Prototype car runs 100 miles on four ounces of water as fuel — Oh brother…this is such a pile of BS that it’s hard to see why webites like Mobile Magazine run it as news! And yes there is a video showing it working. It’s amaing how people want to beleive such hoodoo. The abolute worst part of this is that it was reported on FOX News as fact and not one actual Chemical Engineer was brought on to discuss this. So let me get this straight. Here we have a car that runs on water (25 miles-per-ounce) and it is fed to the public as like golly-gee-whiz happy news facts! It’s surreal.

Now, of course, if such a technology did exist this guy would have a line miles long of people who’d pay anything to get their car converted. Or has this “genius” not considered fitting cars. He does have the patent supposedly. Next step in this report is to dig up these patents. Ha. They must be hilarious.

While the tip of the welder is cool to the touch, the water-powered torch can burn through charcoal and get tungsten to “light up like a sparkler.” But when it comes to powering a vehicle, this prototype could drive for 100 miles on only four ounces of water. Technically, the car isn’t running on water, because the H20 is converted to HHO gas. This is said to provide the “atomic power of hydrogen”, while maintaining the “chemical stability of water.”

FOX video:

HHO gas? Har.

This report epitomiizes everything wrong with TV news. Good work Fox!

related link:
An engineer does the math
And here is where this BS all originates

After these guys are done here we’ll see the anti-gravity machine. Oh and let’s not forget variations on this invention using oxygen dihydride, hydrogen hydroxide as well as dihydo oxide. And then there is this.

found by Rick Salsman

  1. Dick says:

    Look people, give the guy a break. He makes an effort to do something to help poeple out and all you do is sit around doing nothing but complain like a bunch of babies. You should stop being pesimistic and take a whiff of life. What are you doing to benifit anyone, all you do is sit there and waste bandwidth, at least someone took a stand to try something new and theres no need to pull him down to your level. Why don’t you all go out and take a portion of your life to do something to help instead of waste your whole life doing no good at all.

  2. Richard says:

    I’m with you comment #36! We do need more creative people out there. And by the way….this is to the guy who cracked the comment about an antigravity machine. It was thought of in 1978. Its a process of “cutting” centrifugal force in half. To offer a brief description…It operates on three moving parts and is simple to make. It took me 15 years to figure it out…and yes…it can be done. Ask my wife…she was ticked when I destroyed our dining room chandelier!

  3. dave says:

    This seems to be very similar to what is currently being done in Australia. There is a man there that claims he is using “brown gas”?…. made from water via electrolisis he says. He says he has driven his car with it and that it DOES work… then he spolils it all by saying it will only work if you BELIEVE!….. if there is an UNBELIEVER in the car, it wont run ROFLMAO

  4. Dave says:

    But then again, Seriously, many years ago, like around 1984-5 I think. I attended a class taught in Houston Texas by a man that had just driven his Cadilac to Houston from Florida. He got 204 miles per gallon on the trip. I saw the car, watched it run, and actually got to ride in it. He taught us in this seminar to build a “carbuerator” that would work along with the original one on the car, and would increase the milage of any gasolene powered vehicle. I built one. I installed it on a 3/4 ton Doged van with a 360 Cubic inch engine, and was able to get slightly better than 60 MPG. But, I was never able to get a decent control system made. It required a lot of tinkering while you were driving. but it DID work. I still have the device, but I no longer am using it.

  5. Otto Rapp says:

    Has the second law of thermodynamics been repealed? There is no such thing as a free lunch.
    I’ve seen Bugs Bunny Cartoons that deal with this subject matter, and also the law of gravity.
    This isn’t ‘Toon-Town’, it’s reality, and we have to live with it.
    Only in America, I guess……..

  6. James says:

    At about 00:40 on the clip above, the man holds his fingers inches past the edge of a hydrogen flame. Any idea why this doesn’t burn him?

  7. Christian says:

    I hope it’s true what he is saying, It could be the end of benzine, diesel. if everyone use this stuff, and there should be less warr’s becouse you can create is you self. But if it’s not true and there is no benzine diesel then you can’t make anything plastic

  8. help420me says:

    The engine add-on component gets its electricty off the car’s alternator using 35 watts. If any of you have ever hooked up a car stereo system, you know that’s beans. The car doesn’t run soley on the HHO gas either, it merely mixes small amounts of the gas with the fuel in the car to improve mileage by increasing oxidation in the combustion chamber.

    If any of you have ever used a gas additive for the same thing and logged your mileage, you’d see some work and some don’t depending on the product itself. Mythbusters did a bit on the whole gas additive thing and concluded defintively that the gas additives don’t work. So somehow their test beds conflict with my own and many other’s results in the real world. Must be the cool voice overs sucking out the extra energy from the gas additives.

