Tough Nerd Basher

We covered this story previously, here’s the follow-up…

Associated Press – May 18, 2006:

Chicago Bears cornerback Ricky Manning Jr. and two former UCLA football players were charged with assault Thursday for allegedly taking part in an early morning fight at a restaurant last month.

Manning was charged with one count of assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury, Deputy District Attorney Karen Murcia said.

His arraignment was scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Manning has previously declined comment.

  1. RTaylor says:

    I would like a dollar for every personal injury lawyer who has contacted said nerd.

  2. Dylan Neild says:

    Score 1 for us.

    This loser is nothing more than a school yard bully who never grew up. He’s probably been given a free ride his whole life on the back of his football skills (which is a sickening thought) and finally he’s going to have to deal with reality… hopefully for 2-5 years.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Men like him are only useful as a leather bottom *wink*

    But joke aside, how come these big brutes rape a girl they only get a slap on the wrist but when they hit a nerd they get severely punished? (well, as severe as what can be done to a football player anyway.)

  4. Bryan says:

    I am waiting for an end to this case. The guy is obviously some idiot who feels he is better then everyone else around him. Why anyone would think they could get away with assult is beyond me.
    I hope they decide to make an example out of him. Alot of NFL type people believe the general public should bow down to them.
    Hope to see this guy do jail time, but I would be surprised if he ever saw the inside of a cell for this one

  5. rus62 says:

    I hope the jury is full of nerds.

  6. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I think a certain football player is about to let Jesus into his heart and start working with disadvantaged kids.

  7. joshua says:

    He isn’t going anywhere, except to play football. The nerd will get a nice pot of cash and they judge will order community service time.
    I mean geez….this guy isn’t a person, he’s a commodity.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:


    Every time I turn on the news I see an Athlete in the USA being charged with sexual assault, months after the drama is gone he gets cleared of all the charges. It seems that the NFL, NBA and the NHL has some really good lawyers at it.

  9. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    10, Angel, like who? Can you name three athletes from the NBA, NFL, and NHL that have been charged with rape in the past year? Heck, throw MLB in there as well.


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