If you are unfamiliar with the chemtrail nutballs, this will bring you up to speed. This group is more “out there” than the UFO folks or the people who think their brains are being probed and must thus wear aluminum foil hats.

This is where the Internet leads.

found by Alan Helbing

  1. chacharoo says:

    Too bad that people dont just go out and see it for themselves!
    I watch jets every day and yes I live in a military town, but does that give them the right to pollute the sky with whatever?

    I have eyes, I can see. What is happening isnt normal. Im 57 years old and I dont ever remember seeing the skys this innundated with jet trails before. Sure I used to watch them when I was a kid, and they were what we called
    Sky writing. But this is different, the skys are saturated.

    You want to be in denial and call me a crackpot, go ahead, but Im seeing it and anybody who doesnt look up and figure it out for themselves, well they must be the crack pots or smoking something to make them not care, or in such deep denial to think they can just sit on their duff,watch TV, eat popcorn and think they are perfect aand criticize others for caring and there world is fine!
    Go outside and LOOK!

    I like my blue sky and besides its my breathing space! Funny we are so concerned about poullution and recyling but we dont care about what kinda of crap thats being emitted from all these jets in the sky.

    Why are there so many jets flying at once?
    Why is the sky white and a funny colors with it?
    Spend some time looking and documenting and u will see another perspective!

    I could barely even see my full moon last night from the crap in the air, and at 10 PM I watched a jet flying with a huge chem trail behind it…….
    Somedays the sky is just a mess with chem trails and its very disturbing! Then the news comes on and says LOW CLOUDS,,,well I sat and watched them all BEING MADE!
    If you dont think that governments can be corrupt and evil then you must be living under a rock and havent read any history.

  2. Chadwick McCraig says:

    There are thousands of propagandists hired by large corporations and interest groups, who will deny this or that. Many posters on youtube, here and on many other blogs, websites and forums are paid to post what they are told to post. I just wanted you all to be aware of that fact and not to base your opinion on those post if you can separate the fake, paid-for opinions from genuine ones, which at times can be very hard to do.


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