Super literary agent John Brockman sent this picture of the wild new Park Avenue Apple store that is slated to open tomorrow. Apparently personally designed by Steve “I.M.Pei” Jobs, this will be the site of a mob scene tomorrow. I feel sorry for the window washers.

This place is slated to be open 24/7. Can you imagine the freaks you’ll find in there at 3:30 AM? “I want to speak to the high priest! I have an offering of blood!”

  1. Mike says:

    So the store is underground? Only from Apple…

  2. Eideard says:

    Brockman is submitting stuff to you, John! An elegant role reversal.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    And people wonder why Macs cost more… 🙂

  4. name says:

    Underground stores aren’t a big surprise. In Toronto, we have a huge underground complex that runs for 6 square city blocks. All the major buildings in the downtown core are connected by it. Save’s our bacon during the winter months! Hundreds of stores, food courts restaurants and hot hot hot chicks down there… Great for people watching.

  5. MichaelFromAtlanta says:

    I get a picture in my head of the Billy Joel Album Glass Houses where I think Billy is holding a rock. 🙂

  6. gm says:

    Toronto? Winter months? Spend January and February in Winnipeg, them come talk to me about “The Winter months!”

    At least we don’t have to call out the Millitary for 3 feet of snow! 😉

  7. moss says:

    Since we have a couple of family members ready for new laptops, Mike — I ran a price/performance comparison earlier this week on the new MacBook core duo vs. Jim Loudermouth’s favorite [core duo] Toshiba models. The Apple ran about 25% cheaper.

    Even with a purchase of XP to bring leftovers aboard with Base Camp/Parallel, the savings for almost comparable machines came out to just under 20%. I say “almost” because the Toshibas don’t come with built-in webcam and a few other toys unique to Apple.

  8. pete says:

    Seeing the attitude of some Mac freaks. I believe Apple is already a religion… well more of a sect actualy.

    #4. want an underground city? come to Montreal where we have more then 32km of it.

  9. name says:

    #8 and #6…

    DOn’t you know that Toronto is the Centre of the universe??? AND, we were DAMN PROUD to have our military come in a rescue our Holt Renfrew shoppers… just think of their poor toy poodles…

    AND, I’m well aware of our friends in Winterpeg… I’m just always surpised to hear that people still live there after the Jet’s flew the coop… Anything 1 hour out of Toronto is another world as far as we’re concerned…

    (how’s that for some ego-centric Torontoness? Feel like bashing now?)

  10. Daniel says:

    It looks like Jobs took some inspiration from the louvre.

  11. Wadatow Shanateh says:

    Hahha, Toronto calling the national guard for snow storms! Classic blunder by the TO mayor. In Montreal we laugh in the face of snow 🙂

  12. name says:


    Yeah yeah… and in Toronto, we laugh at the habs! booya!

  13. name says:

    #10… Good point. But Jobs has a cube fetish I think…

  14. Mike Voice says:

    #7 The Apple ran about 25% cheaper.

    I was afraid about that. Since there isn’t a [sarcasm] or [joke] tag, I almost put in a mention that I have used several macs since my original 128k in late-84. Currently using a G5 iMac… 🙂

  15. Mike Voice says:

    Interesting comment at a mac website:

    Question: How did they meet ADA requirements?

    Answer: The cylinder in the center of the spiral-staircase is an elevator.

    Nice… 🙂

  16. Eideard says:

    You know, Mike, I’ve mentioned it before; so, I don’t lurch into Apple discussions — I’m a recent switcher to Macs. I really can’t comment on what some folks think other folks hold “sacred”.

    But, away from the blog, we’ve had casual discussion about communications solely in print lacking the ability to denote irony or sarcasm. It’s like we need to invent a punctuation convention to make up for a tone of voice.

    Suggestions are always welcome.

  17. Corey says:

    I hope they hired a dude to pick up all the dead birds that fly into that thing. Where’s PETA on this one?

  18. Adam says:

    Oh please, dead birds? It’s about 2 stories tall. It’ll probably have less birds fly into it in its lifetime than one NY skyscraper gets in a day.

  19. name says:


    Simple… CAPS LOCK EVERYTHING! and *whispering* this works too…

  20. pete says:

    #12 people in TO make fun of the Habs? let’s see.. when did the Leafs last win the cup? or even better.. did they make the playoffs?

    #17 Hey if might ride NY of a few pigeons

  21. ranron says:

    I’ve already signed up to go!

  22. david says:

    You guys from Montreal, your city is wonderful. I spent a few days there once during Christmas. Only thing though is how do you deal with that cold?!? Really, I was wearing long johns, wool socks, a hat topped off with a hood and in a down jacket and still couldn’t shake off the freezing temperature. Damn, it was the most cold I ever suffered. I’m from NYC but Montreal, and God forbid places further North, are unbearably cold. How do you manage?

  23. Mike Voice says:


    And, I had hoped putting a smiley on the end of my post #3 would be sufficient as a tipoff that it was only in fun… 🙁

    I much prefer the Cage Match setup for applying bold and italic by highlighting & clicking, but even trying to apply a different color would probably be wasted on people speed-reading through a post – and quicly jumping to the “leave a comment” area.

    I’ll either have to add more “subtle” [not!] hints to my posts, or just get used to the fact that there will always be some people who “just don’t get it”. 🙂

  24. site admin says:

    The more I look at it, the more I see a monkey cage.

  25. Eideard says:

    Sorry, Mike — I have a “problem” with smileys. I hate the damned things. So, just about every forum I belong to — the 1st thing I do is turn them off.

    Though, I’ve been thinking about it from earlier forth-and-back, today. The AVS Forum I belong to seems to have enough of a range of useful critters that I do pay attention to them.

    My bad.

  26. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I’ll either have to add more “subtle” [not!] hints to my posts, or just get used to the fact that there will always be some people who “just don’t get it”.

    Get used to it Mike. No matter what the endeavor, some will just never get it. I think I’m with Ed on this one; I find the smilies annoying sometimes. Besides, isn’t Wal-Mart putting a copyright on smilies? I find the straight forward simple text more satisfying. If anything, I would change the font here to a serif.

  27. Mike Voice says:

    #26 I think I’m with Ed on this one; I find the smilies annoying sometimes.

    Which is why I try to limit my use of them [believe it, or not…]

    See, I didn’t put one at the end of that sentence! [and it was sooo tempting].

    But, seriously, I like the fact that Eideard has been discussing alternatives and new ideas – and is asking for input.

    #25 My bad.

    Not at all, we’re both just trying to use the limited tools available to us – in the way that suits us best.

    It is good for me to be reminded that I can’t depend on gimmicks to help convey my intent, because those gimmicks can be switched-off.

    If it is important to me, I will have to take the time to be concise.

  28. Eideard says:

    Doing some Saturday afternoon surfing and happened into some photos of the new store — including this one from the inside [downside?]:

  29. Scott Barman says:

    Dvorak said on TWiT that it will be used as a toilet. It shows how much Dvorak does not know about New York. If the store was south of 42nd Street, I might agree. But while anything is possible, using it “as a toilet” in that section of Manhattan is not a probability.


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