Prototype car runs 100 miles on four ounces of water as fuel — Oh brother…this is such a pile of BS that it’s hard to see why webites like Mobile Magazine run it as news! And yes there is a video showing it working. It’s amaing how people want to beleive such hoodoo. The abolute worst part of this is that it was reported on FOX News as fact and not one actual Chemical Engineer was brought on to discuss this. So let me get this straight. Here we have a car that runs on water (25 miles-per-ounce) and it is fed to the public as like golly-gee-whiz happy news facts! It’s surreal.

Now, of course, if such a technology did exist this guy would have a line miles long of people who’d pay anything to get their car converted. Or has this “genius” not considered fitting cars. He does have the patent supposedly. Next step in this report is to dig up these patents. Ha. They must be hilarious.

While the tip of the welder is cool to the touch, the water-powered torch can burn through charcoal and get tungsten to “light up like a sparkler.” But when it comes to powering a vehicle, this prototype could drive for 100 miles on only four ounces of water. Technically, the car isn’t running on water, because the H20 is converted to HHO gas. This is said to provide the “atomic power of hydrogen”, while maintaining the “chemical stability of water.”

FOX video:

HHO gas? Har.

This report epitomiizes everything wrong with TV news. Good work Fox!

related link:
An engineer does the math
And here is where this BS all originates

After these guys are done here we’ll see the anti-gravity machine. Oh and let’s not forget variations on this invention using oxygen dihydride, hydrogen hydroxide as well as dihydo oxide. And then there is this.

found by Rick Salsman

  1. joe says:

    “The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.”

    – Chinese Proverb

  2. jerry 901-487-4437 says:

    hydrogen and oxegen are both highly explosive gasses,how is it that if seperated they blow,and combined they make water, something that puts out fires,thats wierd to me ,but i dont no jack about cymistry,any one that actually knows something about this subject hho’s i would apriciate a tellaphone call,im gonna try it ,experiment a little,i could use your advise

  3. TJ says:

    One comment; What does the space shuttle use to run the rocket motors when lifting off. Has anyone told NASA that oxygen and hydrogen can’t be used?

  4. ECA says:

    Its an interesting fuel..
    Look up 80% Hydrogen peroxide..

    Please dont use it on skin.

  5. TJ says:

    ECA, try 70%, or less, Hydrogen Peroxide with a catalyst to energize the separation of Oxygen. Be careful to mix the catalyst only for the amount you can use in a short period of time. You may want to use 70% or less to test first. 80% can be explosive with a catalyst if you aren’t careful. Some sodium based catalysts would be good to start with.

    Also if you are going to create an HHO generator, it wouldn’t take much more effort to keep the H and O2 separated until you mix it just before the intake manifold and use a device to setup a sympathetic air flow to mix everything more efficiently.

  6. replying to ignorance says:

    Wow scroll back through all the posts from the beginning and just read random posts. Can you believe the way people are so quick to shoot down something they don’t understand (even the guy preaching religion shot it down). Here’s the thing the process is real, it is being used all over the world. Oil companies, governments, and those with “interests” in energy companies are trying to suppress this technology. It is not new, it was discovered over a hundred years ago. Just like running a diesel engine on cooking oil is not new technology (first diesel engine was designed to run on peanut oil) just not as profitable for big companies. You can run a car by adding nothing but water to it with an hho generator, but there are modifications you should make to the engine and exhaust first.

    1)Stainless Steel valves and rings.

    2)stainless steel manifold and exhaust. (You could re-route a portion of the exhaust back into the system to reclaim more energy, if the proper safety systems are implemented)

    3)replace standard carb. with one design for propane or natural gas.

    4)optional-high performance alternator

    There are a ton of other “free” energy sources out, you just have to be willing to find them and look at them with an open mind. Google “free energy”, “hutchinson” (not the naked disney girl), “air powered engines” these things rock run a car on compressed air engine , that is regenerative (minimal loss of energy) they already make generators like this.

