I have to assume that she’s actually trying to be funny here. My advice to people is: if you’re not funny, do not try to be funny. This may be the most dreadful thing I’ve ever seen.

found by Harry Fuller

  1. j says:

    That was awesome! You all are way too serious. (hint – this was comedy piece).

  2. john says:

    WOW!! Now that she is retired she should start up an allstar band with Roseanne Barr, Carl Lewis, Jeff Gordon and Ashley Simpson. I’d pay money to hear that band sing!!!

  3. Dave says:

    Will some one should put her down like old yeller. I felt like I was watching something from a Mel Brooks movie but with no humor. I don’t care what her reason for doing it, It sucked. Hey #56, you think she is a “hottie”!?! Get real. Please stay away from any and all old folks homes. You must get a hard-on when watching the “Golden Girls”. #58 I hope your son has no long term effects. Unlike little Matthew Povich now has. After what she did to Kathleen Gingrich and what she said after the Oklahoma bombing. Some of you people are so in love Connie and out there, that you wish could sniff Muary’s fingers. Here are some facts:
    1) It sucked
    2) It was not funny
    3) She is not a “hottie”
    4) She is a D-Bag
    5) She should never been seen again
    6) She should be dry cleaning my shirts

    The way she was flopping around, it looked like she was trying out for the Special Olympics. If that was the case, She gets the gold and a ride on the short bus.

  4. Jim Whitney says:

    I must admit, this wasn’t one of the best departures I’ve seen. Admittedly, Connie is a greatannouncer, her singing leaves a lot to be desired and I am sure this was just one way of trying to be funny. It doesn’t leave a very impressionable “memory” of one of the country’s greatest anchors.

  5. kreis says:

    Why is there a guy playing piano in a powder blue tux? Someone gouge out my eyes so i never ever see that again

  6. Phreddy says:

    My only guess is that they figured no one was watching the show anyway . . .
    Connie and Maury were always a strange couple. I was hoping Connie would “rub off” on Maury and he’d become a little less tabloid. The reverse happened . . . of course Connie has had questionable taste in the past – like the time she appeared on cam reporting a story in the world’s shortest, tightest shorts on roller blades.

  7. Dave says:

    I say treat her like Old Yeller.

  8. Trish says:

    GEEEZZZ IT WAS JUST A DANG JOKE!! I mean she HAS to have a since of humor being married to the king of “Who’s your daddy? “Not to mention, she is a liberal…I mean, no disrespect to other liberals, but don’t they all make asses of themselves on camera at some point?? haha JUST KIDDIN…..BUT…. I think people should cut her some slack, it was supposed to be a joke…I mean Anna Nichole Smith can get up on stage and act like a total retard (not to mention she actually THINKS she is doing a good job) but people let that go and laugh about it since she was willing to show her boobs!!!! BUT no one made a huge deal about that, so why cant we just let it go? ADMIT it, if everyone looked half that good at 60, more people would be dancing and singing on pianos!!!! Take it for what it was A JOKE!!

  9. Dave says:

    No kidding #68 it was a joke. As was he whole career. Most people would rather watch Anna Nichole Smith over Connie Chung sing because with Anna Nichole Smith, we know its going to be train wreck and we want o watch it happen. Plus she has big boobs. With Connie Chung, She was trying to make fun of herself and show a funny side of her. Thats all well and good. People today are to uptight. Connie crossed the line and made and ass out of herself. It was sad in a way. That video will haunt her for years to come. Good. And yes, liberals make asses of themselves on camera almost all the time. They defend Bill Clinton after he raped Juanita Broddrick.

  10. Trish says:

    haha….perhaps Connie and Bill Clinton can get together, he can play his sax and she can dance on his “piano” Then when its over he can say it never really happened!! Im really surprised that all the Lefty Liberals haven’t came running to her defense. They usually stick together like a pack of hungry Hyenas just waiting for a chance to cause drama…..Im sure they will say that she was framed and the video wasnt really her!! Maybe Michael Moore can make a movie about it, isnt it about time for him to come up with another fiction film, oh but wait, he only makes movies that exploit an American tragedy. Im sure we will see him soon enough, his hamburger supply has to run out eventually!! LOL

  11. god says:

    Wow. Trish, I’m not even going to try to sum up all the psycho-sexual hangups you must have. Keep that bestiality in the closet, girl.

  12. Dave says:

    Michael Moore has started to make a movie about this whole Connie Chung thing and in it he blames Bush and Haliburton (even though Moore owned stock in the company). Staring Al Franken, Barbra Streisand, George Clooney, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Edward Asner and Ann B. Davis as Alice.

