It’s Freakshow Friday. Time to learn how the ultra-Christians think the battle of Armageddon will be fought with a map of the battles. Video game soon to follow. Oh, wait. Will there be video games in the afterlife? WGCWJU (which game console would Jesus use)?

Thanks to my brother Don for finding this.

  1. Mike Voice says:

    The European Union is destined to be the tool of Satan in the “final conflict”…? who knew!? [other than Daniel, anyway]

    Too bad Christianity requires me to acknowledge the power of Satan… a nice religion otherwise…

  2. Corey says:

    Too bad there are no official predictions on the “infamous Anarchist”. My guess is that it will be Bono.

    I suppose if I had my own television show, newsletter, “research team” working for me, I’d be doing this crap too…

  3. Gary Marks says:

    With a battle as interesting as Armaggedon, I’d like to see Geraldo Rivera cover it as an embedded reporter. Perhaps he could draw one of his famous diagrams in the sand to illustrate future troop movements, the way he did during his coverage of Gulf War I for Fox News. Good media coverage is always important, and never more so than with the final battle of all battles. And if predictions of melting human flesh are accurate, makeup personnel will be in high demand to keep Geraldo at his very best, but I’m sure they’ll keep him looking very handsome and reassuring.

    It’s been too long since I picked on Geraldo 😉

  4. GregAllen says:

    I was raised going to a fundamentalist church and we had charts explaining the end of the world according to Hal Lindsey.

    Back then, of coruse, it was the Soviet Union who was in Revelation.

    Now, I suppose, it will be the Muslim nations on those charts.

    It doesn’t bother me very much that Lindsey got it wrong; what bothers me is his fake pseudo-certainty.

  5. Bob says:

    We make light of this…but the really scary thing is many (including our wonderful leader) believe in this crap and may actually be instrumental in causing it to happen.

  6. Bruce IV says:

    Oh c’mon … this is one organization taking a little bit of Biblical prophesy and extrapolating WAY too far with it – about the only thing he can say with true confidence is that Israel will be of stratigic importance

  7. Mike Voice says:

    I’d like to see Geraldo Rivera cover it as an embedded reporter.

    Thank You, Gary. That was a good one!

  8. James says:

    What a dork. Why all the Christian-bashing lately? It’s really been a dominant theme on

  9. Gary Marks says:

    #5 Bob “instrumental in causing it to happen” — very possibly so, but not so much an active attempt on his part to fulfill the prophecy, as simply resigned to its inevitability. One never tries very hard to prevent what one sees as inevitable.

    Then other days I’m convinced that Bush really isn’t a true believer at all, merely using religion to escape moral scrutiny of his actions while building a winning political coalition.

  10. Jim(R) says:

    Last one to attack Israel is a rotten egg.

    The trouble is that there are too many religious nutcakes ready to eat that garbage up and ask for more. Plant such an idea in this world and it just might happen.

  11. Mike Voice says:

    Why all the Christian-bashing lately?

    Because Islam-bashing gets people killed…

  12. “This Is How The World Ends”.
    Which did it turn out to be? In fire or ice?

    Bill, is very sorry.

  13. Uncle Dave says:

    #8: Because like the far-right Republicans, the wacko Christians give the mainstream ones a bad name.

  14. Jim(R) says:

    James, you just have to read the worldwide daily news to see where the the hostility towards religion is originating from.

    But you can always be a perfect Christian and do as Jesus instructed…

    Math 5:31 ” But I tell you, don’t resist him who is evil; but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
    (yada, yada)

    Math 5:44 “But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you,”
    (yada, yada)

    Math 5:48 “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”

    Of course Armageddon won’t be fought by Christians then, will it? But wait…”Then the Lord will go out and make war against those nations, as he did in the day of the fight.”Zach 14:3

    So what’s the message here? Be perfect like the Lord and love your enemies, or kill all the bastards like the Lord?

  15. Steven says:

    Why all the Christian-bashing lately?

    Because Islam-bashing gets people killed…

    And my do they go ballistic when they get “offended”

  16. Chris says:

    If Armageaddon is coming, it must mean that the Leafs finally will win the Stanley Cup!

  17. Chase says:

    hmm… one would think that for the prophecy regarding the EU to be true, that it would have to have ten nations… not 13.

