Read this without laughing and you can get a grant for a performance art piece on someone reading a blog post without laughing. You’ll be a hit in Canada AND get paid for it.

CANADA: Funding for ‘Lactation Station’ breast milk bar draws Tory ire

The federal Conservative government says it won’t lay a hand on the Lactation Station Breast Milk Bar.

A Toronto performance artist is offering the public an opportunity to sample human breast milk, in the spirit of wine tasting, and the lesbian single mother is using a $9,000 grant from the Canada Council for the Arts to help get the creative juices flowing.

That’s the kind of avant garde stuff that used to make Conservative MPs paw the earth in opposition.

Tories and their Canadian Alliance and Reform party forebears have teed off over the past decade on government arts funding for everything from Bubbles Galore, a soft-porn art film, to Scatalogue: 30 Years of Crap in Contemporary Art, to a masturbating Mexican and the controversial “flesh dress” — a 23-kilogram flank steak number that once hung in the National Gallery.

  1. RTaylor says:

    They would probably get more customers if they served it out the tap instead of bottled. I have this disturbing image of the closing chapter of the Grapes of Wrath.

  2. gquaglia says:

    I like the “Clockwork Orange” picture.

  3. Neal Safestein says:

    Those canadians are up to it again.

    Neal Saferstein


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