Dvorak Uncensored reader and contributor Mad Dog Mike received and forwarded this chain letter which he vouches for. I’m dubious (as I am with all net junk that floats around) and post it only as a reference for people who enjoy reading a good rant/diatribe or who want to see what the fuss is about.

Is any of it true? It sounds terribly exaggerated. There are issues, but are things really this askew?

Who wrote the letter? We’d all like to know.

Go the the full letter here. Excerpt follows:

My wife tells me that 100% of the students in her school and other Title 1 schools are on the free breakfast, free lunch program. When I say free breakfast I’m not talking a glass of milk and roll… but a full breakfast and cereal bar with fruits and juices that would make a Marriott proud. The waste of this food is monumental, with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten.**

She estimates that well over 50% of these students are obese or at l east moderately overweight. About 75% or more DO have cell phones.**

The school also provides day care centers for the unwed teenage pregnant girls (some as young as 13) so they can attend class without the inconvenience of having to arrange for babysitters or having family watch their kids.

Since most Latinos are very family-oriented, this assertion makes everything else written quite dubious. But readers of Dvorak Uncensored are invited to comment.

  1. catbeller says:

    Bullcrap. This is getting out of hand. Not true, give it up, brown people are not eating well on your dollars. Rest assured that they are starving properly on badly funded food programs, and the teenaged mothers are given neither birth control so they can’t get pregnant, nor proper care for their infants so they can get an education.

    You all will keep the disaster unfolding as before. Nothing to see here.

  2. framitz says:

    Seems to me that this is pretty much total BS. I used to live in the Riverside, CA area and my kids went to school there in the late 90’s.

    I even witnessed stuff like this: “raised so much hell with the female teachers, calling them “Putas” — whores — and throwing things” when I was in school, but it was NOT illegal immigrants, it was US citizens creating the problems (this was in Colton CA, right next to Riverside).

    I hope people are not so ignorant as to believe this BS, and I hope they have enough sense NOT to pass it on.

  3. Ethan says:

    Well, my girlfriend teaches at a high school in Texas that is 80% Hispanic and 80% below the poverty line (read into that what you will), and the only part of that letter she corroborates is the pregnancy rate.

  4. BgScryAnml says:

    Unless you have spent time in the public education system this would seem far fetched. If you have spent time in the system you will know this “letter” is on target. The scope is narrow but each school is a microcosm of the community. Readers should not focus on race, rather class. End the welfare system and open the boarders.

  5. chris says:

    I live in central ohio, a area that now has a mexican population and a large somolian population. I can say this. Illegal or not mexicans and somolians both do get a lot of govt aid. I have freinds that work in the welfare dept and they tell me all the time how things are easer for them. The good news is some mexicans take the help and ether gotten better jobs by educating themselves and getting the thigns they need (car, nice house) and some have opened up thier own busniess’ which i think is a good thing. But some do take advantage of the goodness, and in keeping with many people already here try to take the state for what ever they can. Can you blame them though? Would you turn down money being given to you?
    I also beleive the school situation, but i dont believe its just illegals doing it. ALL kids are acting that way. Schools have no power to enforce and discipline is a joke. So “when in rome” i think applies here. you want to fit in so you do what the majority does.
    I am for putting up a fence but before you call me mean and a hater please read. I think the fence should go up to show respect for the people that have come to this country legally and gone though the system to become a american. They work hard to learn the english language so they can fit in to thier new home. Thats why we should have a fence. So that it means something to be here. How is it fair to a person who spent a year to come to this country and while he is here he goes though the system like he is asked to, how is it fair to him to see a person break the rules and get head quicker.
    O wait we do that also,

  6. SP says:

    – So the kids don’t know how to conserve the food they receive at school (which for most of them is prolly the most nurishing thing they eat all day), why doesn’t somebody *teach* them about conservation?

    – Instead of helping teenage moms try and finish school, it makes complete sense to push them out into the real world without a full education. They’ll be much more productive members of society that way.

    – Lets lump school budgeting and bureaocracy in with the illegal immigration problem. It’s completely the fault of immigrants that school districts can’t budget more than a year in advance and force their schools to use their funding or send it back to the district.

    Conservatives whining about illegals in our country is like liberals whining about why we went to Iraq. Fact is, the illegals are here and our troops are in Iraq. Lets deal with the realities of both situations instead of bitching.

  7. art says:

    Don’t know if the letter is BS or not, but $20,500,000,000 for fiscal year 2005 for title I schools, I wonder what do they do with that money …

  8. CB says:

    I am currently in my second year of teaching, and also teach in a Title I school, though far from California. I have personally witnessed cafeteria workers tossing large garbage cans full of uneaten breakfast and lunch food that the kids get for free. The kids that appreciate and take the time to eat this food are few and far between.

