“Jesus H. Christ, they paid HOW much???”

Jerry Falwell’s Florsheim Loafers Auctioned on eBay

[Jerry] Falwell parted with the loafers several weeks ago at the request of a creation studies class.

“He gave us his shoes right away,” said Angela Franulovich, a LU student. “Dr. Falwell is kind of a fun-loving person.”

Apparently, they’re not required to read much at Liberty University….

Falwell said the shoes are the ones he wore for all of 2005.

“I wear one pair of shoes whether I’m playing in the yard with my grandkids or going to the White House,” he said.

“These shoes could tell a lot of things that I won’t.”

Related Link: The Auction Page

  1. JohnnyM says:

    For $200 there better be a image of jesus somewhere on there…

  2. Watch this become a trend!

  3. SN says:

    “Watch this become a trend!”

    Someone like Pamela Lee Anderson could make a fortune just selling her used underwear online!

  4. Jim says:

    “No one every went broke underestimating the taste of the American People”

    PT Barnum

  5. KB says:

    A smart person would have bought the shoes, held them for six months, claimed they were healed of an affliction upon touching them, and resold (resoled? 🙂 ) them. “God told me that I was not allowed to keep this miracle to myself. Like the clothing of the Apostle Paul, these shoes rock!” I’ll guarantee that there would be religious nutballs out there who would buy them– and for a lot more than $200.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    What’s next? Pat Robertson auctioning his weight lifting truss?

  7. joshua says:

    Pamala Anderson WEARS underware?

  8. Gary Marks says:

    I’ll buy the brake lines from Falwell’s car for $500.

  9. Jim(R) says:

    I think you’ve all missed the big story here…

    Gerry Fallwell is selling soles to the highest bidder!

    (nb souls)

  10. RonD says:

    Maybe Jay Leno will show this in his next “Found on eBay” segment.

  11. Marco D Beest says:

    So many jokes, so little space.

    Falwell sells his sole?
    Falwell parted with the loafers several weeks ago… So what DID he part with them.
    Can I walk on water with them? Only outdoors during the winter.
    Are these his exorcise shoes?
    You get the gist…


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