The hottest site on the web right now is Channel Chooser — a stream of basic cable and basic satellite channels streaming over an IPTV link right to the computer with no hardware needed. Works beautifully. On it you’ll find everything from CSPAN to the BBC to Bloomberg as well as a number of odd channels I’ve never seen before and even some soft core porn channels. Most of these appear to be feeds directly from the various unencrypted sateliite feeds. No networks or any premium stuff here, but you can see that coming next.

  1. Xwing says:

    Between sites like this, iTunes, and BitTorrents, who’s going to need cable anymore?

  2. Mike says:

    All this is is a crappy version of cable you don’t have to pay for. I thought IPTV was all about video on demand?

  3. AC says:

    Hey, John, you forgot to mention the ADULT channels that are available there too! EEEY YAH!

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    I can’t see the *cough* channels

  5. Gig says:

    That’s really kinda cool. Strange though that some of the channels open with Quicktime and some with WMP.

  6. Good thing kids can’t get to the adult channels. I mean, no kid I know would lie and click on the “I am 18+” button.

    Man… I wish the World Wide Web was aroundwhen I wasinHighScholl (1983-87). I had to download pron and warez from BBS at (gasp) 300bps!

    These kidz don’t know how good they got it.

  7. site admin says:

    I found the mix of players odd myself. As for IPTV being about video on demand — yes it is, and everything else video too. There is no one thing to define it.

  8. Gary Marks says:

    If that’s the hottest site right now, they’ve done well with the bandwidth. I only saw a couple of problem channels. The Church Channel was remarkably problem-free. I see it as a miracle, although skeptics might say no one else was watching 😉

  9. Milo says:

    The powers that be all combined to put something like this called out of business a few years ago. All that guy did was capture air signal with an antenna and pump it through the web. I’m sure he would have won in court but he didn’t even try to fight. Now those same people are up against this… For how long?

  10. RTaylor says:

    I couldn’t get anything but circles on a Mac using flip4mac and Safari. Also tried Camino, FF, and Opera with no luck. I give it a try on XP later.

  11. GregAllen says:

    Sounds nice but it is BLOCKED in my country.

    Are countries like MINE a moral throwback or are we the future of the Internet?

  12. Rita says:

    What about wwiTV? wwiTV has over 1300 TV stations from all over the World.


  13. Bernster says:

    I’ve been watching this site for weeks under here (Australia) without so much as a hiccough..of course, NOW, I can’t get a decent stream for more than 5 seconds….goodonyer Dvorak…

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    The ironic way to watch this would be via cable modem after canceling your cable TV subscription.

  15. Milo says:

    Johnny/Rita: wwitv has a lot of selection but often directs you to TV networks websites, not streams, and many of the websites don’t even have streams. For something like this to attract people they have to make it more convenient.

  16. Mike Voice says:

    #11 “I couldn’t get anything but circles on a Mac using flip4mac and Safari. Also tried Camino, FF, and Opera with no luck. I give it a try on XP later. ”

    Same for me, R – with Camino & Safari, and flip4mac installed. I even opened Windows Media Player separately… nada. Camino did wierd things to the channel buttons as well – offset them by a few inches when the mouse-pointer moved over them. Weird.

    #5 “Strange though that some of the channels open with Quicktime and some with WMP.”

    Hey Gig, which channels use Quicktime?

  17. Eideard says:

    Ditto, Mike.

    Camino, Firefox, Safari. Flip4Mac loaded into my powerpc Mini; but, of course, not the macintel Mini. Made little or no difference.

  18. James, age 14 says:

    Right now, iTunes refuses to update any of my podcast subscriptions, unfortunately. It probably has something to do with my 31.5 K dial-up connection!!

  19. Peter says:

    Hmmm. You know, after a bit of poking around, it seems like this website does not provide its own streams. Rather, it’s simply gviing you links, either directly or indirectly, to the free streams provided by the channels listed on its websites.

  20. JT says:

    Great site! I have the AT&T Yahoo DSL 6.0 Mbps Elite package ($27.99) and this site streams flawlessly. My video card is output into my television’s YCbCr input and the picture quality is quite good. I’m getting increasingly close to dumping my Charter digital cable service for $55.99. With a regular TV antenna to view my local network channels and my Netflix subscription, this is all the television I need.

  21. David says:

    Why can’t you watch any of the network channels live? It doesn’t make any sense. They’re broadcasting their signal for free anyway!

  22. Bernster says:

    Yep, great stuff…..and now, of course, it’s not available because of “This account has been suspended. Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources.” Nice work…naht! How about checking to see if sites can cope with the deluge before ruining it for those who find these things without your help…

  23. jeff says: has quite a number of interesting channels. They use P2P technology. I have no problem to watch popular programs.

  24. Mihai says:

    The same kind of site, but with some different tv channels:

  25. mo says:

    if you liked channelchooser, you will love
    more high quality channels, including 35+ music channels, and also 1000+ music videos to watch, and again free!

  26. snerdrum says:

    not bad but Iike pptv and a better version of this is

    works better, looks better and has much better channels. But pptv rocks

  27. kiltoo says:

    I think better one is

  28. thomas says: provides a selection of the best broadband internet television channels. – Enjoy news, TV shows, movies, music, entertainment and sports.

  29. ECA says:

    MORE cartoons, and manga…

  30. fling says:

    We’ve been watching Vod and PPV on backspace for over 3 years


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