Daily Times – Site Edition — this is amusing. This means that Greenland must have been green at some point too. This may be a good time to buy up land there and Northern Canada, eh?

Scientists have found what might have been the ideal ancient vacation hotspot with a 74-degree Fahrenheit average temperature, alligator ancestors and palm trees. It’s smack in the middle of the Arctic.

  1. moss says:

    I figured I’d wait till a smarmy comment landed.

    The carbon dioxide “spike” referred to occurred over ab’t 800,000 years. As did the resultant fern growth in the Arctic that not only turned around the warming; but, initiated the following ice age. Which took another 800,000 years. A scale of time apparently well beyond the average Konservative ostrich.

    Much less comprehension of what the temp, say, in Washington DC would have been at the same time.


  2. Vince says:

    Wait, what about plate tectonics? I thought that they had found the same sort of stuff in Antartica but had attributed it to when that continent had been closer to the equator.

    So whats the difference here? If continents move, certainly the sea floor does too right?

  3. gquaglia says:

    I’m surprised Al Gore is even allowing this story on his internet…

  4. ECA says:

    It is postulated,
    That greenland was a small paridise, when the Vikings landed there. then a small ice age came in..

  5. Chris says:

    In case anyone hasn’t figured it out, “The Arctic” wasn’t in the same place then as the “Arctic” we know now.

    As other commenters have mentioned, this is due to plate tectonics.

    Do a Google on “pangea” if you want to know more.

  6. Douglas A Griffiths says:

    Oops, since science knows there have been several (six or more) ice ages and then subsequent gobal warming before man I wonder who caused them? Gee conservatives must be to blame, huh? I wonder if the whole process could just be a natural cycle of the earth? Of course, liberals don’t need the luxury of thinking too much as they simply listen to Al Gore who say all scientists are 100 percent in agreement except the few who must be nut cases to disagree with him and the other Global Warming advocates. By the way it wasn’t too long ago (1970’s and early 1980s) scientists were warning of Global Cooling! It is time for all the chicken littles to take a breath and learn to question what you are taught. Here is an interesting article to read, but beware it might cause you to question what you know to be liberal fact.


  7. Charlie M says:

    A few years ago, I saw AlGore on C-SPAN addressing a global warming conference group somewhere and I actually heard him say. (Paraphrased) You guys can make a lot of money trying to correct global warming!!!!!!!!!!
    Did anyone else hear him say this?

  8. Neal Saferstein says:

    Al Gore Media Blitz!

    Neal Saferstein

  9. AB CD says:

    Plate tectonics? There are no plates to tecton. The North Pole is just ice with no land underneath.


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