    One thing not mentioned in this letter is the amount of gang activity associated with Hispanic students.

  9. Rick says:

    I can’t believe the tone of some of these posts! Oh my freakin’ god! As a first big step, how about we distinguish between “Mexican” (ahem, “Latino”) and “Illegal”…Let’s say the letter is completely true…how did we suddenly flatten the two groups (Illegal and Latio) into one big “problem”?!?!! I think they used to call that racism.

    It may well be that food is wasted (have a look at how the white kids treat their food) and it may be that there are gangs related to hispanic groups and it may be true that there are issues of teen pregnancy…but it is pretty easy to find connections between poverty and gang activity and teen pregnancy…and easier to find consistent waste among children…and, at the end of the day, if these brown people who are suddenly the cause of all of the problems in our country prove to be citizens…then they are our problem to solve…it makes me sick that these “problems” are now just to be dumped off under the banner of illegal migration…absolutely sickening.

  10. moss says:

    Uh, Rick. Ain’t hardly anyone west of the Mississippi using “Latino”. Spanish-speaking or otherwise. Cripes, there are Anglos on the East Coast who broaden that one out to include any Mediterranean heritage.

  11. joshua says:

    It’s hard to say what is BS and what isn’t in this letter. I know that what it says about health care facilities and the social costs are right on.

    In our zeal to be all things to everyone we have created a monster with the illegals. Most people read what will reinforce what they already believe, but when you read non-aligned studies you see what damage to the education system, the health care system and the working wage system and the general cultural and social system of the areas where most of the illegals congregate, has really occured.

    As to the attitudes of the students, they are just part of todays culture of disrespect for authority that is out there, not just by students. When politicians and supposed *leaders* trash everyone who disagrees with them what do you expect the kids to do?

    I like the combined House(minus the felony clause) and Senate bills. If they actually do what the bills call for it will be about as fair as we can get. We need desperatly to control the borders, we need desperatly to find, and fine the company’s that exploit these people and we need desperatly to assimilate the 11 to 20 million illegals we have.

  12. jim says:

    I don’t know if the letter is BS or not. However, the more you give people without any cost to them the less they appreciate it. (regardless of race, it is not a racial issue)

  13. xully says:

    The USA is a dying country thanks to our corrupt politicians, greedy capitalists, and never ending waves of illegals invading our once great country. When the rest of the world realizes we will never be strong enough to pay off, or even slow down, our debt – the US dollar will collapse. Things will get ugly then. I will be relocated by then.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    There will always be scumbags who will abuse the system regardless of ethnic group.

    The only kids I picture throwing away fruits and vegetables are the chubby kids grown on mac n’ cheese, burgers and video games.

  15. JohnnyM says:

    Im a 10th Grader(and hispanic) at Valley High school in Santa ana CA in Orange county and I think I have a pretty good view of things here so I’ll dispense my knowledge

    – The food is terrible Breakfast and lunch all they give is crappy toast and OJ
    -Im not on the free lunch program but most of my friends are
    -Only Bad food is wasted here and about %45 is terrible really its godawful
    -about 1 in 4 are obese here but me im too skinny for my own good
    – the cell phone thing is deadon Im see no need for a cell phone and find them more of an annoyance at this point but everyone else does have one and use it frquently i just communicate to friends via Email
    – There are gangs here but really they’re not much of a nusciance they are easily handled by the police.
    – While there are a moderate number of underage pregs at my school last year i have yet to see any this year and there not school run daycare centers the Girls are sent off to continuation school and their babies are cared for by them or thier families
    – The youngest mother I’ve seen is 15
    -most illegals Ive encountred are very respectful
    -Citizen students on the other hand(besides me of course) can be downright rude maybe its the culture they picked up off of TV or something but there are some extreme cases here

    Feel Free to ask any Questions

  16. JohnnyM…good report..now get us some photos to back it up!

  17. iglowat says:

    With open borders does that mean anyone that wants to relocate here has that right; considering that jobs are a little hard to come by wouldn’t they simply end up on welfare or would they push the market wages down? I don’t see rent coming down or the cost of housing in general, would this in turn lead to increased demands upon our social safety net? In Oregon illegals offically make up 5% of the population, but make up 16% of prison population. The last study I saw put Hispanic out of wedlock birth rate at 46%, seems a little high but so does the number of criminal trespasers coming into the country and ending up on welfare. If someone is willing to sneak into the country against the law, use someone elses SSN against the law, open a bank account against the law, vote in elections against the law, why would that individual turn down extra welfare checks when it’s only a fake SSN away? If they are smart enough to bread all those other laws to “improve” their lives, why not get extra cash with multiple SSNs, it’s not like anyone is checking whether or not the Hispanic is legal, not with so many well meaning Liberals/Communits/Neo-Comms helping them.

