ANTICHRIST REVEALED 6/6/06 ? — As we approach June 6, 2006 (6-6-6) we can expect a lot of nuttiness. This site is an example. The guy doing this site gets so carried way he has predicitons for 7/7/07. 8/8/08 and then continues year after year finishing with a prediciton for 13/13/13. And that month would be called….?

These rapturists. Wacky wacky stuff.

2006 (5766) YEAR OF THE BEAST

2006 is clearly encoded with “Year of The Beast”. However the phrase ” YAHWEH DELAYED” is also encoded as is RESPITE & WORTHINESS


related link:
Bush and Antichrist mania

  1. bob wilson says:

    wow, someone buy me a font.

    i’m really surprised that there wasn’t any [deprecated] blink tags on that freaky page….

    one must ask, are those colors random or did he really spend that time getting it ‘right’ ?

    whew!!! Good hit or whatever your john c is. 😀

  2. Gary Marks says:

    Rapture? Let the record show I don’t expect to be taken.
    Those who know me would support that assessment 😉

    Back in early times, there were those who believed that 666 referred to the emperor Nero, according to a numerological workup on his name. As time disproves each Biblical “Beast,” new predictions quickly take their place. Some people find it even more interesting than predicting the winner of “American Idol.” As for me, I’ll go out on a limb and predict that tomorrow will be partly cloudy. Foretelling the rapture, the Beast, and the Antichrist are above my pay grade.

  3. adam says:

    How do you find this crap John?

  4. Eideard says:

    It goes on and on and on. The remake of The Omen releases 6/6/06. The Death of Slayer speed metal band has a special celebration day.

    It’s a Tuesday, so, all the religious and spooky numnums will either be afraid to go to Best Buy — or be lined up before they open — to get all the crappola DVD’s that every sleazy publicist in the country will be peddling.

    I think I’ll stay home and watch Patrick and Robert on DL.TV.

  5. KB says:


    Well at least he learned one lesson from the garden of Eden debacle: “Cover your ass.”  🙂

  6. joe says:

    now, if the end of the world is coming soon. should I still try and pay off my credit cards

  7. Tom Nelson says:

    Yikes!! Where do I sign up for this rapture thing??(har)
    MOSLEMS!!?? Good grief!!

  8. Don Marsh says:

    Date setters are an embarrassment to those of us who are content to let God have His way with the who thing.

  9. Johnny-Cakes says:

    Also, someone should remind these morons that it’s 2006. As in “06”.

    The number they’re all afraid of is 666…not 6606. If they needed to be worried about a date it should have been the actual year “6”.

    So June 6th, 6. Hmmm…anything happen way back then?

  10. RTaylor says:

    I can say with great certainty that someday the world will end.

  11. ken ehrman says:

    6/6/7 is the neighbor of the beast! and i hear he never mows his lawn. oh! the horror, the horror of it all…

  12. GregAllen says:

    OK OK, even as an evangelical I can admit this is wacky.

    But is it any wierder than the craziness that happened aon 1/1/00?

  13. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    When the end of the world happens on June 6, 2006, then it will be Bush’s fault. Or Cheney’s, or both.

    Yup, if we had a real man in the White House, like Gore or Kerry, this wouldn’t even be a thought.

  14. jim says:

    Of course these wack jobs don’t relaize that they are off by 10 days. Due to the old calandar being off over the centuries the pope at the time (1500’s?) eliminated 10 days in September or October. So 6/6/6 has already passed and nothing happened.(not that I am surprised)

  15. dD says:

    @ 9. My thoughts exactly…. conveniently drop the zero so it looks satanic. Anyway, I always find it amusing to think the forces of darkness have such organisational skills that they book windows ‘of evil’ in their filofaxes many millenia ahead, it is understandable since double booking is always a NIGHTMARE… I mean you wouldn’t want to miss that lunch with Hitler while your supposed to be destroying mankind would you.

  16. dD says:

    Here are a few more predictions, but since we are all dead now 23 times over not much point in reading them…

  17. aquadhere says:

    Wow. These numerologists (is that the right word?) are kinda forgetting that the bible was written in HEBREW and not English.

    I’ll be a little impressed if they can show me that those codes work in the original text.