  7. replying to ignorance says:

    After thought — naysayers try this out……

    you need a small solar battery charger……if you don’t have one you can pick one up for around $10usd……..if you don’t want to buy one just get a 9volt battery..(not big monster 9v one of the tiny little walkie talkie batteries)

    Two short pieces of wire….almost anything will do here

    a glass of water

    Ok strip one end of each wire about 3inches and place in water (close but not touching)

    now strip the other ends enough to connect with solar panel maybe 1/4 of an inch

    connect to panel…one to positive + one to negative –

    observe the wires in water….you will notice bubbles forming..this is hydrogen and oxygen gas aka hho, aka browns gas

    now consider higher voltage + amps. Bigger better conductors in the water ???????? circuits that can amplify and better control this current for maximum production. Or maybe do as Stan Meyer did and use radio waves to maximize productions and combustion???????????? look it up

  8. Steve says:

    add a little baking soda to the mix #73 and wow.

  9. Don from Oz says:

    Cripes…methinks most here are missing the point.
    What we should be aiming at, is anything that will improve the mpg for a vehicle.
    If introducing socalled “browns gas” does this, then its worthwhile.
    If converting petrol energy to electricity, then converting the electricity to browns gas makes the overall mpg improve then use it. and stop whinging about you need this and that to produce the hydrogen and oxygen… perhaps the answer is more mpg? if so then go ahead and do it.

  10. edzaricor says:

    I have not tried this HHO yet but as an Electrician would like to put a few things in perpective. Most HHO generators use 10 to 20 amps that is 10Amps x 12Volts = 120 Watts or 20Amps x 12Volts = 240 Watts. 1 (HP)Horsepower = 746 Watts so these systems are using 1/4 to 1/2 HP. For most cars this is less than .05% of the total HP available and would not even make a measurable differance in gas mileage. However if the HHO produced only a 1% increase in gas mileage, performance, or lower emmisions then it would would be a viable technology. Please keep an open mind.I realize nothing is free, but if we can reduce our dependance on oil and clean our air I am all for it.

  11. Fernando says:

    How much brain does a STUPID CORRUPT REPUBLICAN need to realize that this equipment is sold in China for commercial uses and few of the small unit run on a 50/150 watts….Do not be a part of the destruction of AMERICA traitors…

  12. Alex859 says:

    I’m so glad to see just how many really stupid people there are out there today. For an advanced society you folks should be on Jay Leno’s “Jay Walking” segment. Good god are you all relaly that dumb???? One person here actually thought that HHO gas was steam! Talk about stupid. How did you ever graduate from High School.
    The simple fact that an automobile only burns at a consumption rate of about 20-25% of it maxium possibility. ( Kind of like you folks who only use about 10% of their total brain). the object here is NOT to replace the Gasoline a car would use. it would be to make it more efficient thereby increasing gas milage with wasted fuel. If a cars alternator is prouducing 50-60% more power than it needs to run all of the options (lights at night, radio, heaters, A/C duing the winter , etc. then it has “Excess” power in reserves to power a HHO generator (By the way the process is called Hydrolisys and is actually used by the companies who bottle propane,and natural gaes. They also make O2 or oxygen this way for the medical industry). [where did you think it came from? Some magic O2 spring in WV?]
    The process generated incrases gas milage, causes the burn to be much cleaner as well. Yest it works and if you do not believe that it does try going to BMW’s website and see that they are using the exact same process in their new prototype. The link is below.
    (oh I forgot most of you have an opinion but never finished high school so you can’t read)

    here is the link:

  13. alex859 says:

    By the Way.
    The mis-spelling of words was “intentional” in my previous posting and was done for all of you who never made it out of High School science classes. (It’s called Sarcasm [for those who can’t pronounce it either it’s “Sar-cas-um”]). So think before you make a comment and read between the lines…….

  14. bobbo says:

    #79–Please “pro-nounce” jerkwad.

  15. nickyj says:

    Couple of things here:
    #1. Browns Gas does exist. Been used industrially for years.
    #2. Changing the phase of a fluid will absorb and release gas.
    #3. In the course of designing engines, many of the common engines we see today needed additional energy just to keep them turning.

