They have nothing to do with the story, but they are nice to look at!
When Sony’s Euro CEO David Reeves was confronted by the fact that the PS3 won’t launch with many games, he had this to pull out of his a$$….
“We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn’t have games.”
It seem they didn’t learn a lesson from PSP which got totally beaten the crap out by Nintendo’s DS because PSP games sucked. Also I think PS3 major games like Final fantasy 13 , Metal gear Solid 4 , Devil May cry 4 and GT4 ain’t coming out this year but Q4 2007 or even late 2008. Microsoft on the other hand has got some really great title coming out this year and next year like Lost planet , Forza motorsport , Mass effect , Bio shock , Halo 3 , crack down , lost odyssey , blue dragon , crackdown which really looks great. I will end up buying an PS3 but not this year because sony is just being Arrogant asshole towards its loyal fan by selling the ps3 at high cost with no really killer games to make you really want a ps3 at launch. Like would an causal gamer buy an PS3 in Europe , UK and Australia for $750USD -$800USD price.
I’ll just buy a Wii, and then get a PS3 when it’s a lot cheaper and has some decent games. XBox 360 already looks outdated re it’s specs and it’s going to see ancient by the time these other guys come out.
I don’t know why people are complaining…
didn’t the 360 come out the same way?!?
Not that I care, I’ll never get ANY of them.
I have better stuff to spend my (limited) money on.
It’s almost as if Sony has been reading a manual entitled “How to piss off people and never get anyone to ever buy your products again”.
With the root-kit fiasco to this crap with the 600 buck PS3 and their attitude of “people will buy our stuff even if we don’t have games…and we can charge what we want for it…take-it and like-it!”. It seems everyday they’re coming out with more and more reasons to never buy their products.
WTF is wrong with them?
re #2: “XBox 360 already looks outdated re it’s specs and it’s going to see ancient by the time these other guys come out.”
Where do you get this idea?
From what I have read it’s got alot of life left… I expect an HDMI cable to come out for it soon, the HD-DVD drive is optional for those that want to watch HD-DVD movies and above all everything points to the fact that when all is said and done the PS3 will be just as powerful as the Xbox 360 – better in some areas, worse in others, but pretty much the same.
Not a single game video from the PS3 E3 event interested me – it was all re-hashed, and I think this is the issue both Sony & Microsoft face… at least MS seem to have some good inventive stuff coming.
I’m a person who buys a product if I see value in it, and at the moment Blu-ray doesn’t interest me, so there is really nothing left to the PS3 that warrants that much of my money. The Wii – I’ll look at it when it hits market, and the 360 looks good right now just for connection to my Media Center PC.
Anyway, take it easy,
Man my allergies have really been bothering me lately.
Like the picture of the girls having nothing to do with the story, neither does this post.
“Man my allergies have really been bothering me lately.”
Yeah, but what would you rather look at: a picture of David Reeves, your allergies, or hot booth babes?!
Saying the 360 looks outdated shows a complete lack of knowledge on the subject.
Meanwhile, the PS3 has been positioned by Sony to be an overpriced 360… with no evidence that PS3 games will look or play better than the 360. Sounds like VHS/BetaMax and HDDVD/BluRay all over again, doesn’t it?
The question is becoming more of what is important to game players (play or graphics) as opposed to which system will be more powerful. in other words, just what Sony didn’t want.
just play mame.
They’re kidding themselves if they’re banking on “brand equity.” The console deck gets reshuffled all the time. Let’s look at the recent generations:
1: NES rules the roost. Period.
2: Genesis usurps Nintendo. Super Nintendo plays second.
3: PlayStation comes out of nowhere and leads. Saturn flops. N64 trails again.
3.5: DreamCast does okay while it’s the only game in town. But it’s 3.5 because it’s not a big enough deal to make everyone buy it, and certainly not a big enough deal to stand up to the 4th generation.
4: PS2 rules. XBox and GameCube trail. Sega gets out of hardware altogether.
5: XBox 360 is hot, though it’s the only game in town right now. Wii has all the buzz. PS3 just keeps getting bad publicity, from it’s huge price tag to accusations of ripping off Nintendo (fair or not) to the quote about it actually being too cheap.
I could very easily see Sony not doing well this generation. Brand equity doesn’t mean squat. It’s fun to watch the deck reshuffle all the time, though. It’s kind of like the big television networks. NBC ruled them all when it had Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, etc. but then it fell into the toilet when they went away. CBS and ABC both spent time in the toilet before finding their respective hits. Success at one point doesn’t guarantee anything in a few years.
Greg V. – brand equity does indeed have value, it just doesn’t have nearly the value it had in the past. They are *thousands* of drones out there that will buy a product they aren’t familiar with based completely on brands. Sony is still one of them.
Looks like Gloria Allred is going to slash those babes because they are a bad example to little girls.
He sounds cocky, but sad to say, he speaks the truth.