There’s no word better than “ultimate” to convey the impression that you’re getting nothing but the best. However, when it comes to Microsoft’s new software, whatever you end up getting is going to cost you heaps.

A quick glance at the word processor component of Office 2007 indicates that it promises to be a pretty slick piece of software. It will take some getting used to with that ribbon instead of menus across the top, but it’s slick. With Office 2007 Ultimate, users will be able to buy every piece of office productivity software that Microsoft makes in one package. We always thought that was the idea of having an office suite but anyway, with Office 2007 Ultimate, you get pretty much the same packages you got with Office 2003 plus one or two or other applications such as Groove collaboration software.

And all those bits and bytes can be yours for just $679.

Folks seem to think the “upgrade” will only be $500.

Guess this might be the appropriate time to add this OO.o link.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Sorry Mr Gates, Office is good, but its not worth $500+. I’ve been using Open Office and with the exception of Outlook, see no further need to use M$ Office.

  2. Bruce IV says:

    Please say that’s in Canadian dollars, or rubles or something … oh well, hopefully they don’t jack the educational or OEM rates too much …

  3. Improbus says:

    OMG! I can’t believe gquaglia and I agree on something. This may be a sign of the Apocalypse.

  4. At that price, I’ll stay with my current version or move back to WordPerfect. Then again, maybe this will the time to shift to Open Office. Under no circumstances will I support MS’s profit maximization pricing strategy — that’s for monopolies and I don’t support monopolies.

  5. MikA says:

    They’re trying to kill a cash cow in the most profitable way possible!
    There#s surely no other reason for that price.

  6. gquaglia says:

    #7 Unfortunatly, corporations will pay this without blinking an eye and M$ knows it.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Imagine the tons of new glitc… *cough* features it will have!

  8. rus62 says:

    Canadien/Canadian dollars will only get you a 10% price difference at this time. Still not worth it.

    I always hear the same hype when MS puts out a new Office Suite. What more can you do to the current Office Suite that is worth $500 per license except make it flawless?

  9. If your organization wants to spend thousands of dollars or more on Microsoft Office (is “slick” worth $500,000?), please do buy Office 2007. If you have more important things to spend money on (some more QA people, a little R&D, or maybe health insurance), then you might consider

  10. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #8, I’m not so sure. Once again businesses are in a belt tightening mood and if they don’t need to spend it, then they wont. Maybe a few top executives will get a copy with their new, top of the line computers, but I expect the masses to continue using whatever version they have now. If it comes bundled with new computers, then regular employees will get a copy. If, however, they can do everything they need to now, why upgrade. The price just might end up sending a few more IT Managers to go Open Office if anything.

  11. Diane Ensey says:

    I agree with #12 – we’ve already seen governments go open source, I think this might just be the push that is needed to push large corporations to open source as well.

    Too bad – I actually like Word/Excel/Outlook and how they work together, but MS is effectively pricing their product out of the picture for individuals and small businesses.


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