pot law

One day this country will have an honest conversation on marijuana legalization, but it ain’t happening any time soon, even with evidence like this:

The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer.

The new findings “were against our expectations,” said Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles, a pulmonologist who has studied marijuana for 30 years.

“We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use,” he said. “What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect.”


  1. Sounds The Alarm says:


    Fair enough

  2. Irv says:

    Dude, weed smokers are safe drivers (as long as they
    don’t use anything else.) I learned to drive stoned,
    talk about focused… and this was Alaska.

  3. blank says:


    Do you also think alcohol should be illegal too since so many people (many MANY more people) use and abuse alcohol than they use pot. Or are you pushing your morals on all of us? If someone drinks or smokes pot and isn’t hurting anyone (meaning not drinking and driving etc etc.), then why are you so against others using it? Why should you even care?

  4. ECA says:

    Main reasons HEMP…NOt MJ was banned.

    It was the era of the synthetics, and NEW fibers were being made…
    How long sence then has it taken WOOL and cotton to be replaced, and STILL you cant beat them, for warmth, water protection and many other uses… And the COSt of wool and cotton has gone UP…ALOT…

    AS to medical uses, YES there are some…Glocoma, is 1 use…but its the LEAFS of about 4 certain MJ plants that work for pain…NOT the BUD…

    the Medical community IS NOT responsible if you take over your OWN meds… this means that the only education they GET, is from Drug companies and not from Herbalists… Using Herbals, is NOT covered by ANY compnay, and can NOT be graded..They NEVEr have sold ANYTHING you can grow yourself… the Quality and quanity of certain herbs, depending on its SCOURCE(which plant is better) THEY dont want you to KNOW…

    Its an OLd marketing trick…I supply you for a period of time for CHEAP,
    THEN when you forget HOW to do it yourself,
    I RAISe the price, and you BUY it from me.

  5. gquaglia says:

    Wow, I knew this blog was very left leaning, I just really realize who far it was. Whats next cocaine, heroin?

  6. Bruce IV says:

    Ok … everyone is missing this – this is the University of California – its like University of Texas telling us that burning oil does not pollute the atmosphere … ok, not quite, but you get the point – and blank (36) who says it would be used responsibly – alchol is legal, and how many people get drunk and beat up their wives, or drive into people – it is government’s job to save us from our own dumb ideas – like legalizing pot – here’s to it staying banned for a very long time.

  7. ECA says:

    Washington was a Botonist..And grew Hemp crops.
    He Imports HEMP from all over the world, including Siberia…
    He found the Siberian Scrub Hemp GREW like crazy…

    Hemp was used for CLOTHES, ROPES, SHOES……It was the MAJOR CHEAP CLOTH of the time.

  8. Milo says:

    Either legalize pot or make alcohol and tobacco illegal.

  9. blank says:

    lol, I’m not a leftie. I’m actually more of a conservative. But come on…it’s just fricken pot. There are MANY more important things to worry about than some people that want to smoke a joint.

    This isn’t a case of “I’m a republican so automatically don’t want people smoking pot”. Also, why in the hell should anyone care who does what drug? Why in the hell should anyone care who does anything? How is it hurting you gquaglia?

    And Bruce. how many people DO use alcohol responsibly? There are people that beat up their wives and drive into people that haven’t touched a drug or drink in their lives….what then? It’s the governments job to save us from our dumb ideas? Are you kidding me? So what are you saying, make alcohol illegal again? You DO remember what happened the last time they did that right? Read up on prohibition and the fiasco that was along with the start of major organized crime.

  10. ECA says:

    HOw long has it been that we HELD those responsible, that DRANK, abused their wives, girl friends, RAN over someone, RAN into a TREE, or just DWI….
    At 40, I have seen the change over…
    Drunks CAN drive home, as LONG as nothering has changed betwwen WHERE they are, and WHERE they are going…
    90% can make it…
    BUT, nothing can be in the way, or have changed…

    MJ should be treated the same way…

    The problem comes with HABITUAL/habit forming drugs, that ALTER perceptions.
    Even RAW Coke, is NOT that habit forming, until you process it…
    Like SUGAR.. Until peocessed, its NOT that sweet. And it dont give you a hang over RAW, as does Processed, granulated sugar…

    But its to EASY to process…REALLy easy..

    Problem with MJ, is that gardening has rasied the strength of it.. there are a few growing processes that can make the stuff REALLY high THC…
    But, the drug companies DONT want you to have something you DONT NEED to buy… they WANT you to pay for it…

    IF they could, they would BOTTLE AIR, and market it to you…AND YES, they already do that, ALSO…

  11. John Wofford says:

    gquaglia apparently inhabits his own very special world, apart from everyone elses, where only his version of quantum mechanics work. Or maybe he should just get stoned…

  12. catbeller says:

    Richard Nixon commission a study of marijuana use and its effects. The research results were: no harm whatsoever.

    He literally threw the papers into the trash.