    Its a good start, but this is not a current answer.

    (PS. Introducing small amounts of water into an internal combustion engine alone increases the efficiency). This has been known for years.

  16. Mr. Oneness says:

    Public incredulity does go along way after.. You go ahead and believe what you want dumb asses. You figure it out.

  17. more-energy says:

    It amazes me that so many morons on this site can believe in global warming (that’s right, earths temperature was warmer before cars were even invented), that the earth was created using some stupid “bang” theory (still waiting on the evidence on that one), child indoctrination camps (public schools) produce smarter kids then homeschoolers, the Communist News Network (CNN) reports anything other than anti-American propaganda and yet they can’t believe in the energy capabilities of Brown’s Gas which has been well documented.

    I’d recommend you morons go get a job, but why do that when you can live in your parent’s basement collecting your welfare checks.

  18. rhombi says:

    About water and the internal combustion engine mileage: I have built two different types of water injectors. The first one was too simple just bubbles thru water and moist air fed into the intake and the results were difficult to measure. The second one utilized the air pump to inject a variable light mist into the air stream and the results were measurable. NO, I didn’t go from 18mpg to 100mpg, but I did get 2-3 mpg improvement. I used it and measured it for a year. It was however a maintenance headache and gas was less than .40 per gallon so it paid about a dollar per tank. I was about to do this again with my savings at 3.50 per gallon of a dollar a day when I read about brown’s gas. I know a bit about physics and chemistry and running an internal combustion engine car from water to HHO and back to water doesn’t make sense, however, running an engine with HHO introduced into the combustion mix has a chance of changing the efficiency of the engine burn and could raise the mpg some. I have read a great deal of comments both positive and negative about HHO on demand. It is not difficult to engineer and install an HHO generator, so I am going to experiment with it. With my water injector working ok years ago, the HHO injecton has a potential to raise the mileage a little more and be less troublesome. I don’t expect to get a 50% increase, but if I can get a solid 3 mpg improvement, that will save me over 500.00 per year. It has a good chance of doing just that.
    This will give me first hand proof that it works or doesn’t work. Who really knows but the ones who have done this under controlled conditions like measure before and after over a significant period of time. If you believe it works, do it and if you believe it doesn’t work prove it. HHO is not the real answer, but it might just be the catalyst to find a real answer. Keep on thinking and doing guys.

  19. Mr Tom says:

    Here is one. Look at these comments that have been posted here and ask your self.

    Who is the PERSON that is responsible for this website?

    why do some of the comments have add on comments
    If you you want to know something about hydrogen then read about it in a book. Please don’t just make a comment unless you have proof of Something. Obviously the WEBMASTER of this page enjoys the negative comments.
    Hmmm maybe he has a motive. Maybe he is an agent from the OIL industry? Hmm we just can’t tell any thing for sure.
    Personally I have seen this work. It sure looks real to me.

  20. Robinol says:

    I myself was a skeptic for years on hydrogen technology. I stumbled across the various hydrogen blogs on u-tube and got curious. When I finally found reference to a web site with what seemed viable plans for a hydroxy booster, I purchased them and built the booster. To date I have increased the fuel economy on my pickup by about 6 mpg. I made the unit so I could move it from vehicle to vehicle with a minimum of fuss and tried it on my rv, which is a 40′ diesel pusher and increased my fuel economy by 2-4 mpg. I am sure that I can improve it with further tweaking. To the naysayers who say it can’t be done? To #46 with all the education. What you were taught in school is not absolute incontravertible truth. It is a compilation of the best knowledge known to date. And sometimes not even that. Science is finding out all the time their “facts” aren’t facts, but biases cherished and untested through the decades. Don’t believe everything you are told and taught, but find out for yourself. I did and am convinced that there are answers being discovered by non scientific backyard tinkerers, who didn’t take all the classes and get the degrees, and thus aren’t limiting themselves by knowing what is impossible.

  21. Jeffro says:

    If his invention is legit he’ll be found dead in his swimming pool, with a chevron branded in his back…….

