Lots of sophomoric jokes here, but wait until this sort of legislation takes a toll in this country. You know it’s coming.

IVF clinic forced to close after running out of sperm

A SCOTTISH IVF clinic has been forced to close its doors to new patients because it has run out of sperm.

The clinic at the Aberdeen Maternity Hospital – one of only five in the country – has shut down because of a national lack of sperm donors.

Fertility treatment in Scotland has been plunged into crisis because new government rules means sperm donors can no longer be anonymous.

Unintended consequences of do-gooderism. Helping one group (adoptees who want to know who their biologicals are) hurts another.

On a lighter note, notice the AdSense ads on the article’s page for Yahoo.com (Donor Sperm. 100,000 stores. Deals. Reviews. Donor Sperm & More!)

  1. gquaglia says:

    Would you donate sperm if there was a posibility that several years later you would be served with court papers for child support just because you were the biological father of someone you didn’t even know?

  2. John Schumann says:

    Yes, it’s true: The ad really does say that!

  3. name says:


    I don’t know how that would hold up in court… It’s not like the injector had any part in the activities. I guess it would be analogous to filling a turkey baster with some, uh, fluids, and inviting anyone to take it home for some home cooking. Just providing the soup doesn’t make dinner for two! God, so many analagies!

    Then again… lawyers can do anything these days.

    And no, I wouldn’t provide my details with my donation either!

  4. Dan says:

    Can I mail them some? I seem to have a lot.

  5. jim says:

    If they combined a brothel with a sperm bank it might be a very viable place. The sperm donation would help offset the cost of the brothel.

  6. spsffan says:

    Oh dear! What will we do? How will the race survive?
    I mean REALLY! Don’t we have enough human (too much? far too much??) reproduction going on the “regular” way to kill what is left of the planet?

    I’ m not at all religous, but maybe, just maybe if you can’t reproduce without help from the old turkey baster folks, you shouldn’t have children.

    File under : Shesh!


  7. name says:


    TO quote Homer Simpson…
    “I don’t know… you gotta be pretty desperate to do it with a robot…”

  8. gquaglia says:

    “Then again… lawyers can do anything these days.”

    No truer words spoken. If a criminal can sucessfully sue and win for getting hurt while breaking into your home, then none of us are safe.

  9. forrest says:

    There better be some fine nurse making sure there’s no spilling out of that cup while it’s getting filled…

  10. Miguel Correia says:

    “Lots of sophomoric jokes here, but wait until this sort of legislation takes a toll in this country. You know it’s coming.”…

    You know it’s coming!! Actually, in Scotland, it isn’t coming any longer!! ROTFLOL

  11. Mike says:

    And on the other side of the child support spectrum, I’ve also read about the rare cases where the husband was cheated on, later found out the kid wasn’t his, and was still stuck paying child support after the divorce.

  12. Mark T. says:

    3. This reminds me of the gal that gave some guy oral, spat it out, impregnated herself with it, and sued for child support. Since the guy is the biological father, the court sided with her.

    When lawyers write the rules, you can’t trust anyone. Best to keep it in your pants.

  13. CanCup says:

    It’s entirely possible that a sperm recipient could sue the donor of the sperm that she was impregnated with, especially if she knows who the donor is and his financial worth. A good lawyer could do wonders here. I can imagine the cross-examination now:

    Plaintiff’s Lawyer: You voluntarily provided sperm to the bank, correct?
    Defendant: Um, Yes.
    Plaintiff’s Lawyer: No one forced you? No one dragged you? No one put a gun to your head?
    Defendant: No.
    Plaintiff’s Lawyer: And what did you think would happen to the sperm you so willingly and copiously provided?
    Defendant: Well, I assumed the bank would match it with a suitable recipient and-
    Plaintiff’s Lawyer: AH HA! So you KNEW your sperm would be used to bring a new life into the world, RIGHT?
    Defendant: Well, yeah, but-
    Plaintiff’s Lawyer: And you NATURALLY assumed you could just walk in, grab a porno rag and some Vaseline, and have yourself GOOD OL’ TIME, and ignore the consequences of your actions, DIDN’T YOU?
    Defendant: I…I…
    Plaintiff’s Lawyer: You thought you could just FATHER A CHILD, and then abandon it? Your child is now on welfare and you’re living in your big fancy 3-car-garage house, and you feel you have absolutely no moral duty or responsibility to your own CHILD who didn’t ask to be born?
    Defendant: But-
    Plaintiff’s Lawyer: How do you live with yourself ? …

  14. Neal Saferstein says:

    File under : Shesh!

    Neal Saferstein

  15. joshua says:

    maybe some *projection* going on there uncle dave……


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