    Mixing the HHO gas with the fuel is only supposed to increase oxidation in the combustion chamber per volume, not make the car run solely on hydrogen gas for some seemingly indefinite period of time. Dismissing stuff like this from your armchair instead of going out and seeing for yourself reminds me of the masses before Christopher Columbus set out. Enjoy your self imposed prisons.

    For the rest of you brave souls, consider other applications for HHO gas using the generator. Yeah, it uses electricity, you plug the thing in a standard 110v outlet. Testing shows it to be around $0.37/kWh. Given the potential for the gas produced which could be used to fuel perhaps a steam generator and recycle the steam output as more fuel for the HHO generator using atmospheric water from say a solar collecter, the cycle gets more closed with more potential for generating electricty–still at $0.37/kWh–for powering other devices. Imagine having a generator like that for your house that only uses $0.37/kWh. Would take strain off power companies during peak usage, lower fuel and energy costs, slow fuel consumption, reduce harmful emmission, and give you a lil extra cheese at the end of the day. Dismissing this “type of thing” so early on without tooling with it in your own garages is lame, lazy, and tosses your credibility out the window. Now get to work.

  9. bwazz says:

    I have a MUCH better idea to use water in transportation.. I will take a large vessel maybe a train i will call it a locomotive. instead of breaking the water down on a moleculer level. I will take the water and super heat it to expand it, once it is expanded and has a higher psi i will release the pressure thus propelling the “locomotive” then i will go on fox and tell everyone how i’ve come up with a way to use water as a way of transportation. the world will love me and i will become rich and powerful!!!!

  10. Jon says:

    BS? They said the same thing about the wright bros. Da Vinci was an idiot in his day. They thought Gates and Jobs were wasting their time.
    As for the faith thing, Even you guys have “faith” in science. In other words, you” believe” in some that has no EVIDENCE. That the this sophisticated, ecosystem that we live in today, with the delicate balance of the food change and atmospheric changes all EVOLVED from single celled organisms that had NO BRAIN. In order for something to evolve, it has to KNOW or have some idea it has a NEED to do so. So what science is that basically, if you put the parts of a watch in a box and leave it for a billion years by accident or a big bang it will start ticking. Is this, the best science can come up with? THE BIG BANG? These are the so called greatest scientist in the world spending millions in research and the best thing they can come up with THE BIG BANG. I’ll go with creation until science can disprove it.

    Beings as intelligent as man had to be by design, oh I forgot we were an accident, a BIG BANG.

    I admire this guys vision. You all probably are the same ones whining at the gas pump, or ready to go to war over oil. He probably did invite chemical engineers to appear, but they probably declined for political reasons. This is a capitalist country, not a democracy so the the people with the money The OIL Company / our mr. bush have the power. Not surprised the major networks wouldn’t cover that. They probably have the story but opted not to run it.

    Signed Faithful.

  11. Steve says:

    Okay look people, I hate writing these things but as a graduate Mechanical Engineer with a whole bunch of thermo classes under my belt I can tell you this HHO stuff is bunk. As mentioned a number of times above, there is no chance that the thermodynamic efficiency of converting the water to a usable hydrogen form will produce the ultimate fuel.

    For those who still think there is a chance – do one of three things and save yourselves, and the nice people who have tried to explain this in scientific formats, a huge favor. EIther 1) FInd an expert in real life and learn why these things just can’t work as proposed, 2) actually read about how engines and chemistry work, or 3) stop wasting your time trying to chase arguments on scientific matters that you just won’t take the time to truly understand. Thats why it’s called science, because people can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. If it worked in “mysterious ways” it would be called magic.

    Oh yeah, that goes for you too Mr. Faithful.

    Wow, I feel better.

  12. iDiesel says:

    Have any of you calling this BS tried running a car with water? It is best done using an on-demand electrolysis HHO Generator. A couple cathodes connected to a battery will supply a constant flow of HHO, which will drive the car.

    Now, there are some draw-backs. My engine is NOT stainless, so using HHO fuel straight will literally rust my engine away–at least an alminum engine will last longer, but not all the parts are aluminum (rings, valves, etc.). So, indeed burning fuel is necessary to keep from destroying the engine.

    Burning HHO in an engine can be done, and a 12 volt battery will supply enough power to keep the electrolysis going. Rig up some sort of vaccum-electrolysis system, and you’ll do even better. Don’t believe me, go back to High School and take a Chemistry class. We made HHO in ours, and it only took a 12 volt battery, and some water, some wire placed in the water. We captured a test tube full and then set fire to it–POP! it’s volitile.

