US soldiers with Bahamas police

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wants to end U.S. Army helicopter support for a joint U.S.-Bahamas drug-interdiction program that over the past two decades has resulted in hundreds of arrests and the seizure of tons of cocaine and marijuana.

But in a May 15 letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Rumsfeld said it was time after more than 20 years to shift the equipment elsewhere. The military is being stretched thin by the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and other commitments around the globe.

The letter asks Gonzales to help identify “a more appropriate agency” to provide the air support. Rumsfeld said he wants to complete the military pullout from the program by Oct. 1, 2007.

  1. MikA says:

    Stretched thin by Iraq and Afghanistan!! Good job they didn’t get involved in a big war.

  2. Improbus says:

    We need to merge these two wars. How about the War on Liberty?

  3. James Hill says:

    Nice to see a thread were liberals can cry about their topic of choice, and then try to wrap it around the War on Terror.


  4. moss says:

    James, heartwarming to see that Rumsfeld enjoys your uncritical support.

  5. Anon says:

    James, “wrap [their topic of choice]” around the war on terror”. Are we talking about the president? Come off it.

  6. forrest says:


    This is just another attempt by the Department of Defense to keep its inflated funding.

    As an alternative to moving more equipment and troops into Iraq for eventual withdrawal, maybe we should move them out of Iraq…that would seem to make more logical sense.

  7. John Wofford says:

    Other resources: Train the folks doing squat time for possession and use in how to intercept and seize drug shipments, paying them a percentage of the take for their efforts. This will work on several levels, reducing the import of the jolly stuff into the states, putting the prisoners to work, taxing their seizures, raising the moral of all convicted drug offenders and establishing a real neato career path for dopers. There is a niche for everyone, and this could help untold millions find theirs.

  8. BHK says:

    Wow. Tons of marijuana and cocaine. That explains why people should be upset – it’s obviously working well because those drugs are almost impossible to find and no one is able to do them anymore!

    John – slavery is a good thing, forcing people to be law enforcement agents and risking their lives is even better, especially if don’t have to train them much or pay them much! Also, it’s obvious that none of those fine dopers would ever consider doing something so corrupt as tipping off dealers as to when they should cut and run. I think your plan is the best!

  9. paddler says:

    Hey at least we are beginning to pull out of ‘wars’ that we have no hope of winning. Maybe this will start a trend.

    By the way I’m neither a Democrat or a Republican. I’m just an average American that is sick and tired with what both parties are turnig this country into.

    People that brand others as liberals like its some kind of evil cult really need to stop having Rush Limbaugh do their thinking for them. Pry open your mind and you will see I’m right… er correct

  10. Trevor says:

    The drug war is the only war that’s been less successful than Iraq. makes sense.

  11. Mike Voice says:

    DOD has been supplying support for 20-years, but now “its time” to move them elsewhere… which elsewhere? Iran?

    The letter asks Gonzales to help identify “a more appropriate agency” to provide the air support.

    Hmmm… Coast Guard helicopters – no, no, they are already providing 3 of ’em… Forest Service helicopters? Border Patrol heilcopters???NSA “black” helicopters???

    Help me out here, which government agency has 7 helicopters to spare…

  12. Gary Marks says:

    Perhaps it’s time to cut back the war on drugs, maybe just a single officer posted outside Rush Limbaugh’s house, making sure he doesn’t violate the terms of his parole. Everyone else is on the honor system 😉

  13. JHS says:

    In 1990 the US could fight in 2 Regions (Europe and Pacific) plus have have the equivalent of .5 of a theater’s component in reserve. (or 2.5 wars) The “Peace Dividend” of the 90s did away with 1.5 of that capability. Or the equivalent of the 4th largest army in the world. And you wonder why equipment is being recalled? Get rid of your rose glasses.

  14. Allen says:

    He said “joint” interdiction.

    Heh heh heh. Heh heh.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe Bush needs more “coke” and not the diet one 😉


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