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Is there nothing this man can’t do?

Robertson Says He Leg-Pressed 2,000 Pounds

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says he has leg-pressed 2,000 pounds. The feat is recounted on the Christian Broadcasting Network Web site, in a posting headlined, “How Pat Robertson Leg Pressed 2,000 Pounds.” Robertson founded CBN and is host of its flagship television show, “The 700 Club.”

Clay Travis of CBS SportsLine.coms online magazine called the assertion impossible in a column this week, writing that the leg-press record for football players at Florida State University is 665 pounds less.

“Where in the world did Robertson even find a machine that could hold 2,000 pounds at one time?” Travis asked.

Another posting on the Web site says “One of Pat’s secrets to keeping his energy high and his vitality soaring is his age-defying protein shake.” The site offers a recipe for the shake, which Robertson developed and filled with “energy-producing nutrients.”

And here’s Slate’s take on the whole leg-press phenomenon that’s sweeping the nation.

The leg press: the world’s lamest exercise.

In a New York Times Magazine interview last month, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright mentioned that she can leg press 400 pounds. Now evangelical sparkplug Pat Robertson is shilling protein shakes by claiming he can leg press 2,000 pounds. That’s right, one ton—about four-fifths the curb weight of a Mini Cooper.

Are America’s aging public intellectuals getting buffer? Possibly. But before they start shooting their mouths off, Albright and Robertson need a primer in gym etiquette. Only wusses brag about their leg press.

The squat, of course, is the real man/woman’s lower-body workout. It’s such a crucial part of the basic regimen that it’s known as the “king of exercises.” While some consider the dead lift a rival to the throne, the leg press isn’t even close. It’s the zoning-board commissioner of exercises.

I’m a devotee of the reclining couch-press, myself.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Not surprising. Most muscle heads are morons, I guess Robertson felt he needed to fit the bill.

  2. Tony Robbins talks about being able to do this in one of his “Personal Power” sets. It talks about starting the lifting in the “strongest” part of the muscle’s movement – usually involving someone to help into that position first.

  3. meetsy says:

    when do we get to stop listening to the moron, Robertson, and start ignoring him. He’s not worthy of ANYONE’S attention. And, I’m sure he’s speaking “metaphorically” as I don’t see that flabby old white guy doing anything more than pressing more potatoes on his plate. In the photo he’s assisting his thighs with his hands. Cheat! LIar!
    Uhhh, do hope his ego gets in the way….and he goes to lift 2000 lbs “for the record” and snaps his femers. I’m sure it would make GOD SMILE.

  4. RTaylor says:

    Those exercises really makes for a tight ass; wait a minute…

  5. Mike Voice says:

    Shouldn’t that be: “…news of the weak”?

    Am I really supposed to believe that the padded-backrest shown in the picture is actually supporting 1-ton [plus the weight of that idiot?]

    I won’t even get into the vector analysis of the 1-ton of force being straight-down [due to gravity]… so he is only having to generate a fraction of that amount to move it up an incline… [one of the earliest tools known to man, way before the wheel]

    I’m just relieved to see that he is not claiming that this “strength” is a blessing from God for not being gay…

  6. axe says:

    Maybe he wants to get into shape so he can take somebody out.

  7. billflu says:

    Anyone see the movie Unbreakable?

  8. xully says:

    Good. Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth … Vader.

  9. paddler says:

    I want to see him get on TV and try to leg press 1 ton. Then we can call him Flat Robertson

  10. Pete says:

    #7 Like Hugo Chavez?

  11. rick says:

    If he wants to impress me he needs to:
    (a) leave Virginia Beach and take his army with him
    (b) do squats
    (c) do a full range press, not a partial press. bring those legs down to your chest then push up. $10.00 says he can’t do it.

    With presses you’re only actually lifting so much real weight, it’s not the same has being able to lift 2k.

  12. Mike Voice says:

    #9 Then we can call him Flat Robertson


    Thank You…
    [damn, wish I’d thought of it…]

  13. JToso says:

    Impressive for his age. However, he was not doing them right. He was also bracing his legs with his arms. You can see him holding his legs when the weight went up. Reminds me of David Blaines parlor tricks.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    just the way I like my men: middle aged, legs spread and on their backs *evil grin*

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    Um, Angel… Where do you live?

  16. joshua says:

    I thought you liked them hairy Angel.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    Dave: In honduras…

    Joshua: there’s something called “daddy bear.” And those who are str8t and do a google search on that please carry a plastic bag in case you get nauseated *grin*

  18. xully says:

    Wong, “str8t” is actually called “normal”, while “daddy bears” are called “abnormal”. When you’re wasting away from AIDS maybe you’ll understand why.

  19. Angel H. Wong says:


    Are you one of those who still think that AIDS was sent to god to kill homosexuals? Because I have big news for you: AIDS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AND KILLS WITHOUT DISTINCTION.

  20. xully says:

    Wong, the AIDS pandemic is a direct result of tolerated societal deviancy. In this case, tolerance of people like you.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    Dude, I haven’t had any since june 2005, plus I already got tested negative for AIDS 😛


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