A man found guilty of sexually assaulting a child has been given 10 years of probation by a judge who said the man was too small to survive prison.

District Judge Kristine Cecava of Cheyenne County sentenced Richard W. Thompson, 50, Tuesday on two counts of sexually assaulting a minor.

His crimes deserved a long sentence, Cecava said, but she expressed concern that the 5-foot-1 Thompson would be especially imperiled by prison dangers.

He will be electronically monitored the first four months of his probation, and he was told to never be alone with someone under age 18 or date or live with a woman whose children were under 18. Cecava also ordered Thompson to get rid of his pornography.

It’s obvious, time and again, that if you pick the right crimes and the right place to commit them — you ain’t gonna suffer from it.

  1. Jim Petersen says:

    It won’t be long before people begin to take the law in their own hands, if our justice system lets creeps like this get away without punishment after they perform the worst possible crime like child rape.

    Issues like this keep me from looking too hard at Gore, Kerry, etc. The logic the judge used here seems more in the democratic, liberal camp than the Bush, Cheney party.

    Jim Petersen

  2. Gen says:

    Sick to my stomach by this Judges ruling.
    If we apply this logic to all criminal cases then or jail and prisons would be free from

    1.Overweight people- they cant get away as quickly if being attacked nor fit on the cot in the cell
    2 People who cant speak the language of the general population- How would they know what others were saying, how would they follow orders given by the guards who only spoke English
    3. Children being tired and convicted as adults and sentenced to adult facilities
    4. Pregnant woman (oh yeah they have specials wards for them—-so how about short wards)
    5. Perhaps the physically handicap should be given a free pass from prison
    6. Last but not least parents who kill the rapist of there child they should be allowed to have an ankle bracelet and a “High five Roll Tide”.
    -Talk about an injustice ACLU- where are you- equal protection under the law.
    – excuse the political incorrectness but I thought little people wanted be treated the same not discriminated against.
    -What about that whole “All men are created Equal”
    That is enough from me on my soap box, he was tall and rough and bad enough to force him self on a young child then, he is tall and rough and bad enough to protect himself in prison.

    P.S. I would be ok with this bunch of crap if the judge at least placed him in mental institution or sent him to a convent/monastery -some sort of isolation form the law abiding public.

  3. catherine says:

    How can the judge sleep knowing that a thief gets life and a chip rapist walk. I pray that the judge wake up before it hits his house or is he guilty somewhere down the line.

  4. Ellen says:

    Short and tall children need to be protected from short and tall people who hurt them-no excuses/no exceptions
    Lock away and isolate the incarcerated for the good of imprisoned and society as a whole
    It appears that our society is breaking down due in part to subjective and emotional ramblings of self appointed god-judges who do not choose to follow the rational and compassionate laws of the this land
    Better that men and women pass judgments objectively with reason and concern for those who strive to follow laws and rules that would do the least amount of harm to others than the other way around

  5. lester maldonado says:

    i think that it is not a good thing to do a preson that is a short man it is legal to rape well that is what

  6. billye says:

    I am sick and tired of these judges making up their own reasons to allow a sick person(s) like this one go free, just because he is to short. What is this world coming to? What about the victims he has badly hurt? they were not big enough to defend themselves. This crazy should be sent to prison and put with the worst of the worst and let him see how it feels. The judge has no mercy on the children only for this pervert! We are going to have to do something and soon or we are all going to be at these judges mercy. He must have money or something.

  7. Warren says:

    First off all either the Nebraska Supreme Court or the United States Supreme Court needs to step in & over rule that stupid judges decision, & and put him in prison for life. Furthermore I think that he should face the death penalty along with all other child molesters, & yes I also agree with Stewart that he & all other child molesters should also be castrated. Then the Supreme Court needs to fire that judge, take her off the bench, & not let her have any job in any way connected to the legal system, not a lawyer, nothing, so that all that time & money she spent going to law school goes to waste, to make an example of her so that no other judge in the country makes such a stupid decision ever again. Lastly to david you & anyone else who is stupid enough to agree with you that that judge made the right decision, the world would be a much better place if your mothers would have all had abortions!


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