  18. ECA says:

    If we could curb our appitite for Oil,
    And keep our noses out of the middle east. Except to keep them THERE.

    I think they would do a good job, on each other.
    But, for some reason I cant get the Polititions to believe this, or WANT to believe it.
    There would be so much INfighting, we could sit on the side lines and watch the GLOW of radioactivity…

    But, No…
    We have to get in the way, and give them ANOTHER target, besides each other.. This is like trying to breakup a husband and wife.. and they BOTH turn on you..
    they no long Fight each other…They Beat on YOU.

  19. Ballenger says:

    There would be a lot less Christian bashing if more Fundamentalist acted more like Christians and less like two bit carnival hustler con-men playing on the ignorance of their audience.

    These kool-aid merchants have elevated bashing to an art form. I find it a little hard to feel sorry for them when they get what they have been mass marketing for years. As a matter of fact, there would likely be a lot more Christians if these rim-zone nut-jobs would focus on solutions for reducing human suffering and injustice (you know, like Jesus) and stop worrying that their kids will read a Harry Potter book and learn how to turn them intro bigger toads than they already are.

  20. rizzn says:

    Oh, I just love it when the armchair theologians and anti-theists come out to play! There’s nothing more entertaining than watching those completely uninformed and uneducated on religion make fun of those who are completely misguided and uneducated about religion.

    Does this make you feel good inside to mischaracterize billions of people worldwide by highlighting a fringe element? Cheap. Real cheap.

  21. I’m buying one of these maps!!! Cool.

  22. Mike Voice says:

    There’s nothing more entertaining than watching those completely uninformed and uneducated on religion make fun of those who are completely misguided and uneducated about religion.

    Darn toot’n…

    What else do you think would keep me coming back??

  23. JohnnyM says:

    If its inevitable why hasn’t it happended yet? Then whats the point of waiting? I got kicked from saturday school for asking too many questions

    but really not all chrstians are wacko nutjobs just the promient politicians are you will nary find a middle class zealot well at least i havent yet here in the CA Stil doesn’t bash religion it bashes nutjobs who use relgion instead of following it

  24. ECA says:

    Its amazing that the WHITE folk of Europe, 1200-1600’s…
    LOVE to go south and try to get Jerusalum BACk from the TURKS after letting it fall.

    Isrealiyes, didnt want OTHERS to use their sacred site, and the TURKS took it as Their own, because Isreal wouldnt LET them IN.
    And we have been fighting over this land, EVEN today..

    Screw it…Make the land, INDEPENDANT, and INTERNATIONAL, and FREE… Let Nato, protect it, and harbor it…

  25. doug says:

    hmmm … maybe time to add another line to the old saw “amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics …” and now “fundies talk crap.”

    and is it me or is Yemen a mighty odd “stepping stone” to Israel, what with it being on the wrong end of the Arabian peninsula and all …

  26. Gregory says:

    Good GOD why on EARTH do people CAPITALISE every other WORD thinking that is makes it sounds more IMPORTANT or give it EMPHASIS when it is ACTUALLY really bloody ANNOYING?

  27. catbeller says:

    Why are we making fun of the religious lunatics who want the world to end so badly they make maps showing the glorious final battle?

    I think the question contains the answer. Efficient.

  28. ECA says:

    the reason….
    Fanatics…Break off groups, splinter groups, Illiterates that TELL the people WHAT to think because they cant read it and decide themselves.

    All make good fodder.

  29. John Wofford says:

    Christians want to convert everybody to their faith, Muslims simply want to kill everybody not of their faith while Buddhists and the Zen pilots merely want to sit back, get fat and meditate on how to better themselves, without violence or even killing whole populations. Solitary meditation means no one passes a plate, and that creepy to the max shepherd/flock thing is completely irrelevant.
    And besides, that map is way too complicated for the average goo-head to comprehend, but wait! That’s what all the talking TV heads, preachers, news analysts, etc, are for, to tell the goof balls what everything means.

  30. ECA says:

    Caps, make it easier for ME to read…
    and if you really wish to know, I can get a few others, I know to vouch, that its the way I talk…

    30, ya got that pretty good.
    catholics are looking to convert everyone,
    Muslums wish to Shoot everyone that wont convert to theirs.
    And the rest like to Sit back and watch..


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