Prototype car runs 100 miles on four ounces of water as fuel — Oh brother…this is such a pile of BS that it’s hard to see why webites like Mobile Magazine run it as news! And yes there is a video showing it working. It’s amaing how people want to beleive such hoodoo. The abolute worst part of this is that it was reported on FOX News as fact and not one actual Chemical Engineer was brought on to discuss this. So let me get this straight. Here we have a car that runs on water (25 miles-per-ounce) and it is fed to the public as like golly-gee-whiz happy news facts! It’s surreal.

Now, of course, if such a technology did exist this guy would have a line miles long of people who’d pay anything to get their car converted. Or has this “genius” not considered fitting cars. He does have the patent supposedly. Next step in this report is to dig up these patents. Ha. They must be hilarious.

While the tip of the welder is cool to the touch, the water-powered torch can burn through charcoal and get tungsten to “light up like a sparkler.” But when it comes to powering a vehicle, this prototype could drive for 100 miles on only four ounces of water. Technically, the car isn’t running on water, because the H20 is converted to HHO gas. This is said to provide the “atomic power of hydrogen”, while maintaining the “chemical stability of water.”

FOX video:

HHO gas? Har.

This report epitomiizes everything wrong with TV news. Good work Fox!

related link:
An engineer does the math
And here is where this BS all originates

After these guys are done here we’ll see the anti-gravity machine. Oh and let’s not forget variations on this invention using oxygen dihydride, hydrogen hydroxide as well as dihydo oxide. And then there is this.

found by Rick Salsman

  1. Mike says:

    Lol, HMMWVs run on diesel, not gasoline.

    To be fair, it’s just some dumb report by a local news affiliate. And they said the prototype car was a hybrid.

  2. Improbus says:

    This is what happens when you use faith instead of science.

  3. jim says:

    dihydrogen monoxide is dangerous. Thousands of people die each year because of it. Over 100,000 people died over a year ago in the Pacific Rim.

  4. Roc Rizzo says:

    Everyone who believes that Faux… I mean Fox News is news should see this video. Then explain it to them in plain english.

  5. Raff says:

    That’s the windshied washer reservoir, not the gas tank..

  6. ECA says:

    Umm, and you cant connect it to the modified engine??? WOW. you are abit short sighted.

    If this really worked, and all you needed was 1 gallon of water/gas, WHY put it in the back and PUMP it.. Gravity works MUCH better.

  7. Mark T. says:

    Probably crap but I hope there is some truth to it. It seems that everyone here is quick to call BS. Does anybody have any more info on this guy?

    Guys like this come and go. Either they are paid into silence, are proven to be frauds, or end up dead.

    When I see a Chevy Suburban that runs on water, I will be convinced.

  8. James says:

    You see, the man never lied. It’s a hybrid that can go 100 miles and use only 4 ounces of water. What he failed to mention is the oh say 6 gallons of gas it also uses. The water infact doesn’t even do anything. It just evaporates in about 100 miles. The wonders of science!

  9. AB CD says:

    Haven’t you seen Back to the Future 2? Maybe this works.

    Then again given the way they calculate mileage for hybrids, I could sell you a car that goes FOUR hundred miles with 4 ounces of water. I’ll sell it to you for $50000. By the way, you’ll have to refill every 400 miles with another four ounces of water as well as a special blend of gasoline and ethanol.

  10. ranron says:

    Why is there a gasoline engine in that car too? They need the gasoline engine to to run the electric generator to create the “HHO.”

    Yes, he is theoretically running on water, but the gasoline engine is the real thing that is running the hydrogen catalyst converter that is running the automobile.

    I’m be creating pedal powered car, that when pedaled turning a power generator that is linked to a battery. Then I can say that my car is battery powered at infinite gallons per lightyear eh?

  11. Jim(R) says:

    Actually guys and gals, I believe this is just a new twist on the water carbeurator scam of a few decades back. Again, In 2001 a fellow by the name of Dennis Lee tried to BS his way to fortune with the same scheme.

    Read this

  12. ECA says:

    He Co-generates HHO, and sends it to the engine, rather then gas.
    He can switch over to straight gas..

  13. raddad says:

    It doesn’t matter if he is converting water to HHO (as he claims) or whatever. If you start with water and end with water (after burning it in an engine) you cannot get any more energy out than you put in. It is physically impossible to create energy out of nothing.

