Hot Chatting With A Robot — Humor by John C. Dvorak — Curiously I ran into this column in someone’s online archive and thought it should go into the Lost Columns Archive. Enjoy.

This column initially began after I read a story about a couple that is getting a divorce because the woman was having an “affair” with some online geek she had never met or laid eyes on. It was ridiculous. Some affair. It’s like having an affair with an imaginary friend. It was the husband who filed for divorce, probably unaware that the handsome man his wife was having an online affair with was a pimple-faced 14-year-old or some old man from Dubuque. Or, as my little online experience indicates, it may have been a robot!

First appearing in April 1996 Boardwatch Magazine (when I was funnier). Read it here.

  1. Don says:

    Turing Test – 1.
    Monica – 0

  2. JohnnyM says:

    she sounds like a keeper, should have follwed up on her John!

  3. Raff says:

    If you want to see a bot like that in action go to

    click on the webchat link

    then check out Jordanas room.. just type something in and don’t forget to hit the refresh button if you pick the no frames mode.. The Bot is a halfway decent one..

  4. David.W says:

    I see John was vainly googling his name again. Just kidding, John.

  5. I actually DO Google my name once a month to see what might be going on behind the scenes. But this I can assure you was a fluke! I need to post more of these old columns anyway.

  6. jenina says:



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