The mindset of terrorism is creeping into our culture. Don’t like what someone is doing and can’t get your way to stop them legally? Time for a temper tantrum. In the past it might have been protesting or minor vandalism like breaking a window or graffiti. Now it’s chemical warfare. The end justifies the means is where the suicide bomber starts.

“Weapon of Mass Destruction” Targets Sex Shop In Waldo [Florida]

Detectives say it’s an act of local terrorism. An adult bookstore is cleaning up after a chemical attack by a homemade device that investigators are calling a “weapon of mass destruction.”

In Waldo, people have held prayer vigils and protests aimed at an adult bookstore along US 301, trying to keep the “Cafe Risque” from opening its doors on time.

Those efforts have all failed, so investigators say it looks like someone has turned to what they’re calling a clear act of terrorism to keep the store’s owner from opening up shop.

The device, discovered Sunday morning, was made of two gallon-size sports drink jugs connected by hoses. Someone set it on top of the store’s window air conditioning unit.

“You’re trying to hurt people. You’re trying to change their ideas or instill fear. And that’s exactly what the terrorists do. So this person is a local terrorist,” he said.

  1. Laura says:

    Didn’t this used to be called vandalism?

    Was there a dangerous chemical in the jugs?

  2. moss says:

    Vandalism rarely has political content. The more specific category of hate crimes, for example, while often involving vandalism has a character specific to the ideology of the thug committing the act.

    Vandalism, character assassination…even murder, all are acceptable to True Believers who consider themselves above secular law and order.

  3. forrest says:

    This is exactly one of those examples of the sign of the times this world is in…

    When is it okay to hurt other people because of your own beliefs? No matter how much you may disagree with someone else, it should never be okay to harm people physically. Isn’t that what the ideals of this country are about, acceptance of different ideas and thoughts?

    It’s people like this, which is causing our government to become more vigilant in walking all over individuals’ rights.

  4. Brian says:

    It just goes to show guys, you need more protection from those terrorists. Obviously the protest outside this place should never have been premitted, as it clearly harboured terrorists. All such religious or politically motivated demonstrations should be banned to stop this plague of terrorism invading the country.
    … and if people insist on some supposed ‘right’ to assemble then we absolutely need to put them under total surveillance to prevent more weapons of mass destruction from being planted.

    (Note to the clue-impaired: The above is sarcasm and does not represent my true opinions.)

  5. chris says:

    This is again those religous nuts thinking they are so better then everyone so they can go around on thier crusade and do what they please. This is why i will not go to church. Who they hell are they to decide whats right?

    arrogant bastards. If these people are the ones going to be in heavan then i am ok with going to hell.
    This wasnt vandalism it was nutjobs thinking they are better and we need “cleaned”
    Way to go freaking nazi’s
    sorry but this is a sore subject.
    These are the same people that will put a aborted fetus on the side of a truck and say “its religous freedom” makes me sick.

  6. Jason says:

    This is terrorism in every sense of the word and if it isn’t treated with the same level of outrage and contempt that middle eastern terrorism is… it’s only going to get worse. This is not any better or worse than a suicide bomber getting on a bus in Israel. You can’t deny that.

    Once you start making levels of severity of terrorism, you being to excuse it. Terrorism is terrorism no matter why or how it is carried out.

  7. Gary Marks says:

    Local terrorism is really nothing new. With our new “victim” mentality, wherein America defends itself as the target of terrorism, a lot of people have forgotten that this country was once the home to one of the largest terrorist organizations in the world, and terrorists even infiltrated the government at many levels.

    These local acts of terrorism were done primarily for the political purpose of stopping or reversing the progress of civil rights. The terrorists persecuted African-Americans, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants of every color. Of course, I’m referring to members of the Ku Klux Klan, who incited terror while waving the twin banners of “Christianity” and “Patriotism.” Sometimes terrorists LOOK a lot like us because terrorists ARE a lot like us.

  8. Zuke says:

    If we ban porn and sex toys… the terrorists have won?

    Whoever planted that needs to be shot. They probably didn’t plant a bomb only because they couldn’t get ahold of explosives. Jesus would NOT be proud…

  9. AB CD says:

    This wasn’t the start. What about those anti-fur people or the ELF burning down houses.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe it’s because the christians were afraid that their wives will find something more pleasing that them. Perhaps something that will last more than ten thrusts *g*

  11. James Hill says:

    @ #8

    Exactly. And we can’t let them win for just that reason!

  12. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #8, #11,

    Besides what would I have to do I Saturdays?

  13. Tom Morris says:

    I hope all you freedom lovers out there hop on down to Café Risqué when it opens and show your support!

  14. Mike Voice says:

    I hope all you freedom lovers out there hop on down to Café Risqué when it opens and show your support!

    Good one!

    Reminds me of all the people who fiercely oppose a Walmart going into their neighborhood – when Walmart can only put “Mom & Pop” out of business if Mom & Pop’s current customers don’t give a flip about ’em…

    Easier [safer?] to get mad at Walmart [Cafe Risque] than to get mad at your neighbors…

  15. Tom Morris says:

    I’m dead serious. If it weren’t for 3,000 miles of Atlantic Ocean between London and Florida, I’d be in there as quickly as possible to support freedom.

  16. ECA says:

    Its funny,
    That IF everyone in that neibhorhood, DIDNt go to that store, thet it would quickly shut down, AFTER it opened.
    Unless this is the ONLY adult store in 20 miles, there is little chance anyone past 5 miles will come to it.
    So, why BULK at others idea of entertainment and recreation..
    I’d rather be watching sex on TV then Mayham and destruction. REALLY I would rather something MORE true to life, then a Purified ANYTHING.

  17. 2xbob says:

    Simply for my own piece of mind, does it say anywhere that this was done by a religious group? A few of the comments would suggest that but it could be anyone. The over concerned, zero-tolarance loving parrent who doesnt want their child near the store maybe? Perhaps its the potential home seller who cant get a good deal because the store is in the area?

    I may just be naive to think that some religious are able to distill the messages around them and see a peaceful word. I thought I saw somthing about loving thy neighbor and do unto others as you would like done unto you in some old book but that may just be me.

  18. no one important says:

    2xbob – You are very naive. And your “piece of mind?” Religionists – they can’t even SPELL peace!

    You did make a good point about the greedy real estate broker, though.

  19. Chris says:

    Hmmm…instilling fear or using fear to push your point of view or opinion…yup, I’ve said it before, Bush and his cadre are terrorists.


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