Apparent target of Islamist Nutballs

NPR : Canadian Charges Detail Plan to Attack Parliament — From the sounds of this story, this is getting too weird. What are these boneheads smoking? They need to round up everyone from this mosque.

Speaking outside the courthouse in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, defense attorney Gary Batasar said that his client, Steven Vikash Chand, is accused of plotting an attack on Canada’s Parliament and planning to take over media outlets, including the studios of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

“The allegations as you’ve reported are quite serious, including storming and bombing of various buildings,” Batasar said. “There’s an allegation apparently that my client personally indicated that he wanted to behead the prime minister of Canada.”

Will the new buzzword be “death to Canada?”

  1. Dylan Neild says:

    And a favour to all of us it would have been.

    Grit majority, 2007 (a brother can dream, can’t he?)

  2. Steph says:

    i’ve been listening to twit for over a year and reading this blog for almost as long … i think … and i STILL, to this very day, giggle whenever john calls someone a bonehead.

  3. JimR says:

    Ya, right Dylan, kill the only Canada that has the balls to deal with these a-holes. Harper’s election promise was to be tough on crime. I wouldn’t be the least surprised if the RCMP had arrested members of the Liberal party in connection with this bust.

    The Liberals are toast for at least 3 more terms.

  4. Ryan says:

    JimR, what are you smoking? 3 terms? Maybe one term.

    And if any party would have people arrested in connection with this it would be the cons. After all, at least one of the terrorists was ex-army.

  5. AB CD says:

    That guy looks alot like Joe Scarborough.

  6. Jeff says:

    Why attack Canada at all? Seems to me they’re the only ones in the world who haven’t pissed someone off.

  7. JimR says:

    Ryan, I smoke Reality whenever possible. Liberal sleasiness is never-ending. It’s a game of ‘musical chairs’ for the hot seat where Joe Volpe is currently sitting for accepting huge donations from the children of a generic drug maker, Apotex.

    If the Liberals aren’t playing misical chairs, it’s Limbo under the ethical bar.

    As long as Harper keeps his head, the Conservatives wil only get stronger.

  8. Alan Strangis says:


    Our (Canuck) media is just as bad. Last I heard, the Parliament/Beheading plan was dropped well before Harper took office a few months ago.

  9. catbeller says:

    Harper is just a neocon a-hole, a man who lied his way into office (promised to be a “centrist”, immediately changed costume and turned into Bush). As a student of the Calgary School, a Straussian, he is dedicated to lying to the lower classes who just don’t get it.

    Now, as for the terrorists — they wouldn’t be mad about the secret prisons, the invasion of Afghanistan, the cooperation with Bush, would they? My point is, they aren’t after Canadian “freedom” — they’re insanely pissed at what Canada has done. And Harper will milk this EXACTLY the way Bush milked 9-11 — to decontruct freedoms for his people, silence the media, and invade brown people.

    Where in the hell can we go to live when the US finally goes belly up now that the Canadians are going fascist?

  10. catbeller says:

    The psychos are bolting from western Canada and grabbing power. God help you all.

  11. JimR says:

    Harper may not be St. Stephen, but it’s a long, long, long way down to the Liberal underworld.

    What do you mean by “the whole fight on terrorism nonsense”? What’s the alternative? Cower for self preservation? Look the other way?

  12. joshua says:

    #13….you suggesting that Canada may have French leanings?

  13. Terry says:

    When the secret police come smashing through your door and haul you off to prison for publicly expressing your opinion, then you’ll know (finally) what a fascist state is.
    Until then, how about learning what the word really means? Hint: it doesn’t mean conservative.

  14. bilzebub says:

    First of all, there is an indication that this ‘admission’ by a hitherto credible defence lawyer was satirical – as in ‘the police even think my client planned to behead the PM’. The dean of Toronto’s Osgoode Hall law school said as much yesterday…

    Second, Canada was targeted because of our ongoing ‘mission’ in Afghanistan. To the best of my knowledge no one has threatened to bomb Norway, or Belgium, say. So, right or wrong, we have ‘pissed someone off’.

  15. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I am always so amazed at how quickly people are believe that who ever gets arrested is automatically guilty. In both Canada and the US, a person is innocent until proven guilty. The American media has made a lot of noise about what these “terrorists” were supposed to do. But they only have the police to base their stories on, and conjecture. And we know the police never lie.

    My guess is within the next few months we will start seeing some of those arrested released without charge and the other charges reduced until it all becomes just another phony setup. Very few, if any, of the charges will stick.

    Just my guess.


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