    Want to save on your fuel bill? It can be done. I’m trying to rig up a system that enables me to switch from HHO, back to fuel, so I can burn HHO, until I’m close to my destination, then I heat things up with the fossil fuel, to turn all the water in the engine to steam, and then my engine will last a bit longer.

    Heck, most people don’t believe it works, and those who know, try it. Those who try it, find a way to save money, and pinch the fossils a bit. Will it become commonly used? No. Too many don’t believe it.

    One day when all the cars are just sitting there not being used, because gas is $10+ a gallon, I’ll have plenty of cars to burn straight HHO on, because people will practically give their cars away, so when I rust an engine, I’ll just get another car. So, you folks just go right on disbelieving.

  13. joe shmo says:

    it can be done

  14. JohnLingberg says:

    With all these negative comments,it’s no wonder all the batteries are drained.If it wasn’t for all these inventions in the world.Look where we would be today.I have my doubts that it works.But if he needs help.I will be more than happy to.Thanks for trying.Someday we will come up with better sources of energy.Look back at this in 5or 10 years and eat your own words of wisdom.

  15. bob johnson says:

    You non believers don’t know what your talking about, just go to this web site to understand the truth about HHO Gas!!!!!

  16. bjstroup says:

    Ancient proverb…The man who doubts, stay out of the way of the one doing it… Fact is that Mr. Klien in the Fox News clip is on the right track, but for the wrong reasons. He has patented something that will make him money, and yet it naturally occurs in nature from time to time, along with H3O. He didn’t actually patent the system he uses until a year after the original patent on HHO gas…seems odd to patent a gas, but to each his own… Does this technology work? In a word, Yes. Is it able to do what Mr. Klien claims? No. You are not able to operate 100 miles on 4 ounces of water, it may only use that much in the process of the drive, but you are also burning gasoline or ethanol as well, probably at 45 to 50 mpg. The “HHO” is only in supliment, and aides in an otherwise inefficient burning process of gasoline. In normal gasoline operation you only acheive 13% fuel combustion, thus causing a serious lack of efficiancy by any measure. The goal of the “HHO” is to increase the fuel combustion to much higher. In experiments around the world, by people not looking to get rich off of the idea, the best achieved burn is 45-50% combustion. This increases overall performance, but not to the point that we are not reliable on gasoline. Just more food for thought….

  17. Steve says:

    The last comment posted is pretty accurate, and It is possible to run a car completely on hho gas. check out or google “Installed MagDrive Super-Gen” under videos and you’ll see a guy thats running a 5.0 ford engine completely on hho gas. Also you can run diesel on hho.

  18. Steve says:

    The last comment posted is pretty accurate, and It is possible to run a car completely on hho gas. check out or google “Installed MagDrive Super-Gen” under videos and you’ll see a guy thats running a 5.0 ford engine completely on hho gas. Also you can run diesel on hho.
    hho is the future!

  19. The problem is that hydrogen is expensive to produce.

    One could place thermovoltaic cells near the radiator, which could generate electricity that would reduce water into hydrogen, and then inject the hydrogen into the pistons. However, the heat used to power the thermovoltaic cells would come from the combustion of gasoline.

  20. C Davis says:

    I have the basics of this idea down but why do people keep-making comments like “There is no potential energy in water, period”?

    It is easy to separate water into Hydrogen and Oxygen and we all know that Hydrogen is flammable. When you ignite the Hydrogen the energy of the explosion (as small as it may be) bonds the Hydrogen back with the Oxygen in the air which would produce water AGAIN. So why is it so hard to believe that this is possible. I am not a chemist, nor am I an engineer but from what I do know it seems like it could be possible.

  21. Julio says:

    It’s easy to be negative and destroy, Thad is normal in this aggressive ,autodestructive society, , easy than be at front line w’ new technology, experiments, (YOU Named ),today here in America whit all the possibilities, technology, materials, and $ ,you don’t fiend to many people doing other things than washing TV, the ones no joining are on the computer tries to kill the time ,like the ones at here saying negative things above others whit the generosity of shear, (information) whit the rest of the word. Here is a way to communicate may be used as we prefer, God bless dos positives peoples trying to do something good for new generations no mare how simple it’s what they are doing or may we say thanks to the ones than at less are trying (no mare what reasons they have)

    El Sol nos brinda LUS Y CALOR, pero tiene manchas;
    los agradesidos disfrutan la luz y el calor,
    el resto solo critican sus manchas.

    I do not know how speak English , I’m trying to say something using the technology available to me ,(as my dad )when 30 years ago was running his 1957 Chevy whit gas propane, whit out big changes, or when in 1972 change to watter, using a old extra battery as plastic container a second generator to power his HHO generator,(If we made call like Thad) was positive no only watter , i remember he was using all and any liquid than possible com bust, alcohol, cooking oil, kerosene,(mineral spirit) I’m not going to mention urine because you are not going to believed and will lost seriusly

  22. Julio says:

    Any way I don’t now what happened back there i lost all I roted and above my dads experiments if he would lived in this times maybe we will be talking about some thing different more advanced like the disintegration atom molecular of the substance’s and traveling whit out cars (like me) .

