It’s Freakshow Friday. Time to learn how the ultra-Christians think the battle of Armageddon will be fought with a map of the battles. Video game soon to follow. Oh, wait. Will there be video games in the afterlife? WGCWJU (which game console would Jesus use)?

Thanks to my brother Don for finding this.

  1. JohnnyM says:

    actually evangelicals are more into converting than catholics we just make new catholics through babies

  2. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Good GOD why on EARTH do people CAPITALISE every other WORD thinking that is makes it sounds more IMPORTANT or give it EMPHASIS when it is ACTUALLY really bloody ANNOYING?
    Comment by Gregory — 6/2/2006 @ 7:18 pm

    Geeze Greg, if you only knew how bothersome it is to read text like that…

  3. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Does this make you feel good inside to mischaracterize billions of people worldwide by highlighting a fringe element? Cheap. Real cheap.
    Comment by rizzn — 6/2/2006 @ 12:27 pm

    Yup. It makes me feel real good. To use an old saying, kill ’em all and let God sort it out.

  4. ECA says:

    fringe group???

    then 2/3’s the christian world is fringe…what about the ruffles?

  5. Ron Larson says:

    This map cracks me up! Let’s look at these claims.

    Euphrates River dams: Oh yea. Those dams will make all the difference in the world. Perhaps they forget to consider that the timely destruction of those dams could unleash a flood to slow down that invading army trekking up a dry riverbed.

    And why would an army would choose to stay inside the riverbed when they have plenty of open desert they could choose?

    Suez Canel: “Is a vital link for navel support”. No shit Sherlock. Who’s naval support? The attacking Russians or the defending Israelis? It doesn’t say. Still. Any country enough stupid enough to bet that the canel will open for “naval support” in war deserves what happens to them.

    Yemen: Gotta love how Yeman in designated as the “Russia’s possible final stepping stone to Israel”. That is some final-step! The Russians woud have to step over a lot of open territory to get to Israel! That gives Israel and her allies plenty of space to engage hostle miliary forces from Yemen before they reach the north end of the Red Sea.

    Wouldn’t it be a lot easier to just punch though Syria and/or Jordan?

    The map also claims that Yemen is Marxist controlled, with Russian and Cuban troops stationed there. That is old information. The marists southern Yeman collapsed and was integrated into northen Yemen, similar to how East Germany was integrarted into a West Germany.

    It didn’t go as smooth as Germany. But Yeman is more of a threat as a base for Islamic terrorists than communist fanatics and troops. In case they forget, Islamic fundamentalists hate communists because they view them as athiests.

    I love how they mention that the Russian navy has ships in the Indian Ocean, and subs in the Red Sea. Try getting that navy through the Suez Canel in wartime. Good luck. I would think that Russian navy ships in the Mediterranian and Black Seas would be scarier to an Israel facing a Russian attack.

    Karakoram Highway: Aka “The KKH”. A “Super Highway” to give the Chinese an overland route? Hmmmm… a slight exeggeration there. Reality? It is a two lane highway through some nasty mountan passes and the highest paved road on the planet. I’m sure Israel is shaking in their boots over that road.

    Dardanelles: Yes, those clueless Ruski generals again! When ordered to attack Israel, they decide to take the scenic route around the west end of the Black Sea. Where, to their amazment, they have to cross the Dardanelles or the Bosphorus. Both being narrow, critcle, and easily defended choke points. Also, they hoped that all those other nations they have sneak the army through on this route didn’t notice the lines of Russian tanks headed south and tip someone who cares.

    Sure is more fun than simply going south across the Carpathian mountains into Turkey and Syria.

    I’m not a Christian nut. But with battle plans like this, I almost hope that the Battle of Armaggedon happens. It will be the shortest and stupidest battle ever. Then we can but this behind us and I hope the religious idiots run out of things to make up.


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