

    Bling is no match for Taste.

  12. Squirrel says:

    Just one more place for the cabbies to place ads.


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