Showdown on Global ‘Gun Control’ Looming at UN June 24-July 7

Study after study has shown that disarming of the people, especially the targets for genocide, is the essential precursor to these mass murders.

The global anti-gunners like the people at Amnesty International, the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), Oxfam and their government and philanthropic supporters like to blame such organized mass murder on guns. They sometimes use the terms “small arms” and “light weapons.”

In just a few weeks, they will meet under UN auspices in New York City (June 24-July 7) to try and impose a binding international gun control treaty on the world. The meeting is officially called a review of the 2001 agreement entitled “the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.”

There have been two views expressed by different governments. In the first, there is reliance on general guidelines for the manufacture, import-export and possession of such firearms. In the second camp, the focus is on a binding international agreement that would supercede national laws and constitutions, including that of the United States.

The whole process is a complex one in which the nations of the world have been creeping ever closer to what some might call an “international firearms preemption law.” They would like it imposed by governments which in many cases have either sponsored or been complicit in oppressive tyranny, if not outright genocide and ethnic cleansing.

  1. Frank IBC says:

    Podesta –

    It’s far more dangerous to have a swimming pool, than a gun, in the home.

    Sounds the Alarm –

    As for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – now its a mess – back in the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s it was a God send for those who had nothing and had worked hard physical labor all their lives.

    Medicare/Medicaid did not exist until the 1960s.

    The reason Social Security (and Medicare and Medicaid) was not “a mess” way back when, is that all are “pay-as-you-go” programs, and there were a lot more young working people who were able to pay for retirees. Unfortunately, the ratio has dropped substantially since then.

  2. ECA says:

    IF you can STOP gun ownership BEFORE everyone has a GUN, then its almost easy…BUT, we are talking about a WHOLE planet…NEVEr happen as long as persons NEED to protect themselves from the Blue meanies.

    AS to Social security/medicare…
    Regulations governing them SHOULD be DROPPED.
    Did you KNOW, that medicare can NOT buy from 1 agent, but MUST buy from Multiple agencies, insted of the BEST price they MUST pay MIDDLE ground pricing. THAT 1 MAKER may have the BEST product and BESt price, but you may NEVER see it.
    social Sec, has 40+ trillion in IOU’s from the US government, NOT counting the CHEAP interest that is PROMISED, which has been occurring SENCE the 70’s… AND not 1 penny has been RETURNED.

    DE-REGULATION back in the 70’s COULD have been a good idea, IF…. companies would compete, but they dont. And until the Gov, regulates THEM AGAIN, or MAKES federal BOOK KEEPERS. its just going to GO DOWN HILL…
    something to think about…TOP wages in most industiries have not gone up(much) in over 20 years, but min wage has gone from $2+ to about $6. Social sec goes up about 3%(OR LESS) per year, and in the LAST 8 years cost of living has gone up over 36%..Check your bills. WHO is getting the money.?

  3. Floyd says:

    I’m a Clinton Democrat, and a Vietnam era Army vet. I believe we need to balance our budget again, like GHW Bush and Clinton did. I also believe adopting an ideology tends to inhibit critical thinking (see the newer article about education).

    I also believe in the Second Amendment, even though I don’t personally own a gun, and feel that the attempt to ban guns would never prevent homicides, as there are always, knives, arrows, bludgeons, poisons and other substitutes.

    A note: IIRC I’ve seen statistics that show most murders are domestic violence.

  4. Mark T. says:

    Who needs a gun, anyway? The following will be commonplace if firearms are banned:

  5. Jeremy says:

    Sounds the Alarm,

    I don’t know if I can stop laughing so hard at you last comment to me. While I work, and make a decent living, I have been going through a major hardship for the last 8-9 months. I have had a huge debt, which I am working on paying off. I have been living in my car, so I can get the debt paid down. So let’s recap shall we?

    1 Huge debt owed to others (back taxes and missed bills)
    2 I choose to live in my car to pay back those that I owe money to, instead of living on the governments teat.
    3 I am ok, a little uncomfortable for the time being, but I am going to be better off, after the fact.

    I am 100% sure I could run to the government seek bankruptcy, seek financial aid. Government House and the other subsidies would be granted to me in a heart beat. See its called personal responsibility. I am sorry to hear about your friend’s child, but can you explain to me, why I should pay for his/her medication?? I should not have to pay for their medication, anymore than any of you should pay for my debt!

  6. AB CD says:

    GHW Bush had a balanced budget? SO why was Ross Perot running?

  7. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #31 – Frank I stand corrected on Medicare and Medicaid. Social Security was in place at that time though. I remember stories from my relatives and neighbors about the 20s and 30s and what a God send social security was. I also remember older relatives and the impact Medicare had on their lives, so I stand by my original premise.

    Jeremy – I truly hope the future finds you in a better situation. I have gone through such as well when I was in my 20’s after I got out of the army and I was fortunate enough not to have a family to worry about as well. I was also fortunate enough to have a friend that had room who took me in till I got level. You may not believe this, but it is my sincerest hope that you suffer no ill health while you attempt to recover and if you have a family and children, they stay well too.

