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This dude’s dead… nothing to laugh about, Heaven doesn’t exist, religion is just big business.
On to more pressing news:
The Bilderberg Group met from June 9-11… one attendee in particular was Bush/Rummy’s buddy, Richard Perle…
Now, Bush is going to Camp David for two days of meetings…
The rest of June should prove to be an interesting month, mark my words.
More at:
Not a chance in any religion. I’m just sorry no one took a blow torch to the guy. We should bury him with bacon in his mouth, sewed up in a pig skin and covered with dirt from a Jewish cemetery.
The little guy got it right! “They’re in a better place!”
You make your heaven by the things you do on earth.
And if this is true, his life in the After, will be a war that can never be won.
I like this cartoon better — http://drybonesblog.blogspot.com/2006/06/zarqawi-killed-trouble-in-paradise.html
Enjoy your raisins!
Jeez…it was a joke about what a bad guy he was…that he’d want to behead his virgins…why the sudden, and might I say seeming self-conscious, need to make it about religion…going further, how can it be that we are so damned self-righteous about the need to stop these “barbarians” and then we point to their beheading journalists while suggesting we should stuff the mouths of the terrorists with bacon and otherwise defile them within the terms of their religion…didn’t we all decide that THEIR religion was stupid? Didn’t we mock them for being horrible people? What have we become?…at least some of us.
While I don’t think the ‘terrorists have won’ I would say that we’ve lost more than I had imagined possible…and it wasn’t in a couple of buildings…it has happened SINCE those fell down.
When I hate a guy I go all out – no excuses.
Rick….religious intolerance isn’t anything new to this country or to most other countries as well.
Most people in the world are very intolerant of those that don’t live and believe as they do……it dosn’t matter if it’s the lonely nomad in the Sahara or the Gen X broker in New York….intolerance and bigotry are everywhere.
#9 – exactly. But, my point is more that there seem to be a lot of people who are all too happy to paint the evil brown people (with broad brush strokes I might add) in their properly ghastly light as murderous, vindictive, barbaric monsters while saying things like that we should stuff the mouth of their dead with bacon. It is so clearly our degredation that is central to such things that it makes me sad for the state of our nation in general. The intolerance of someone like Zarquawi’s brutality is not bad, but to go the extra step moves us from moral actors stopping evil toward monsters of the same kind…just of our own version.
#11, Good point Rick. When we stoop to the same level as the “terrorists”, then we become the same as them. And I for one, want to be better then the low life forms that kill innocent people for the hell of it.
Sorry to rile up the retards but there are ramifications to displaying this man’s face in death. I don’t quite fathom the depths of depravity we’ve sunk to in America that we condone this from our government.
Of course we can create monsters to frighten ourselves. And we can buy that barbaric behavior is justified if we’re willing to pay the price. But in the end, Iraq is about oil and parading corpses is some sick conduct by alleged Christians.
Console yourself when you see Muslims start placing our soldier’s heads on sticks that you contributed to the quid pro quo.
How is beheading the same as burying with pigs? They would probably prefer the beheading. It could be a deterrrent to further terrorists if they thought they would end up like that.
My reference was to right wing Christians who by their belief systems self identify as less than scientific thinkers: “parading corpses is some sick conduct by alleged Christians.”
As to convincing the Muslims we did not pull Zarqawi from the rubble to pummel him… this current administration has redefined as acceptable any number of abhorrent acts. I recommend recognizing their denials for what they are as “W” is either a pathological liar or the village idiot writ large. And to believe anything from the lips of Rumsfield, Rove, Rice or Richard Cheney is to ignore reality. Ipso facto, I am inclined to be extremely skeptical of an “official” story.
Without much investigation beyond running CNN on the Internet, there is a glaring error which not too many seem to have caught: CNN reports no intense rush to bomb the building because “US military forces had it surrounded”. OK, I’ll play the game… we had sufficient force on the ground to prevent escape… but then we did not get on the scene after the blast till quite some time passed. Did the troops stop along the way for a Café Au Lait before coming upon the stretcher bearing the expiring body of Zarqawi?
Hello. The smell of bull excrement wafts in with the cordite.
That’s the problem with this entire tragedy. Someone needs to speak the truth to the American public: you want to drive pig iron for a few dollars a gallon? Then we have to use military force in the Middle East. You want to relive the Crusades? Then onward Christian Soldiers and so what if they get killed or mutilated.
So now you’re an expert in military operations? Maybe they were standing back so as not to be hit by a bomb, and then waiting to see if the area was contained.
17 CNN reports no intense rush to bomb the building because “US military forces had it surrounded”. OK, I’ll play the game… we had sufficient force on the ground to prevent escape… but then we did not get on the scene after the blast till quite some time passed.
Interesting isn’t it?
One of DU’s links to IHT headlines also had some details which disagree with the “killed by two 500-lb bombs” story:
Commandos from Task Force 145, the secret anti-terrorist unit, moved rapidly into Hibhib and surrounded the palm grove
As the U.S. commandos took up positions, Ismael said, someone from inside the house in the date grove began shooting. The Americans returned fire, Ismael said, but the gun battle did not last long.
One of the F-16s, in position over Hibhib, released a laser-guided 500-pound bomb. Seconds later, Ismael said, a second bomb landed on the house.
Zarqawi was still alive after the airstrikes, Caldwell said Friday.
There was another airstrike several hours later, Ismael said.
I read all of these different stories on howm when and why and just laugh.
We had troops in the area, but we didn’t do a troop based attack for fear Zaquawi would escape as he has on 2 prior occasions. Instead they followed the tips and pin pointed where he was and hit with two bombs only a couple of minutes apart. The first troops on scene were Iraqi police, it was they who put him on the stretcher.
But the point is…..it was him…and he is dead…..important or not, he is still dead…and I’m glad. You guys can argue the why’s, where’s and hows until you turn blue….it dosn’t matter a damn bit……he’s dead.
oh…and is he going to be pissed off when he gets to Heaven(his heaven)….Koranic scholars have re-translated the passage about maryters going to heaven and having 72 or whatever number of virgins. Seems it was written in early Aramaic and the corecct translation is that martyers would recieve *grapes*, white grapes to be exact, when they arrive in heaven.