Johnny-Light Toilet Bowl Night Light– bathroom harmony
Lights toilet bowl at night when the toilet seat is raised and goes off when the toilet seat goes down
toilet bowl illuminates when toilet seat is up Ends the bathroom battle of the sexes
toilet bowl illuminates when toilet seat is up
Aids in children’s toilet training
toilet bowl illuminates when toilet seat is up Reminds us to put the toilet seat down
toilet bowl illuminates when toilet seat is up Eliminates annoying “fall-ins”
toilet bowl illuminates when toilet seat is up No more toilet seat splash
Are people actually falling in to the toilet? Geez. Oh, and I think the gospel music played in the background for this website is a bit much!
I know of one elderly lady the was surprised by a seat being left up and sat into the bowl. She didn’t have the strength to pull herself out and stayed there for over a day. She never recovered because of her circulation being cut off to her legs. I don’t think it’s a major problem, just letting you know it has happened. A sizable proportion of heart attack/stroke deaths occurs on the toilet because of people straining. That’s why I eat prunes everyday.
The web site is straight from 1998. Complete with autoplay MIDI file! Yes!!!
Falling into toilets may be a rare phenomenon, but consider this: If the victim flushes the toilet by accident concurrent with the fall, the consequences are irreversible. One solution to this might be further research into something like a Flushed Human Alert and Retrieval System (FHARS). Perhaps MIT or Caltech should look into the situation.
John… have you ever had a wife or girlfriend? If not, the first time you get one you are going to need this device. There is NOTHING worse than a furions girlfriend in the middle of the night because you havent developed the habit of putting down BOTH seats.
It wasn’t this particular brand, but I bought one of these that lights up whenever you walk up to the toilet. If the seat is down the light is green if the seat is up the light is red.
This device has ended 20 years of arguments between my wife and I.
It’s also nice to not have to turn on the light in the bathroom in the mittle of the night.
I don’t have a problem with people falling in, just the cat playing in the toilet.
Agreed with the selection of the music – yech. It should be playing “Yellow Submarine”.
It should play “Tinkle tinkle little star”
I don’t think I would have appreciated the light OR the music when I toddled to the bathroom at some horrid nighttime hour (8 1/2 months pregnant)exhaused, and bleary eyed and plopped down, literally –without looking, of course, and became so fully wedged into the bowl (yep, the water was cold!..and deep) and unable — due to gravitational issues and changes in my center-of-gravity, to unwedge myself.
I made a lot of fuss. I believe the term is “mad as a wet hen”.
A long time later…(although, in fairness, I think it just seemed like an eternity)…my long since ex-hubby came downstairs, and must have laughed for at least 20 minutes, doubled over AND rolling on the floor wiping tears from his eyes, before helping me out.
I think I would have appreciated the toilet baseball bat more.
That said, I’ve never not checked, first, since.
#4. Couples break up because of the toilet seat saga. I suggest two solutions to this problem. First, for the wimps: always leave the seat down which means that you pee sitting down. Squat! Second solution (for equal relationships), agree that when the you (the guy) finish your thing you will always leave the seat down, and spotless (watch your aim or clean up). She, on the other hand, will always leave the seat up after she’s done her thing. This way, when she goes to the toilet in the middle of the night and finds the seat up she cannot blame you. For you other couples who remain together because you dare not divorce and lose whatever, separate bathrooms are required (and bedrooms if that ain’t reality already).
#9…. look down before you sit down. Life is unfair like that.
Oh man that’s so cool, I mean the idea of taking a dump ‘matrix style’ with that green led is sick! And it totally fits into my alienware theme of having green led lights in stupid places, like computers…
But I ask you what is wrong with the simple, tried and tested combination of door + light switch?
I suppose it could be helpful if you have a green light red light thingy for the wife, but I still don’t see what’s wrong with a light switch.
Oh and that website, it is monumentally old fashioned I couldn’t stop laughing for about a minute. This blog should be about the website design not the product!