Aside from placing oversize 16:9 video screens in all the usual public places throughout Germany — for the World Cup — Philips is putting back-to-back LED Vidiwall screens at 140 square meters each on a barge on the River Main in Frankfurt.

Initially, the intention was to have one giant video screen measuring 60m² in each of the 12 host cities. However, the plans have now developed and grown to a total of 25 video screens provided by Philips Vidiwall, ranging in size from a respectable 25m² to an enormous 140m²! All 64 World Cup matches will be shown on the video screens, all of which will be placed in central locations in the 12 cities. The images will be supplied by the broadcasting corporations ARD, ZDF and RTL – free-of-charge.

My wife couldn’t give me a hard time about wanting a set so big that it would block the windows. There wouldn’t be any windows.

  1. Mike Voice says:

    Now I begin to understand the recent news stories about other countries advertising to attract “Football Widows” desperate to get away from anything related to the World Cup…

  2. John Schumann says:

    It doesn’t seem like a very exciting sport. Those are nice TV’s, but they probably cost a lot right now.

  3. Higghawker says:

    Anybody seen the movie “Minority Report” where ads from huge screens along the street scan you as you walk by and persaonally ask you if you would like that product? I don’t think this is to far away? Scary!!

  4. GCRaya says:

    These TV walls were in a book not to far back, Fahrenheit 451. No it has nothing to do with Fahrenheit 911. Michael Moore stole that title. Ray Bradbury had nothing to do with that movie. Mr. Bradbury wrote of a time when all we do is watch TV on huge TVs the size of an entire wall. Nobody reads books. It is illegal to read books. I think those times are not very far off. Fireman gather the books and set them on fire. 451 is the temp at which the books burn at.

  5. Rebel says:

    #4. These TV walls were in a book not to far back ….

    I was thinking exactly the same thing when I seen this. What’s even stranger is now so many of the SciFi books of the day are actually coming to life – well, pieces of them anyway. I’m sure if you’ve pulled this one out, you’ve noticed others.


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