I’ve been holding off posting anything about this one over the weekend. I’ve been waiting to hear what solid evidence has been produced to back up the WMD-claim the anti-terror brigade was hunting. Three days later the answer is, “NONE”.

Counter-terrorism officials conceded yesterday that lethal chemical devices they feared had been stored at an east London house raided on Friday may never have existed.

Confidence among officials appeared to be waning as searches at the address continued to yield no evidence of a plot for an attack with cyanide or other chemicals. A man was shot during the raid, adding to pressure on the authorities for answers about the accuracy of the intelligence that led them to send 250 officers to storm the man’s family home at dawn.

Officials are not yet prepared to admit the intelligence was wrong. But there is diminishing optimism that it will be shown to wholly or even partially correct. Speaking of the feared chemical devices, one official said: “They might be elsewhere or never existed.”

250 cops! They had to be lined up around the block.

The Guardian has learned that over the weekend police intensified their planning for dealing with community anger if it turns out the intelligence was wrong.

Oh — here’s the latest PR message from the police to the community:

“The public may have to get used to this sort of incident, with the police having to be safe rather than sorry.”

Neighbors are talking to the press as well. At the moment, the London police and MI5 are getting busy blaming each other.

So far, the London anti-terror specialists are batting 0 for 2 when it comes to shooting “suspects”. At least they didn’t kill this one.


On our side of the pond, the Canadian bust looks legit. Bravo. At least someone is doing it right.


Update, Tuesday 6 June: Looking more and more like a screwup!

Senior counter-terrorism officials now believe that the intelligence that led to the raid on a family house last Friday in a search for a chemical device about to be used to attack Britain was wrong…

One official, with knowledge why police acted and what had been found from days of searching, said the intelligence had been acted on correctly, but added last night: “There is no viable device at that house. There is no device being constructed, or chemicals. There does not appear to be anything there or anywhere else.”

  1. Jim(R) says:

    Greg, anothe apt slogal is:

    “damned if you do and damned if you don’t”

  2. James says:

    The information must have been legit, it came straight from Cheney

  3. Steve Nobes says:

    John, I like your Amsterdam photies. Well composed, good lighting interesting subjects. You’re a creative dude, right?

  4. doug says:

    that quote about getting used to it is startling honesty from a police agency ….

  5. Neal Saferstein says:

    Where is MI5 when you need them?

    Neal Saferstein

  6. g. says:

    Another wonderful example why the “Shoot To Kill Policy is such a great idea. I wish my country would employ these measures too.


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