    BE positive, be more encourager, be more open to the investigation and stop killing Innocent’s peoples in others country’s to satisfy your needs, do something about it or be silent. and don’t try to stop the ones doing something they have our respect of all than don’t have the possibility to do the iqual .if just a mare of time before our planet say
    !no more ! and good bay.

  23. eddie says:


  24. drjackcv says:

    OK, so H2O-HHO-H2O is impossible. Yeah, sure.
    So how does a the propane refrigerator in every RV on the highway absorb heat in the freezer compartment, then absorb heat from the flame, then absorb more heat in the freezer department, and on and on?
    How do we get more burn from gasoline in the presence of a catalyst (platinum), without using up any of the catalyst?
    Are there any other energy waves/frequencies on planet earth other than those that we are currently tapping? No, we know all there is to know already, right?
    “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep one in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation without investigation.”

  25. wizzy says:

    Why not give us all a working solution then ? Its weird to find people making noise about pollution and doing nothing to solve the problem other than to bash at progressive ideas. If you ain’t got nothing to offer,why dampen the spirits of those putting their brains to work? Would it harm you or your interests if this thing should work and ultimately save the worlds environment?

  26. jerryjohn says:

    This intire bunch of Bs is just what it took to make me try it. I made my own HHO generator.
    I got in trouble with my wife because I flatened some of her table spoons but the darn thing made my 12.5 HP Briggs run better and that’s enough to make me try it on my truck.
    My mower ran on for 20 minuets after I unpluged the gas line from the carberator and pluged the line from the Generator into the same fitting.
    I know in my own mind that this worked. I did it myself and no engineer or scientist can take that knowledge from me. I am just an old man looking for a better way for myself and I will continue to work on this for my own satisfaction. I am very satisfied with the outcome of my first try. Try it yourself. you will be surprised. It gave this old man Goose Bumps.

  27. ihideintrees says:

    to try to disprove this hho bs. through scientific investigation i have asked my university to fund our academic fraternity AXE [thats alpha chi sigma] in our investigation to see if this really does work.

    after all theory is never PROVEN. it tried to be DISPROVEN

  28. Dvorak used to be a great read. But, like many others, his ego has taken over.

    If you truly examine the concept, it’s about using excess energy from the alternator and increasing gas efficiency by way of electrolysis. I know this for a FACT.

    1. Electrolysis will seperate Hydrogen from water.

    2. Hydrogen is combustible.

    3. You can’t get something from nothing, but using the energy from the alternator instead of say running air-conditioning (not that it’s required to do so, but just as an example), you can increase gas mileage.

    The bottom line is that HHO is half of the equation, but working in this area is a good start and should not be downplayed. There may be ways to use a solar/hho solution if solar panels increase in efficiency.

    From what I have read, you need about 10amps or so to create enough HHO to be used to mix with gas. There are also chemicals you can add to the water that decrease the energy needed to do the electrolysis.

    Dvorak is throwing the baby out with the bath water and using a holier than now attitude. He has become quite a non-visionary in his crusty older days. Dvorak, go back to what got you where you are and this time don’t dilute your soul on the way, rather dilute your ego.

    I’m out.

    PS, Moderator, I am going to copy this exact post and put on my site. If you edit this to protect Dvorak’s ego, please at least include the info about HHO as I believe I provided a fairly sound information that merits reader’s attention.

  29. I wrote post #63, but I typed in the wrong contact information.

    If you are interested in HHO, then feel free to join us to share ideas and discuss. We don’t think there is a magic bullet, but we believe that HHO is something that needs to be explored further. There are real people, doing real projects, that are producing real results.

    If we could find a way to get rid of nuclear waste, then it would seem building more nuclear plants and having battery/hho cars could be a reality.

    I know very little about how to dispose of nuclear waste, but it would a logic solution as nuclear energy with HHO could be a nice option. Just a thought.

    Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.

  30. What Stan Meyers presented was not what the current HHO Gas Generators do. What Stan Meyers did was supposedly able to run a car solely on HHO Gas because of a low amount of power consumption. There is a great deal of debate in this area, but there is no question that using untapped power from your alternator to create HHO Gas is a great way to increase your gas mileage. This is what I am interested in. I do believe we will see some great solutions for not only energy, but also for manufacturing and industry, as a result of HHO Gas Generators.

    I think Dvorak was irresponsible in completely discrediting the entire process.


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