    You surely don’t see Mexico with such view towards criminal immigrants in their country. What extactly does a criminal immigrant feel about all the people that want the borders to disappear, suckers!

  18. Awake says:

    We should blame the Jews. Their evil ways are leading to the abuse of our social structure and the destruction of our values. The only good solution is a permanent solution. As you know, we are not to blame for our current political problems, it is the Jews that must be blamed since they are instigating it. Oh yeah, the gays are at fault too.
    (Subsitute Mexican in the above paragraph and you will understand what I’m getting at.)

    I saw it on Fox news: If you don’t watch out, before you know it a gay Spanish-speaking polygamist married couple will show up during the under-attack Christmas holidays and burn an American flag in your own living room while the government helps them by taking away your guns.

    Yeah.. let’s blame all of our problems on minimum wage migrant workers with no political power. Germany in the 30’s had their own set of scapegoats, we now have ours.

  19. xully says:

    A million sex crimes a year by illegals…


    “”This translates to 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sexual offenders coming across U.S. borders illegally per day,” she says.”

    Thank God for DIEversity.

  20. JohnnyM says:

    Photos of headless fat people you got it Dvo

    Also the school Im in is in really crappy condtion and that really contributes alot to the urban decay and sprawl the adjacent neighborhood already experinces . the neighboorhood had had an a killing or too a few years back but really thats the extent of Gang crime here. we actually have more useless stoned teens than gangbangers

    I visit Riverside county frequently on weekends and I havent had a visit to the schools the surrounding area is very poor rural and full of illegals. The area is a hotbend of Meth and Crack dens. Its like the deep south but in a desert with a couple of illegals thrown in . From what I read of the report Ill corrorborate

    -there are a higher % of obese kids there at the very least I,ve seen them MUCH more frequently than around here
    -there are more illegals there since there is more work
    The area is very poor so maybe all of them are on the free or reduced lunch program
    -I really havent seen many teens in that area except a couple of white kids but I havent seen any underage moms
    -The Schools are actually much newer than ours they are brand new
    -Same Cell phone deal here too, to many
    -I’ll try to upload some photos if I can but I really dont know of what

    well thats pretty much it and please if i made any spelling or grammatical errors May i remind you I am a product of the California education system also J Dvo There is a question ive been wanting to clear up You do have other people who posr for you right?
    When I read the posts they each seem different in wrting style so can you clear up the confusion?

  21. xully says:

    Awake, I guess you would have us believe that the demographic changes in America are 1) Completely random, 2) Completely good, and 3) Unstoppable. In 1912 Israel Cohen said, “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension … In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the negroes. We will aid the negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” Nothing happens by chance.

  22. I read almost the same screed a few years ago, only rather than “latinos,” it read “blacks.” I’ve worked in Ca schools, so elements of this are so obviously false. If that much money was flying about, students wouldn’t be learning computing from 486s and ancient Macintoshes. Our locakl school is in the wealthiest part of California and we are spending our PTA money on paper and chalk because there’s not enough money in the budget. And creal bars? Please, maybe in Beverly Hills. We have days there are no buns for the hot dogs, and the HS lets a fast food place sell directly to students. I keep hearing about these miraculous schools of plenty, but I’ve never seen one.

  23. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    The very fact it lacks an author suggests it is bogus. Snopes.com is filled with letters like this, purported to be true, yet have no actual traceability or verifiability.

    Geeze, when I was in school the garbage cans filled up quick with the crap they served. Which school is this?

  24. Jodie says:

    I do not live in California, but have recently moved to Florida from St. Louis. I was told by the previous school that I had all the appropriate paperwork needed to enroll my child. However, it took 2 full weeks for enrollment, because all documents had to be verified and reprinted on “blue paper”, before I was able to enroll my daughter. I doubt it is any easier to get into school in California. I cannot believe that schools are filled with “illegal immigrants”. The problem is that there is a breed of people who see illegal immigrants every time they see a Hispanic person. I have never had to walk in the shoes of an immigrant, and I do not envy the hardship of their families. I will never understand the greed in a person who is so worried about the pennies spent on feeding children terrible food, but the same conservative bigot has absolutely no problem with the billions of dollars we send to Halliburton to treat our soldiers like crap in Iraq. It is not good for the economy to line Chaney’s pockets, but instead we pick apart what we spend on juice (cheap fruit punch) and toast for CHILDREN. Yeah, that’s who I want to blame all of my problems on. Immigrant children who are eating up all of this countries toast.


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