  14. 2xbob says:

    I want to believe it so bad but the stench of BS is overpowering. Water in and water out leaves little room for the release of energy. Just the phrase “HHO gas” makes me want to hit him with a basic chem book.

  15. Jim(R) says:

    All this reminds me of the bible. It has more holes than swiss cheese, but there are enough followers out there that haven’t actually read it or attempted to critically analyze it… they just follow… that the collection of fiction we call the bible just keeps going and going. It’s like a perpetual faith machine that runs on gullibility.
    Every time the watergas scam appears, there are plenty of customers.

  16. Wayne says:

    Hey, that video’s from our Houston affiliate! I never watch them, but I recognize them.

  17. ECA says:

    he didnt…
    He broke water down to HHO, and then reconverted it back to water by burning it,
    THEn the fancy part…
    He burned the water AGAIN…and again, and again..
    there is little loss, and the water is captured and reused..

  18. Mark Stockwell says:

    Has anyone here ever done any high school science at all? He creates HHO with water AND electricity: H2O + energy -> HHO. Energy is stored in the bonds of the HHO molecules. When he hurns it: HHO -> H20 + energy. The conservation of energy is preserved, no energy was created and no energy was destroyed, it just changed form.
    Considering how hot that metal gets when he heats it, there has to be a heck of a lot of energy in HHO but that means that a heck of a lot of electricity is needed to create it. The way I see it, it could be a replacement for acetylene welding but not to power a car. The car has to create the electricity to make HHO by burning gasoline or the car has to have a battery that provides energy. No battery will be strong enough to drive such a process for very long. And burning gasoline to create HHO just to burn it again is pointless.

  19. Jetfire says:

    Before you totally dismiss the aas total BS, I remember a report a few months back about a Canadian using Electrolysis to make on demand Hydrogen to add to the fuel mix to increase gas mileage. Maybe will get lucky and he’s telling the truth.

  20. Jon says:

    This is nothing new. The H2O 2000 has been around for several years. It is a fuel cell in reverse. Instead of combing H2+O to make water and electricity, it uses electricity to split water to H2 & O. #18 described the process well. What this guy isn’t telling anyone is that he must have a bank of batteries to power the H2O 2000 which he has to recharge from a 110V outlet every time he drives the car.
    Basically, it’s a new type of hybrid. A battery bank that gets recharged at home powers the convertor which creates the hydrogen to run the car engine. The problem is you still need a conventional power source to recharge the batteries like an electric car.

  21. This story wasn’t reported by FOX NEWS. It was reported by a local affiliate station in Houston. Big difference.

  22. MikeR says:

    HHO gas?!?! You mean steam?

  23. ECA says:

    but what if he used a small gas engine to generate the battery power..
    It could run on a couple gallons of gas and give LOTS of power back to a battery setup.

    This type of weilder has been around about 10 years…
    This person made and marketed it… As is said in the interview..

  24. Dan says:

    FOX! We invent the news everyone else just covers it.

  25. ECA says:

    not really.
    Have you seen the old Push pull pumps they use in OLD time farms..
    these things have mega torc, and 2 gallons a day to run.
    I got Lots of pictures…And running a 16HP generator is nothing to them.
    It could supply all the power you need, with 2-4 gallons of gas.

  26. ECA says:

    16hp generator, is the required torc and speed needed to Turn the generator at peak..

  27. James, age 14 says:

    H2O plus electricity in, H2O plus energy out. No energy is created.

    Electrolysis is the process of using electricity to break apart water into hydrogen and oxygen. He then burns the hydrogen in the engine and emits water. However, it is dishonest to claim that it runs on “water” because he neglect to say that he is running up his electric bill.

  28. M.M. Jones says:

    he never said it ran on water

  29. Stephen says:

    Most of you guys have absolutaly no idea what you are talking about…

  30. RONALD SCHMID says:

    This is not about running on water. This HHO may be a reverse catalyst that increases burn rate of the main fuel. That is what this is all about. I am Swiss–we are hill billies but American news insult the intelligence of the general American Public. The days of Henry Ford are gone–we now care about Paris Hilton. This technology is worth investigating rather than speculating with insuffcient knowledge and facts. I told you so–


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