A minister had his congregation squirming with embarrassment when he used the toilet during a service and forgot to switch off his clip-on radio microphone.

The Rev John Hawdon was standing in for Elizabeth Kay at Longforgan Parish Church in Perthshire.

But when nature called during a break in proceedings, he forgot to switch off his microphone, which broadcast his every splash and sigh to the congregation.

A parishioner said: “It was mortifying. Every sound boomed and echoed around the church. We all sat there looking at each other, totally embarrassed. One or two folk managed a wee giggle.”

“There were a few raised eyebrows and it has been the talk of the village.”

She added: “Mr Hawdon certainly made a splash.”

Would this be called “wee-fi”?

  1. Vince says:

    Did it sound like Frank Drebin from the “Police Squad!” movie?

    “The crime scene’s out on the water. Want to take a dinghy, Frank?”
    “No, I took care of that at the press conference.”

  2. Spooof says:

    Well as a guy who volunteers as a sound guy at our church I know how easily this can happen. On any given Sunday we can have four or five wireless mics active. This just goes to show how important the mute buttons on the sound board are. We always tell guest speakers to leave the mics on until they take them off. This prevents them hitting the stage and then spending 5 minutes fumbling with the little tiny switch on the transmitter packs.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    *poot* ahhhhh…

  4. rwilliams254 says:

    Vince, it was “Naked Gun”. Classic scene.

  5. Dan says:

    Angel your nasty……..it had to be karma.

  6. Lee says:

    wee-fi? Nintendo are already on it – it’s wii-fi!

  7. Geoff says:

    This happened to our Rabbi once during High Holy Day services. It is still talked about.

  8. James, age 14 says:

    It could have been worse! Did you hear about the preacher who offed himself in church?? Well, he was standing in the baptismal tank, and reached for the microphone….

    P.S. #3 Mr. Wong, you have a dirty mind!!


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