  18. david says:

    There are three aspects to life: (1) Physical Reality,(2) Mind Reality and (3) Spiritual Reality.

    Everybody makes the mistake that there is only one reality. Physical reality (two parts: motionless and in motion) is governed by immutable physical laws. Dead physical matter is motionless as a rock is unless Live physical matter (like us or another form of kinetic energy) moves it. When we move a rock what is actually moving it? The answer is the Mind. Mind reality is higher than Physical reality. The Mind is what governs the physical plane. The human being is in essence just physical matter that can move ITSELF with Mind rather than with external forces. For instance, the water in the ocean cannot move by itself. There would be no waves if the sun and wind did not do it for the water molecules. What if H2O’s consciousness wanted to MOVE? It can’t because it has no legs or arms. That consciousness found a way by evolving into a human that is 85% water. What I’m trying to say is that God, or the Beginning, was STILL. In order for him to MOVE He had to evolve from Nothing that was Perfectly Still into Something that was Imperfectly Moving. That direction of Still to Moving is Divine Direction, aka Eros or the Omega Point. It is what manifests as “Evolution” and time. The Mind reality is what you think is reality. You can think anything you want but your Mind is dominated by the thoughts that were programmed into it since you were a child. That programming is basically the same worldwide, and it is called culture, social mores and public education. It is totally arbitrary but there are some essential needs such as a language, verbal and written, a story to unite the masses (History, and previously, religion) and a sense of family, of belonging to a group (Nationalism). Mind is a storage tool. It stores what men have learned over millions of years. That collective consciousness has, by trial and error, produced what we are today. That is Mind reality. But, just like the expanding Universe there is a border between the knowing Mind and the Unknowing Mind. Those that stand at the vanguard of Mind expand into a territory unknown to none except those that are at that forefront. This is where the next reality is. This reality is Spiritual Reality. Everyone is stuck at Mind reality because you believe in the image of yourself that is CREATED by MIND. Just like animals that are stuck at Physical Reality. We were the only animals who made it pass the Physical plane into the Mind plane. IN that Mind plane we were able to create MORE physical reality that was not part of the Natural world. Monkeys do not chat on internet forums. Humans, with Mind, do. The curse of Mind is that what one THINKS he may manifest that into Physical reality. This is where 06/06/06 comes in. People use the Mind to create havoc where none truly exists. People have used insane beliefs in God to torture people in the physical plane. So if enough people believe in a rapture, the Mind, the Powerful Mind will create that for them, one way or another. So, as much as we think it is superstitious, if enough “crazy” people believe it, it will manifest in the Physical reality plane where even those that do not believe will STILL feel the effects!

    We all live in a dream. You think it is real because everyone shares the same dream. You believe in an identity that is the name you give yourself. Anyone who veers off this dream you view as crazy or schizo. But it is ALL dream, and since you all dream it, it become “real” in the Reality plane. You have to rise above Mind to realize the Spiritual plane where you can see below. In the Spiritual plane you see the dream. You see that everyone identifies with falsity. What is true is only one thing. Perfect Stillness is all that is Real. If you can realize this while you are alive (Moving) then you have attained Godness which is Perfect Moving Stillness.

  19. jim says:

    You are supposed to put sarcasum tags around things that are sarcastic.

  20. Frederic B. van West says:

    Date setting is a form of witchcraft (defined as trying to gain supernatural power outside of God.) People of FAITH ought to reject date setting (after all, if you have faith in your predictions, what do you need God for?) Christ himself asked “when the Son of Man returns, will there be FAITH left in the world?” – IMHO, people want to control things on their own terms and are not content to let the universe unfold without their input and assistance. Date setting is yet another attempt to “hem” the Almighty into a box of our own creation; it is yet another manifestation of our idolatry and BELIEVERS ought to see it as such and flee from it as surely as one would flee from bad movie remakes. On June 6, I plan to go to work, pay my taxes and live life to the fullest [oh, and by the way, God never created the Gregorian/Julian calendar so the only date setting that might be valid could be based on the Mosaic calendar]

  21. Mike Voice says:


    Spot on!

    Add my name to the list of people who would also like to see these people find “codes” in the earliest Christian texts which exist… [Greek, Coptic, Aramaic…?]

