Fox analyst

With all the evidence accumulated by now, even the most stubborn observer should at least concede that a lot of the ice on this planet seems to be melting for some reason.

This weekend on the show “Cashin’ In,” Fox News analyst Jonathan Hoenig asserted that global warming was “bogus,” and “dreamed up” by environmentalists to stop economic development:

“There’s no scientific proof that global warming even exists. To be honest, it’s a bogus consensus dreamed up by Greens because they hate industry. They hate advancement. They hate technology…Greens will lead us back to the stone ages.”

Why does Fox always ridicule those they disagree with instead of addressing the facts of their argument?

  1. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #25, FOX is not an unbiased news reporter. They are an entertainment network under the guise of reporting the news. Claiming that their “numbers” speak for themselves, don’t believe it. The same organization that brings you the Jerry Springer Show and the Judge Judy wannabes doesn’t have much credibility. CNN is quoted far more often for news then FOX has or ever will be. BTW, MSNBC is only one step up from FOX.

    Over the past few years, I have concluded that those who “tell it like it is” are really just spouting off their own prejudices. They have no objectivity. In this, FOX excels.

  2. moss says:

    #32 — Copout.

  3. Adrian says:

    Many climatologists claim that global warming will lead to another ice age.

    Not so. This “Day after Tomorrow” scenorio is a gross misunderstanding of the possible changes in the ocean thermohaline (or meridional) circulation in the Atlantic and its impact on climate. “the notion that [a future change in the themohaline circulation] may trigger a mini ice age is a myth”

  4. Adrian says:

    I don’t debate there is global warming. I think the only debate is wether or not it’s a natural cycle or caused by human activity.

    The debate amongst climatologists has moved beyond that. Hardly any climate scientist disputes anthropogenic global warming. The debate is now on whether we have passed any tipping points and, if not, how close are we to crossing them.

  5. James Hill says:

    You liberals sure are funny.

    Global warming exists, in that the earth heats and cools over time. The theory that we can influence this has not been proven… not even close.

    Trying to act like we’re the unintelligent ones because we choose to only put our energy behind facts shows why you’re out of touch, and unable to win any major election.

  6. moss says:

    37 — read 36. You’re bright enough to read some serious science on the topic, as well. Wander through and you’ll find other topics, as well.

    38 — don’t waste time on straw men arguments unless you’re just up for trolling. Home construction requires thought and research more often than extra buck$ to save energy. I’ve worked for certified Green builders and we always were price competitive.

    The same is true of automotive design. Freeways will always be part of a mobile society; but, light rail and commuter vehicles are sensible additions. No one serious about revising common practices for intelligent energy consumption proposes any magic bullets. We can leave the magic and the bullets up to the village idiots in charge of government.

    Though I’ve worked on trophy homes, btw, from 6-26,000 sq.ft. — my wife and I — and dogs — live quite comfortably in 1200 sq.ft.. Maybe we’re easier to get along with, eh?

  7. Orion says:

    way to go Jonathan Hoenig stick it to the tree huggers!!!!!

  8. ECA says:

    something funny,

    to think that Humans and animals have been here for a short time.

    this planet is changing, as it ALWAYS has, and WILL.
    Want to stop it, become Mother nature, and try.

    THERE is NO NORMAL, no standard, for what will happen.
    Its like a LIVING person, as you AGE, you CHANGE… We can point to SOME things that work, and make it BETTER, for US…Only from our view of what we need to Live and survive. It wasnt that way in the beginning, and IT wont be that way in the end.
    This Planet has been Uninhabitable(for animals) Longer then it has been Breathable(oxygen based).
    even if we find away to break CO2, into Oxygen and carbon to delay the enevitable depletion.. We only delay the future of WHAT this planet is changing into, even without ourselves involved…

    we need to get OFF this planet and start advancing.. start teraforming, learning…


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