    Had I had a child or wife that got sick, I would not have hesitated to seek out help, federal or otherwise. I would hope you would do the same. My point is that if it happens to you and me – it happens to others. Not everyone who has problems is a dead beat. Personal responsibility is great – sadly lacking today – but some aren’t as fortunate to have the health and ability to recover. They need help to get on their feet.

  8. Sounds The Alarm says:

    “I am sorry to hear about your friend’s child, but can you explain to me, why I should pay for his/her medication?? I should not have to pay for their medication, anymore than any of you should pay for my debt!”

    I was re-reading your post – I wanted to address this quote in particular. My apologies to the others I should have done this in one post.

    If it was in my individual power to help you out – I would. If your daughter or son were sick – I would spend what I could to help. I have done it in the past. I’m try to help my friend out as best I can now and hope I can do so in the future for others. I would do it because other have helped me and I feel I must pay it forward. I also feel it the responsibility of those who can help to try. Other than this I can offer no logically based reason to help.

  9. Jeremy says:

    Thank you for your kind wishes, I do appreciate them. I have made it through the winter here in Kansas, so the hard part is over (But summer here is not fun, but not life threatening). I think you made my point for me in your last post. There is no reason that the rest of society should pay for anyone’s medication/medical treatment, than out of kindness. That being said, there is always extreme situations that would require intervention. I say let family, friends, charities, or even Churches step in and help with financial crunches, not the government. And that has more to do with, that the government rarely does anything well. In fact, I can only think of the military that is run well.

  10. ECA says:

    In Oregon, if you ARNT fmale and have a kid…you would NOT get any help, unless you could show you had a Physical or mental handicap.

  11. James says:

    Social Security is a giant piramid scheme when you get right down to it. The newcomers pay for the people that were there before. Eventually it will give out, and it is.

    When was the last time the US listened to the UN anyway? They can pass all the resolutions they want, in the end our military is what has to enforce it and theres no way we will sick our own troops on ourselves. Yeah sure, there are Canadian, English, Australian, and other forces that help but which of them is going to try and push us? None. The UN can pass whatever they want, but it wont change anything. The countries that want a gun ban will and those that don’t wont.

  12. Jeremy says:

    Well ECA, I do not live in Oregon, and besides, I am sure if you filed for federal assistance, you could get what you needed.



  13. ECA says:


    Took me 6+ years to get it. Born with both feet facing backwards and about 20 surgeries before age 12. i need NEW knees and they wont touch me until Im 60. they would rather pay for series of shots, 1 time per year, at $4,500 a set for the next 14 years.
    I could tall you alot more, but I dont think you wish to know…
    Lets just say, that Nail patella syndrome WASNT on their list of problems, and they wouldnt consider it. ALSO, after 5 years I had to re-apply, as there waas NO way they wanted to pay 5 years retro. My Lawyer said so.

  14. Tom Donald says:

    Could there be a connection between sexual guilt and guns? Here in Scotland we have some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world, and we seem to be completely happy about it. And we also have a very relaxed attitude to sex. That stuff about “a real man has a big gun” seems absurd from here, where a real man has something quite different in his trousers, and isn’t afraid to use it. Europe: lots of sex, very very little shootin’, very little god-nonsense too. US: don’t touch that it’s dirty, bang bang, praise the lord. I know which side of the atlantic’s more fun. Oh and we also smoke an awful lot more dope.

  15. ECA says:

    45, AGREED
    All i want is a 410 darringer, and carrage gun.
    the interesting problem we have here, is LIKE going from 1 country to another in Europe. Every state has different laws.
    another problem we got, is the Puritain based religions over here are putting there fingers into everything. europe has better TV and is LESS concious of WHOM does WHAT, and they REALLy dont care, WHAt you do, as long as you dont HURT people.
    europe kicked them out, or they RAN, and ended up HERE. Want them back??
    For a nation that Keeps Church and STATE seperate, we got ALOT of laws restricting us/we..
    story time:(true)
    A man grabs his video camera, and sneaks over to his neibhors home, knowing what he wishes to see.
    he sneaks up to a window and see the husband and wife, in an INTERESTING position, that is abit illegal in the state.
    Next day, he takes it to the Sheriff, and displays the movie.
    They arrest the couple. But the peeping tom, has NO charges.

  16. Paul Stewart says:

    Hey take a look at the picture…

    I like the warning on the barrel;

  17. Jeremy says:

    #45 WOW, I wish the United States was more like Europe!! It sounds like a sess pool, that is great, where do I sign up??

    #46 You know if you hate the US so much, there is nothing keeping you here, feel free to leave. IF you change you mind after a time, welcome back.

  18. Michael Shirley says:

    One last item. Yes, my missive rambles a bit. The reason for that is that we’re restricted in bandwidth for what in the end tends to be a rather large subject.

    [Editor: You rambled so much that you need to reread the posting guidelines. Rather than try to edit your unreasonably long comment, I’ve lopped it off. Try again far more succinctly.]


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