U.S. asks companies to record Web usage – Technology – International Herald Tribune — Another good way to see what political sites you visit. You know to see if you are with us or against us. Does anyone see a pattern here?

The Justice Department is asking Internet companies to keep records on the Web-surfing activities of their customers to aid law enforcement, and may propose legislation to force them to do so.

The director of the FBI, Robert Mueller 3rd, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales held a meeting May 26 in Washington, where they offered a general proposal on record-keeping to a group of senior executives from Internet companies, said Brian Roehrkasse, a spokesman for the Justice Department. The meeting included representatives from America Online, Microsoft, Google, Verizon and Comcast.

found by Alex Cohen

  1. Tod White says:

    Who’s gonna be the first to file War Crimes charges on the current admin.?


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