Already on sale in Japan

Dude, you’re getting Skype with your Dell.

The popular Internet phone-calling software will come pre-installed on two of Dell’s newest laptop computers, the companies announced Wednesday.

The more Skype can simplify getting people introduced to its program, “the better it’ll be for themselves and their parent company,” said Gartner analyst Lydia Leong. “For Dell, it opens up the possibility that they might want to embed Skype support in other applications. Perhaps like Dell technical support calls over Skype.”

Last week, Google confirmed that it would bundle some of its software, such as the Google Toolbar, on Dell computers as well. Pre-loaded software keeps a person from taking the added step of downloading a program from the Web, an advantage Google was rumored to be willing to pay $1 billion for.

Dell chose Skype to be pre-installed on its new mobile computers because it boasts 100 million subscribers, making it “extremely attractive,” said Dell spokeswoman Anne Camden. “For the No. 1 supplier of notebooks to team up with a leading Internet communication company like Skype, it’s really a good relationship for both.”

Both new Dell computers will come equipped with Bluetooth technology, which will allow people to have voice conversations wirelessly, whether over a cellular or Internet connection, as long as they’re close to their computers. Both computers also come with built-in Web cameras that will work with Skype’s video conferencing feature, Camden said.

Skype Rules!

  1. Mike Voice says:

    I’m curious to see how this plays out.

    Google software on Dell computers, Skype [Yahoo] software on Dell computers…

    Microsoft can’t be happy. [and, I see their new Google Earth/Maps knock-off is even labeled “beta”]

    Skype will only be viable if the “net neutrality” issue isn’t won by the ISPs…

    What “interesting times” we live in.

  2. John Wofford says:

    Any new computer these days comes out of the box with more garbage in it than useful software. As a matter of policy whenever I install a new computer I root out all the unnecessary stuff before installing our own security software, office apps, etc. Dell, especially, seems to arrive with more crap than substance. Example: We recently installed two new identical Dells. The first one installed without a whimper, the second fought me every step of the way, beginning with an obstinate copy of McAfee that simply refused to uninstall. I eventually won the day, but only after some creative use of some very nasty swear words.
    It seems that Dell, along with the other major computer assemblers, are loading more and more junk in these computers whether the users want it or not.

  3. Eideard says:

    Because that’s showing how many folks are online at the moment of that particular logon.

  4. James Hill says:

    Don’t you guys see the killer application for this as a cell phone replacement? I’ve got wifi at my office, and at home, and many places I go. A phone that’s as nice as my cell phone, that I can carry around, would do many people well at a fraction of the cost of a full blown cell service.

    On the flip side, I don’t see a hybrid cell/wifi phone being allowed to take off. It will undercut the cell provider’s profits way too much.

  5. Tom says:

    Mike Voice
    Skype is owned by eBay.
    Has been for a long time now. I don’t know how you managed to pull Yahoo! in on that one.

  6. Mike Voice says:

    #6 Skype is owned by eBay.

    Sorry, Tom. My bad.

    I knew Skype had been bought, and spouted the first name that came to mind – without checking my facts first…

    …but when I did check my facts, it was acquired on September 12, 2005.. take your “a long time now” and… [grin]

    #5 It will undercut the cell provider’s profits way too much.

    Isn’t it funny how the future prospects of several great ideas will/could be dependent on the outcome of the “net neutrality” debate…

  7. V says:

    Um… but it doesn’t come with a microphone.

  8. Peter Jones says:

    This is definitely a great move by Skype. To increase its popularity and making sure to increase its usage, they wouldnt have got a better partner, considering the number of people using Dell computers. Dell is one of the largest manufacturers of PCs and Laptops (to be accurate 3rd largest as per Wikipedia)


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