  22. Jeffro says:

    If his invention is legit, he’ll be found dead in his swimming pool with a chevron branded in his back…….

  23. SteveD says:

    Ok there are always critics, but this is viable. The water is broken down by electrolisis thus seperating the hydrogen and oxygen, because this method of on demand the gases are contained in the engines vacuum preventing it from bonding and thusfore allowing the hydrogen to be exposed to the engines ignition causing a tiny explosion in the cylinder to propel the piston in a downward stroke creating a mechanical transfer of energy.

    get you 2 jars, 2 stainless steel wires, a hose and a battery now poke 3 holes in one of the jars lids insert the 2 wires and the hose, make sure the hose does not go to far into the jar, now fill the jar up with water to make surer the wires are in the water but the water must not reach the hose, insert the other end of the hose into another jar of soapy water, connect each post of the battery to the wires in the other jar and watch the bubbles in the jar of soapy water, make sure there is no source of ignition nearby! now collect the suds made in the other jar remove to an area away from the experiment and light it with a lighter, kaboom!
    now tell me you cant power an engine with water!

  24. gather says:

    To All,
    No, the tech isn’t there to produce enough Hydrogen from electrolysis to run a car…maybe. Before everyone jumps on the “you can’t create something from nothing” bandwagon, regurgitating everything they’ve ever heard about the subject, nobody is claiming to do that (Okay, maybe the guy in question is, I really don’t care). What is possible is that an internal combustion engine, which uses a electrical charging system to begin with, generates eletricity, just as it is designed to do. This CAN be used to power electrolysis, producing hydrogen, which can be injected into the air intake of an engine. Is it perfected? I don’t know, but with enough spoon-fed naysayers out there, it never will be.

  25. gather says:

    To All,
    No, the tech isn’t there to produce enough Hydrogen from electrolysis to run a car…maybe. Before everyone jumps on the “you can’t create something from nothing” bandwagon, regurgitating everything they’ve ever heard about the subject, nobody is claiming to do that (Okay, maybe the guy in question is, I really don’t care). What is possible is that an internal combustion engine, which uses a electrical charging system to begin with, generates electricity, just as it is designed to do. This CAN be used to power electrolysis, producing hydrogen, which can be injected into the air intake of an engine. Is it perfected? I don’t know, but with enough spoon-fed naysayers out there, it never will be.

  26. some guy says:

    I love it how this guy is like “THIS IS BS!” and doesn’t put up any kind of “… and this is why” sort of argument, whatever I’m off to look for arguments against HHO that aren’t written by a child

  27. Ididit says:

    I built a HHO generator yesterday. I tested it this morning. I used a flame to ignite the “Steam” coming out of the gas tube. A small explosion occurred and blew the lid off my HHO generator. I guess that was stupid. I should install a flashback valve before sticking a lighter to the end of the tube. I’m going to try to make my Lawnmower a Hybrid now. Ya’ll have a nice day.

    Oh by the way, I didn’t know that Steam was flamable/explosive. My dog’s are really freaked out about my experiment. My ears are still ringing.

  28. 2baddaboy says:

    Fools… Arrogantly assuming YOU know what is science and what networks are capable of delivering it to you… Wake up! Open your mind, for God’s sake… News Flash… Youre the problem! Oh, and fyi, all the networks are owned by the same elite.

  29. ronburgundy says:

    An H2O 2000, the machine that was developed to create HHO to burn as a torch for welding cost $7000 and runs on 220V at 5-10 amps. A power inverter for an automobile that goes from 12VDC to 220VAC is around $150. People are using $50 to build little add-on HHO generators that increase MPG’s by 25%. A machine the size of the H2O 2000 should be able to put out enough gas to combust in each chamber to push each piston driving the engine and the alternator to create more battery power to keep the H2O 2000 running. The same principals of having a battery in the first place to rum the starter and the fuel pump to get the engine going. it wont be long before a company creats an engine and HHO fuel system that can be added to a vehicle. I’d pay $10,000 for the upgrade to never pay for gas again.

  30. dagreek says:

    All you people are idiots, do some research before you complain about something.


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