If you are unfamiliar with the chemtrail nutballs, this will bring you up to speed. This group is more “out there” than the UFO folks or the people who think their brains are being probed and must thus wear aluminum foil hats.

This is where the Internet leads.

found by Alan Helbing

  1. Mark T. says:

    I am beginning to think that finding crackpot websites and various nonsense on the internet is John’s new hobby.

    BTW, how does one tell the difference in a normal contrail and a “chemtrail”?

    I have seen weird crisscross patterns of contrails in the sky but, then again, I live near a major international airport, a couple of military bases, and my city is on the east-west airline flight corridor. I chalk it up to both local and pass-through traffic.

    It seems that video was meant to get people to buy some kooky “Chembuster” device to break up chemtrails over your house. Crazy stuff. It sounds like those people that try to sell you water “revitalizing” machines.

  2. “Anti-gravity rotor-less helicopter X51 landing in top-secret military area”

    I have to wonder, if that was a real machine, why would it have a “tail”?

    The tail on helicopters hold a small rotor to stop the turning motion caused on the body by the main rotors (if you take them out, the helicopter starts spinning)

  3. j says:

    Does anyone know where can I order one of those “chembusters?” My front lawn looks like crap because of all those dessicated red blood cells falling on it.

  4. Eideard says:

    Living in northern New Mexico, we get to hear from world-class chemtrail types. Clear skies and a major air traffic control center based down in Albuquerque which handles 2 million operations/year — guarantees contrails most of the time except when we get close to 0% humidity.

    Of all the stupid, thoughtless, criminal acts our government has committed over the decades, the number of experiments on our own population have been surprisingly small. Referring to those that have appeared on the record. I guess if there hadn’t been any — it wouldn’t matter to the paranoid. But, they supply a premise which can be taken to the limit and beyond.

    OTOH, the prating of those who have a religious trust in government — especially when that government includes ethically-challenged morons who refer themselves semi-privately as a cabal — is equally absurd.

  5. ryan libson says:

    I had seen http://www.stopthechemtrails.com spray painted on rail road overpasses here in MN always wondered what the hell they were about?

  6. gquaglia says:

    Crackpots, I bet half the people who post here believe it and think its the evil republicans that are doing it to keep minorities away from the polls.

  7. Brian says:

    Hey I resent that lol and I’ve never been probed. Well does a prostrate exam count?

  8. Tom says:

    You’ve got to admit they put alot of effort into making clouds look scary.

  9. JSFORBES says:

    #8, no, no no…

    The Republicans use crack, not airplanes.

  10. Phil says:

    You have to admit that not very many videos are able to take “advantage” of every transistion and effect that video editing software is capable of in such a short clip.

    It reminds me a little of early Illustrator users that tried to use every font available in every piece they produced.

    As for the content . . . I am sitting here working on my aluminum foil hat as I type this.

  11. Gillz says:

    why would they go to that kind of effort when they could just put it in the water?

  12. ECA says:

    Its interesting to note, and watch TV.
    Sence WWII, the governemnt and advertisers have seen that instilling abit of terror into our lives CAN control, most people.

    See, that your grand mother, beyond any consideration, will not THINK any thing is clean unless its WHITE.
    That SOAP can clean anything, That GERMS are everywhere and they WILL kill you.
    That the US is the BEST, greatest place to be…that you are FREE.
    That everyone is Abnormal, a spy, WEIRD, a criminal, except YOU.
    That the Government is HERE for you, and would NEVEr let anyone Lie, cheat, steal, harm you in ANY way..
    and many other falisies…

    And we have seen, in Vietnam/Korea, when the Military did chemical experiments, DDT spraying(as seen on TV), drugs that hit the market, and kill people, and many other wrongs from the past.
    This is like watching evangilists on TV, and then watching the news while they are being arrested.

    Its funny, that WE USED to elect those smart persons to run this country, and NOW we elected those on a supper dish, placed in front of us by only 2 Cooks(demos/repubs). We really dont get a choice. We get more choice at the store trying to buy Chips.
    Anyone here remember WHEN, Polititions, were paid a Stipend?? They went back home to WORK, and were paid a Stipend for travel and lodging ONLY while in Washington DC..

    chemtrails are mostly caused by Moisture, but some cant figure out HOW a slow moving Large aircraft, can cause them, ALL the time. Esp, when Military jets, are seen NOT makeing contrails, as much.

  13. Floyd says:

    Well, technically, water is a chemical, and that’s most of what’s in a contrail, and is what you see. The rest is CO2, nitrogen oxides and perhaps a tiny amount of unburned jet fuel (purified kerosene). Most of you know that’s almost the same as auto and diesel exhaust.

    The “chembuster” is quackery, plain and simple.