    These idiots should all be required to read Misquoting Jesus by Bart Ehrman…

    To be fair & balanced, a critique of Ehrman’s book is here:


    This crap is about as bad as all the hoopla which surrounded the “Harmonic Convergence”…

  22. moss says:

    #22 asked a useful question — “what do you need God for?”

    The answer is Not a Bloody Thing!

    Just because [some] folks are still gene-ridden with a Stone Age need to explain away natural phenomena they’re too lazy to learn about — shouldn’t require maintenance of dogma and rationale sufficient for cave-dwellers.

    Simple amazes me when someone in the 21st Century gets into their whizbang 8 to drive to the grocery store — and kisses their St. Christopher medal to keep themselves safe. Defensive driving skills work better.

  23. JOSE says:

    I think Pitt & Jolie’s unborn child is the antichrist. Think about it!

  24. blank says:

    david, you crack me up man! Keep them coming, as your ramblings are all over the place.

    You seem to take a little Nietzsche, throw in some Descartes and Kant and then jumble them around. Oh, and the knowledge you have of them was probably obtained from the backs of The Philosophers collectible card series.

    Anyway, your shack in Montana awaits you. Get to work on your manifesto. Oh, and by the way, do you still think that the true heroes of 9/11 were the terrorists that flew the planes into the buildings? No, we haven’t forgotten you said that.

  25. Calin says:

    The question still remains…….did anything happen on 6/6/1906? I mean other than the RMS Lusitania being launched on that date? However, there may be some credence. June 6th is national Yo-yo day……which has to be a sign of the endtimes.

  26. Gig says:

    The remake of “The Omen” is being released 6/6/06.

  27. david says:

    #27. Actually, I’ve never read Nietzsche, Descartes or Kant or seen ‘The Philosophers’ series (though I’ve purchased it but have not yet viewed the DVDs). If I sound similar it is because higher Truths are Truths obtainable by anyone with a predilection to use their Natural intelligence.

    My shack (measures 8’x11′, with a window) is in NYC. I don’t have to go to Montana for the bed bugs to bite. And as for the hero remark, I stand by it. I also responded to it before here:

    To reiterate:

    blank, read the uni-bomber’s manifesto. It has many good points, enough that The New York Times published the whole thing!

    Also, here is the definition of ‘hero’ from the Merriam-Webster’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary:

    1 a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b : an illustrious warrior c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d : one that shows great courage.

    You are keeping in mind definitions a,b and c which are all RELATIVE. That is, since you are American you view the men who flew planes into the WTC as non-heroes. However, *their* counterpart view *them* as heroes just as you view our soldier in Iraq killing innocent women and children as “heroes”. But since they, and you, are using the RELAVATIVE definitions a,b and c, you and they are both right.

    Definition d, though, is a UNIVERSAL definition. And by this sense, the “terrorist” were MORE HEROIC than the firemen, policemen and others because the men who flew the planes WERE MORE COURAGEOUS BECAUSE THEY KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO DIE. The firemen always know their is a risk–a 2% risk that they will die. The terrorists risk of KNOWING they were going to die was 100%! What is greater, 2% or 100%. Who was more heroic? When you use your intellect, blank, you CANNOT DENY THAT THE 9/11 ‘TERRORISTS’ WERE MORE HEROIC. Intellect overrides emotions. Stop being emotional–the truth is blocked by it.

    P.S. Smartalix, the guy in the suit in the bottom picture, strangely, looks just like me.

    Comment by david — 5/25/2006 @ 5:49 am

  28. John Wofford says:

    I think David sits around, smokes a lot of pot, reads a lot of old Heinlein books and gets real weird.
    I drive an old pickup and the tag has 666 in it’s numerical part, and while it has some funny noises it hasn’t growled at me yet.

  29. David. Take my advice: shorten these posts or we’ll edit them down ourselves. They are too long. Read the posting guidelines.

  30. Rebel says:

    Shouldn’t all of this stuff have happened on June 6, 6 AD ?? And I would imagine that any biblical prophecies would coincide with an ancient calendar or something …. definitely not the calender we have now.

    I was reading an article a while back that compared our calendar now to biblical predicitons, and the times were way off with things happening, and all the John 3:19’s shooting their mouths off and repenting all their sins.


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