TV Coulter and Carlin — I’ve already set the TiVo for this one. My prediction: will turn into a dud non-event. It’s a longshot, but it could be fun.

“Tonight” host Jay Leno might want to consider wearing referee stripes on Wednesday’s show when Ann Coulter and George Carlin are his guests…

Coulter, author of “Godless: The Church of Liberalism,” has drawn fire for attacking the four New Jersey widows who pushed for an independent commission to investigate the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attacks in which their husbands died.

In her book, Coulter accuses the women of “reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much.”

  1. Mark T. says:

    Yep, it was pretty much a non-event. Carlin looked uncomfortable and barely uttered a word while Coulter was on the set.

    And I think John pegged it by saying that the audience was stacked. There was far too much applause for Coulter and too little for Carlin for a show that is produced in LaLaLand on the Left Coast.

    I think Carlin must have been under direct orders by Disney to pitch the movie “Cars” and not say anything controversial. I think Jay wanted it low key as well since he mentioned all the negative mail he received about Coulter.

    But Carlin’s mind is still sharp as a tack. He rattled off a fast paced “rap” about himself that lasted three minutes and ten seconds without stopping, all from memory, and without a single misspoken word. I wish I had a memory like that.


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