  14. RBG says:

    Dang. Now that this video exposes the whole chemtrail conspiracy, I guess that will be the end of them. Thankfully our sneaky government doesn’t have the smarts to spread their diabotical toxins without leaving an obvious trace. I haven’t been in the chemtrail business long but how about releasing the noxious stuff via a smokestack upwind of a major city and doing away with the need for aircraft?

    The video lists movies chemtrails are to be seen in. You have to give these nutbars some credit when they can do a chemical analysis from a movie frame. I wonder what they would think of the “chemtrails” coming off of the aircraft seen on late night “12 O’clock High” reruns?”

    While I know for fact there are folks who believe in chemtrails – this movie’s author is not one of them. This is strictly a ploy to sell his stupid gadget to the same people who buy those miracle bracelets.

    I just wish the narrator had hid his identity by speeding up his voice instead of slowing it down. But then, I guess it’s hard to take doom & destruction seriously when it is presented by Alvin the Chipmunk.


  15. ECA says:

    I posted a FEW of the things..

    If you really want to know…
    the Gov, dont like us moving around, and THEY do make it abit rough if you have a transient lifestyle.
    They would LOVe if we, were born, and died in the exact spot we started from.
    Some of the problem we have, is WHOM is talking to them. I would think about 90% of the US dont even know how to contact these folks and give an opinion, but BIG business does. So, we got 1 lonely guy sitting up there, listening to the Mighty few, and fighting others, that think the corp way.

  16. joshua says:

    Uh….ECA…..I seriously doubt anyone here will remember when politicians worked for stipends then went home. We haven’t a *citizen* congress for well over 100 years.

  17. jason says:

    GAWD A’Mighty!

    The sheer effort put into this innane video and this idiotic belief is ASTOUNDING!
    My daughter has Cystic Fibrosis and if I could just harness the efforts of these “chemtrail” guys… and re-direct their efforts to something productive – like charity fundraising… the world would be a much better place.

    WAKE UP – if the Govt. is this sinister… there is no hope – luckily the govt. is too incompetent to commit an act like this over 20 years.

    Jeez! Do something productive with your life!

    Ok… i feel better now… ahhhhhhhh.

  18. RBG says:

    Something that just occurred to me:

    This Academy-nominated video (not) reveals shockingly that most of the chemtrails are deliberately laid down right over cities. Anybody in their life ever see a cloud situated over a city simply float down to ground level? Or do they & the surrounding air mass always appear to move away with the prevailing winds or weather systems? Maybe the chem-sprayers should go to crop-dusting school.


  19. ECA says:

    I think it would be a worth while threat, to the polititions..
    Get tehm to WORK for the people, as they Then are among us.
    they have made politicking a Business, and not a job.
    Pay them, Their WORTH. Not what they THINK they need.

  20. forrest says:

    Wow…what a waste of 20 minutes of my life that I will NEVER get back…

  21. woktiny says:

    I can’t watch the vid…

    did the powers that be take it down so I could not learn the … umm…

    oh bother.

  22. Sometimes they lose bandwidth ..generally speaking you should be able to view it later.

  23. Mark T. says:

    forrest, I thought the exact same thing.

  24. melody50 says:

    I’ve been watching and reading alot about chemtrails, and there seems to be more truth in the story than most people think

  25. john dig says:

    you people are almost funny if it werent so serious, chemtrails are a real phenomenon, listen to that guy commen 22 saying his daughter has Cystic Fibrosis, well ask yourself how does a assumedly young female get Cystic Fibrosis in this modern world? its not some random thing, actually chemical samples taken of chemtrail fallout (yes real documented cases) have shown a whole host of bacterial nasties including micoplasma, which can cause….. Cystic Fibrosis !
    Wake up people!

  26. Brian says:

    Where to start.

    The Video
    With out commenting on the chem-trail issue, this video is a joke, poor editing, bad audio – my 6 year old could have knocked this out in an hour or two in Adobe Premiere. In fact I have 100 times the video content on geo political and environmental issues, they make great multimedia projects for school.

    The Chembuster
    I could make the chembuster for less than $50.00, the copper is the most expensive component… Oh yeah, and it does nothing, although I am not a physicist, I know one and with the exception of some remedial reaction to the soil/copper interaction BIG NOTHING.

    Our elected corporate barons and millionaires.
    Get a clue folks, who do you think the atomic bomb was tested on, US army troops following WWII. As both a veteran and a person who has spent countless hours doing research for undergrad projects I decided to investigate such issues and I have found that there are far less “conspiracies” and far more “there two apathetic to give a dam, they will never get off there asses and actually do something like read, and the few who do will be dismissed as cooks or radicals”. The things our government had done to our people and to others in our name is so unbelievable I can’t understand why there are works of fiction at any level (TV, radio, or print) the truth is that overwhelming.

