Associated Press – June 10, 2006:

The long, steady decline in U.S. teen smoking since the late 1990s appears to have come to a standstill, health officials said Friday.

A survey released this week showed smoking among high school students held steady at one in four teens between 2003 and 2005. Two other surveys in the past year or so found teen smoking has apparently plateaued since 2002.

And the winner of the hyperbolic statement of the year goes to…

The fact that youth smoking rates are not declining anymore is a wake-up call,” said Vince Willmore, a spokesman for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.

And just to get this straight…

The latest CDC survey was not uniformly bad news. There were continued declines in the percentages of high school students who were heavy smokers, had ever tried smoking, or had smoked on school property.

So overall, teen smoking is actually declining!

  1. Jim W. says:

    so, we can effectivly teach kids to stop smoking and prevent cancer, but we have to give them an injection to prevent a cancer caused by sex rather than teaching them to not have sex in the first place. Makes perfect sense to me (not).

  2. xully says:

    I can’t believe the media would create hysteria just to sell stories. That would be like writing an op-ed piece about how you thought Bill Gates was going to switch to OSX since Vista cost too much to develop.

  3. SN says:

    Xully, I never thought Gates should switch to OSX. That’s completely ridiculous and utterly far fetched!

    However, it seems that John once thought that Apple should switch to Vista. And I once accused Gates of taking over the internet.

  4. SN says:

    Jim W, yeah. And instead of curing skin cancer, we should just teach kids to stay out of the sun! I’m with you Jim. We’re like peanuts on butter!

  5. catbeller says:

    Horsecrap. The percentage of teens who ADMIT they smoke has declined. That’s all a questionnaire can quantify. What the actual statistics are can’t be measured without meters inplanted in every kid’s lungs.

  6. doug says:

    if the effectiveness of anti-smoking programs have peaked, they might not get additional gumming money, thus the panic for the recipients of said largesse …

  7. xully says:

    SN, I guess you havent heard about the recent tidbit from vloggercon regarding hysteria for profits.

  8. George says:

    Damn I was sure counting on those taxes to prop up SS in my old age.

  9. Locke says:

    #1: Frankly, you are an idiot.
    You can get cancer AT ANY AGE, whether YOU ARE MARRIED OR NOT, MUSLIM OR JEW, so the only “other” way to stop this type of cancer is to make everyone a eunuch.

  10. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    “Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?”
    George Bush, Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

    “See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” George Bush, Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005

  11. joshua says:

    I’m having a ball, laughing at Mr. Fusion today……apparently he has given up on converting with argument……and is resorting to *TRUTHFUL QUOTES*……LOL

  12. Tobby says:

    Its good to hear that teen smoking is declining. Teen smoking is one of the major problem of our society.


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