  13. Dave says:

    Too bad that The View hired Rosie O’Donnell. If they waited they could had Connie! From one has been to another,,,,,,,,,

  14. Pat says:

    Was she sober?? – His regular show is trashy – her singing is worse! If she thinks that this will earn her respect – boy is she out to lunch!

  15. Trish says:

    OK, “GOD” First off, STICKS AND STONES. THEN, Do I even need to say anything in response to your half brained comment….I mean anyone who would call themselves GOD must be drinking the kool-aid and must be trying to compensate for lack of something in their lives!! There is only one GOD’s opinion I care about and it isn’t yours….. But just to let you in on a little secret…if your going to call yourself GOD, try to at least try to appear to have a half a brain. I have always found it funny when someone cant even use their real names…it really shows what a lack of balls one has. ANYWAY……. DAVE! DAVE! DAVE! DAVE!!!!!! YOU CRACK ME UP!!! YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOO RIGHT (by that I mean CORRECT lol) I admire your since of humor, its nice to see someone can take this as it is, A JOKE. There all kind of like one big freak show huh? Oh well, its funny to sit back and watch them all self destruct. If ya give em enough rope, their sure to hang themselves.

  16. Trish says:

    ok, those of you who don’t use your real name, please don’t take offense to my comment….it was aimed at the person who calls themselves “God” ok, lets get back to making fun of Connie. The next time we see her I bet she will be doing a infomercial for Proactive or the magic bullet. Infomercials seem to be the last stop for a has been. I’m just waiting for the day when Maury reads a paternity test that is right after just the first try. I didnt realize how much Maury’s show has turned into another Jerry Springer. I just wonder who gives him ideas for shows? Whoever it is needs to be fired….cant they come up with something a little more original? Now….if he would get Connie on the show so she can do a little more of that dancin’ and singin’ WOW the ratings would take off then!! Maybe they can do a show where she sings and dances WHILE he rides a camel with Jack Hannah. I must admit when they do the shows with the wild animals I have to watch….I’m waiting for a Bangle Tiger to eat Maury……that would be the all-time best goodbye show huh?

  17. n.ciamillo says:

    I think Connie has a lot of balls for doing that no..she meant it as a joke and if anyone can’t see that well there’allways rosie…get a life people your looking way past what’s right in front of you….try reapeating out loud…….THEY CALL ME MELLOW YELLOW….you just might get it……….my thoughts not yours……………

  18. god says:

    Ad hominem is a little more grown-up than “sticks and stones”, Trish.

    And, of course, I don’t waste time believing in me.

  19. Mike N. says:

    if she was to show up on the Maury Show, no one would admit to being her Daddy !

  20. Dave says:

    “god” would.

  21. joey says:

    Im still trying to decide which was worse? Princes Leah singing during the “Star Wars Holiday Special” or this. Oh the agony.

  22. Children! Behave!

  23. Mary says:

    Toooooo long! Might have been funny if it was short and to the point of “look at me, I’m a horrible singer and dancer and can’t be sexy at all, but damnit I’m going to do it anyway.”

  24. Roberto says:

    What’s wrong with you all? That was BRILLIANT satire, it was INTENDED to be cheesy. Don’t you wish Tom Brokaw went off the air like that?

  25. Jimmy says:

    God help us all. A camel makes a better singer.

  26. Anna says:

    The only thing worse then this would be seeing George Bush do the song in a bikini. When she got off the piano, it sounded like she had ran a mile.

  27. Danny says:

    Her voice was flat, her dress looked wierd and it sucked.

  28. katy says:

    Could she have sung it any slower?? That was one of the worst performances I’ve ever seen…

  29. Lala says:

    I know it is suppose to be funny. I watched it 3 times and it didn’t make me laugh. I don’t know Connie Chung that well, all I know
    she is a famous tv person. I heard many negative things she
    did in the past, her shows cancelled, and her husband’s trouble….
    I don’t know what to think…
    If a comedian did this, I still wouldn’t think it is funny. Because it isn’t funny. It was just a silly stunt.
    I don’t hate Connie, it is just that, I am glad to see she is a human being and is being silly.
    I would rather be her friend and give her a shoulder to cry on, instead
    of watching her making fun of herself or disgracing herself or degrading herself on national tv, it doesn’t help, and I know she is hurting… We don’t want to see this…
    It is okay to tell us that you are sad, Connie…. We really want
    to feel your pain, because we all feel your pain.

  30. Dave says:

    Lala, Go on Oprah. You need help.


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