robot penis


The mind boggles at the joke opportunities.

In their latest study, the Wake Forest researchers first used standard biopsy techniques to harvest smooth-muscle and blood-vessel cells from the penises of healthy adult male rabbits. In the lab, the researchers used these cells to “seed” a special nutrient-rich collagen matrix. Over time, the cells multiplied within this framework to grow into new penile tissue.

“Mating activity in the animals with the engineered [penis] resumed by 1 month after implantation,” they reported. “Presence of sperm was confirmed in the vaginal vault of the female partners, and all females conceived and delivered healthy pups.”

Imagine the market for designer dicks once this gets commercialized.

  1. david says:

    The penis question:

    If you could bend over enough to suck yourself off (you can already reach it with your hand) would you do it? (I’ve seen Ron Jeremy do it in a porn movie). Next question: would you be considered gay or homosexual? Is masturbation a form of homosexuality since you are handling a penis. Yes, yours, but aren’t you a man?

    My theory is that EVERY man is unconsciously homosexual because every man fondles a penis. IT DOES NOT MATTER THAT IS YOUR OWN.

  2. Mike Voice says:

    Can we go back to pictures of scantily-clad women, which have no bearing on the story…

    Just so we don’t have any more comments which start with: “If you could bend over enough to suck yourself off …”

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Forget about replacing your penis, think about having a second one! Oh the posibilities!

  4. Mike Voice says:

    #3 think about having a second one!

    Oh, no…

    Just when I believe size doesn’t matter, quantity does…

  5. ECA says:

    Any posibilities??

  6. Angel H. Wong says:


    You can use one while the other one rests *wink*

  7. Rebel says:

    What about those who bang their pillow, blow-up doll, package of raw meat (read about it, haven’t tried it), vacuum cleaners, …. does this make them 100% hetrosexual? 🙂

    But seriously … this could be good news for guys with broken tallywhackers and such.

  8. david says:

    Coca Cola Sells Dick

    You are probably familiar with the Coca Cola logo on paper cups when you purchase a drink at a fast food joint. I was having one yesterday when I started observing the logo more carefully. Here is a picture of it that you may want to look at while reading the following:

    First the obvious. The glass Coke bottle is a penis shaft and HEAD ejaculating Coca Cola. Cum yet? Now, the less obvious, and you will have to study the logo to get it (sort of like the “old woman/young woman” picture used in many psychology textbooks).

    Look at the brown segment under the lid. It is a guy with his mouth open and to the left, another brown segment in the shape of a hand pointing to his mouth. This is Coka Kola Co. telling you to imbibe. IMBIBE COCA-COLA. Can you see it? The guy’s head is cut off on top just above that funny wiggly nose. BUT, what is he really imbibing? HE IS SUCKING A WOMAN’S TIT. Do you see it?!? Look closely at the white section between the brown on the right and the green on the left of it. It is a white woman with her head looking up and her long hair falling down. One of her breasts is point up as well BUT the other one is being imbibed by the male mouth! Her buttocks is tight and protruding upward (just look at the white segment forgetting the rest of the logo to see it better). And her long legs follow downwardly.

    Coca Cola is subliminally selling women a cold hard cock while it sells men a soothing tit to suck milk out of. DUDE, and you thought I was sick. Companies sell this shit and you buy it!

  9. Shambler says:

    #8, I think you see what you _want_ to see. “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”

  10. Greg Mc says:

    Old proverb: Man with spare rod have spoiled wife..

    Or something like that!

  11. catbeller says:

    Well, the old “the size doesn’t matter” line is pure crappola, as many a drunken female has admitted under vino vertitas. So by and by, we’ll buy larger units. We men will do it for the wimmin. We do EVERYthing for the wimmin, let’s be honest, so getting a ten-inch wonder weasel is pretty much a given.

  12. Well, it’s interesting to think of the possibilities for FTM transgendered folks. The FTM operations for “bottom work” have been woefully poor. Perhaps now there would be some good options for them…

  13. #11: …but girth matters more than length.

    Anyway, I suppose this brings us one step closer to having a female-to-male sex change operation that’s equal in quality to the current male-to-female one.


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