    Marryjawanna was demonized by ONE FBI GUY in the early 1940’s; his argument was that it was the drug of immoral black musicians — I’m not kidding — and it would corrupt and pollute the white youth of America. He was an FBI official, I forget his name. JFK gave him a medal for lifetime achievement or some such idiocy.

    Millions of people have been imprisoned or ruined because of the race-baiting of one ignorant bigot. And no one even remembers his name.

    this is just INSANE.

  13. catbeller says:

    44: “The problem comes with HABITUAL/habit forming drugs, that ALTER perceptions.”

    Cite a study that cannabis does this? Hell , cite a study for anything. Studies that might show MJ is benign have been denied funding and a legal source of marijuana for over 30 years. One suspects that the Drug Warriors don’t want to be shown up to be chasing fairies.

  14. catbeller says:

    Pro-legalization isn’t “left”. It’s conservative. The idea that you rightist have that you can lock people up for using drugs that you don’t like is foreign to the American way for the last two centuries.

    Passing laws to make criminals of millions of people for no sane reason is radical, not conservative. You’d be happy to know that the Soviet Union agreed and the Islamic theocracies agree with the radical Americans who want to control people’s drug use. There’s not a totalitarian ruler in the world who doesn’t outlaw drug use.

    You “rightists” are the ones who meddle in people’s lives, not we conservatives. Leave people the hell alone.

  15. Greymoon says:

    Re: # 41, ECA,

    Thanks for the history lesson about certain textiles, you forgot one thing though, … and HE SMOkEd it ToO.

    Why do so many people have a problem with this? Does it ruin some sort of pre-conceived notion that if you smoke pot you’re an idiot? Kind of have to wonder where these people get that notion.
    A) They have been brainwashed with that rhetoric
    B) They have smoked pot and turned into an idiot.

    I am thinking the answer is A.

    For gquaglia,
    Another quote from one who enjoyed the effects of pot “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  16. ECA says:

    DIDNt say it did…
    It was a comment on WHAT IS a dangerous drug..

    DIDNT say he DIDNT…
    Back then, they tried ANything, as an alternative…AS Tobacco was an export product, and you could make MORE with it..

  17. gquaglia says:

    “if you smoke pot you’re an idiot?”

    Yeah, pretty much…

  18. gquaglia says:

    “gquaglia apparently inhabits his own very special world, apart from everyone elses”

    Yeah, its called anywhere else except California

  19. Jim Petersen says:

    Anything, in excess, is bad for you. If, in its pecular wisdom, Congress were to legalize pot, teenagers would find it harder to obtain since the economic that drives dope pushers in our schools would not be there. Right now, it is harder for a teenager to buy cigarettes than pot.

    Jim Petersen

  20. Greymoon says:

    Re: #50, ECA,

    Did not say you “DIDNT say he DIDNT…” I said you forgot one thing. The rest of the comment was pertaining to the problem some people have with that, looking back I see I should have seperated it out, I am sorry.
    Put down your sword, before you stab yourself with it, I am not your enemy.

    Re: #51, gquaglia,

    Now you are quoting out of context. Feeble, absolutely incredibly feeble. ” False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.” -Plato

    Oh and by the way your comment #25 was an entertaining rant, one that I had hoped to let pass as pretty much a delusion.

    I must wonder at the drug of jealousy you have obviously injested, and why the rage? Why do you concern yourself with the trappings of “this bunch of misfits and loosers”, as you say? If they are such “misfits and loosers”, let them be of no concern to you. Fame and fortune are not the pedestals or higher plain of substance. They are fleeting and easily toppled. Perhaps the teachers, doctors, firefighters and cops have no need for such material objects, instead seeking their worth within their work. Maybe this is why they are so valuable.

    Seems to me the drug of jealousy has infected your mind in a habitual way. Seek help, seek it soon, you are mentaly dieing.

  21. John Wofford says:

    This is getting to be a really long post, and off topic posts won’t help, but I can remember my grandmother dosing me with kerosene over sugar whenever I claimed to be sick. Other than discouraging staying home from school ’cause I’m sick days, it probably made me grow up to be the pot smoking, whiskey drinking and participle dangling S.O.B. that I am. Or wuz, ’cause age can tame even the wildest of beasts.

  22. joshua says:

    lol…grandma had your number #56

  23. ECA says:

    55, is correct…
    the motto of the drug dealer of OLD…
    get them hooked, and hooked HARD, then Pull it away if they dont pay.

    But using a LEGAL drug.
    I would have suggested SUGAR, insted, as a comparison..

  24. redline says:

    well all i have to say is i smoke almost everyday after work. i dont go crazy on it i just use a little to take the edge off. i am 20 years old and have been working the same job since i was 12. now i am about ready to buy this company ( it is a machine shop that machines custom parts out of stainless steel and aluminium, we have about twenty employees) so i would end by saying its all about the person and how you use it, but dont try to put a label on it because over half of you non smokers are just as dumb as the most heavy of users


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