    You all need to start looking at the BIG picture, especially the so called democrats and republicans, that stuff means little now, your either a Sovereignist (Constitution minded; By the people, for the people, of the people) or a Globalists (One world, one religion). I will get by either way but you all need to figure this stuff out, it’s no longer funny watching you argue over trivial and nearly irrelevant issues.

    Given the various levels of pollution that continue to rise and the ridiculously slow pace environmental issues are actually addressed do you really think the chem-trail issue if real will actually be of concern to any organizational entity and if so to what end. It’s all about money and someone’s getting paid.

    Here’s something to ponder!

    The quality of education is going down annually, the cost of an education is going up annually, there are more disqualifiers created annually to reduce the availability of aid to students. In the year 1900 in order to graduate from the 8th grade you had to know about the same as you would to earn an Associate of Science today, what’s really sad about that is that’s 6 more years of education, some, if not all of which you paid a premium for.

    More and more corporations are out-sourcing, off-shoring, and automating. Most people are unaware of the fact that corporations are legally bound to make decisions on the behalf of the shareholder, not the employee or community. If it is cheaper to pollute a river, kill people and wildlife, get prosecuted and work out some BS deal to half ass the clean up, as compared to investing in technology to avoid the problem altogether, shareholders win, people and wildlife die, the company pays the remedial fine and moves on, business as usual.

    The value of our dollar is diminishing on a fairly steady pace and with out mentioning the actual figure of our current national deficit, for the first time in our nations history we owe 30% of our national debt to foreign interests.

    Many of our national treasures, our parks and monuments have been turned over to the United Nations as part of the World Heritage Project, great for a Globalists, but should both enrage and scare the hell out of the Sovereignist, why, because there not ours anymore.

    Nearly every terrorists organization on the planet was created, funded, equipped, and trained by those who seem to be their primary targets. Why would this be, create fear and people seek immediate solutions, governments then create stricter laws which limit the rights of their citizens, slowly the attitude and structure of a nation and its governing body change. This is nothing new, Hitler didn’t spring up over night. Also, the US government has backed several entities that have overthrown democratically elected leaders in several nations, somewhere in the neighborhood of 11-13 and helped to install military dictators.

    The dollar is worth less than 20 years ago, the cost of living is so disproportionate that we (the middle class) would all have to make double if not triple our earnings just to live worse than our parents. At the same time the upper class, 10% or so have had a 500% increase in their earnings. Retirement is a myth for nearly everyone born after 1970, as well as social security (due to mismanagement by millionaires). Health care costs are on the rise, more treatment and more claims are being turned down.

    Where are we heading?

    Where will you be in 20 years?

    Is ignorance bliss or is knowledge power?

  27. Chris HT says:

    OK sceptics, fence sitters, and gulibles

    I have currently a hard time swallowing the antigravity helicopter (nice photo paint job though), very convenient blurded buildings in the background with erased and stamped out rotors.

    On another note, our combined consciousness is the result of the whole. If chem-trails are bumpkin then I guess depleted uranium is OK aye, atta boy/girl.

    Willful denial is not an option!

  28. sandy says:

    you guys are all a joke to me… you watch a video and pick it apart. talk garbage about it’s production value and call the guy a “NUT”.

    then some jerk off asks “how do you tell the difference in the first place?”

    if you do’nt know what a contrail is and how it is formed then you have no right to even have say as to what these chemtrails are. I’ve got an idea go out side and actually watch the planes going over head. you’ll see the diffrence.. contrails go away after 2 seconds, chemtrails stay there then move out..

    oh and here is a government document that states NOT to use chemtrails and mentions them by name


  29. phantom404 says:

    It’s sad to see when society amounts to bashing others who can express a concern (no matter how farfetched it may seem from the status quo) with ad hominem attacks rather than inductive reasoning (case in point, everything before post #28).

  30. phantom404 says:

    You hit the nail on the head, sandy. It’s sad to see when society amounts to bashing others who can express a concern (no matter how farfetched it may seem from the status quo) with ad hominem attacks rather than inductive reasoning.

    A few things to mention are admitted barium and aluminum additives to jet fuel so planes can apply aerial-“sunscreens” (surprise, surprise). You could also investigate a nifty little document called “Owning the Weather” (the authors try to claim in the disclaimer that the work amounts to science fiction, yet provide so many logistical and technical benefits to applied weather modification within the document itself). HAARP ties into it because at this point, if you begin to see signs of desired artificial atmospheric modification, you can see electromagnetic applications and consequences as well. You can easily Google any of these details and much more, just try doing a little something called researching.

    The moral: get out of the Dark Ages and try proving and backing up what you say rather than allowing wishful thinking to overtake rationality. As a more direct reproach; governments all over the world (including the U.S.) have been caught committing crimes against humanity against their own people “on such a massive scale that it is impossible for such incompetent governments to even imagine doing”, so this really wouldn’t be a surprise.


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