Amy Adams

I just caught the Amy Adams and James Marsden of Disney’s new movie Enchanted filming in front of the Maine Memorial at the corner of Central Park where it meets Columbus Circle. Kevin Lima (“Tarzan,” “102 Dalmations”) directs the live-action (with animation) feature which will also star Susan Sarandon. I just thought someone may be interested.

James Marsden

 In “Enchanted,” a princess (Adams) is banished by an evil queen (Sarandon) from the animated home of Andalasia to the live-action, present-day New York City.

disney enchanted

  1. Bottom picture..guy in the background..looks like Jack Thompson.

    She has nice boobs…I like.

  2. Awake says:

    And exactly why would anyone on this Blog care in the least about this information?

  3. Zuke says:

    Ok, how the heck did TRUMP needle his way into this too! Master of self-promotion, even when by dumb luck. LOL!

    p.s. I hope he gets better Apprentice candidates next season, the ones this time were the weakest yet. Last season’s runner-up would’ve stomped all of them this time around!

  4. I think it’s good that we have paparazzi. The point is that this shows that the entire blog team is not home on it’s ass doing nothing. It makes a point!

  5. Moe29 says:

    gorgeous redhead : ) FTW!

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Sounds to me like a big movie flop 🙂

  7. kris2pe says:

    It took me for awhile to get the point in blogging this article! But now I got it! Having medieval type costume in this modern day & in central park is wacked up!
    Yes I also saw the Trump international!!!

  8. david says:

    Another movie to poison the minds of women. Women believe in this fantasy of enchantment, a knight in shining armor and the prince to sweep them off their feet. FANTASY. Then women go around rejecting 99% of the men who approach them because he’s not riding a horse. Fantasy is great for entertainment’s bottom line but it causes misery for women. Women live in a make-believe world where they feel they have to be beautiful. Today, that ideal is a thin body. Women are nutso about it. That’s all they ever think about. Their weight and body image is so fragile to the point of pathology. Women are sick. I pity them.

  9. Johnny-Cakes says:

    Is this another game of “Find Hitler” like the story above this one? Because if it is, I can’t find him… he the one in the dress or what?

  10. blank says:

    Ah, david…you never disappoint.

    How long will it be though to when you’ll start rejecting technology and wanting to go live in a shack in Montana to write your “manifesto”? From what you say now, it’s not far off. First it was saying that the people that flew planes into the WTC on 9/11 were the real heroes that day, and now you think women as a whole are sick and you pity them.

  11. david says:

    blank, read the uni-bomber’s manifesto. It has many good points, enough that The New York Times published the whole thing!

    Also, here is the definition of ‘hero’ from the Merriam-Webster’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary:

    1 a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b : an illustrious warrior c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d : one that shows great courage.

    You are keeping in mind definitions a,b and c which are all RELATIVE. That is, since you are American you view the men who flew planes into the WTC as non-heroes. However, *their* counterpart view *them* as heroes just as you view our soldier in Iraq killing innocent women and children as “heroes”. But since they, and you, are using the RELAVATIVE definitions a,b and c, you and they are both right.

    Definition d, though, is a UNIVERSAL definition. And by this sense, the “terrorist” were MORE HEROIC than the firemen, policemen and others because the men who flew the planes WERE MORE COURAGEOUS BECAUSE THEY KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO DIE. The firemen always know their is a risk–a 2% risk that they will die. The terrorists risk of KNOWING they were going to die was 100%! What is greater, 2% or 100%. Who was more heroic? When you use your intellect, blank, you CANNOT DENY THAT THE 9/11 ‘TERRORISTS’ WERE MORE HEROIC. Intellect overrides emotions. Stop being emotional–the truth is blocked by it.

    P.S. Smartalix, the guy in the suit in the bottom picture, strangely, looks just like me.


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