Beatles Schmeatles!

The Daily Telegraph | I fell out of love, Sir Paul tells — Ah, love in bloom.

Friends of former Beatle Sir Paul said yesterday he fell out of love with charity campaigner Heather after seeing her “for what she really is”.

Sources close to his wife fired back, saying she realised how “selfish” he was when he proved unsupportive after a recent operation on her amputated leg.

The couple’s relationship, which has always been fiery, has deteriorated amid a string of rows over past weeks.

Sources say former model Heather became “argumentative and aggressive” after the operation, which left her in a wheelchair. She is said to have felt “fragile” but told friends Sir Paul “just switched off, as he always does when he has to support me”.

The rows became bitter and she was accused of belittling him about his age and laughing that his recent album had not done as well as he had hoped.

  1. SN says:

    “WHO CARES.”

    You cared enough to respond. That must mean something!

  2. DavidtheDuke says:

    he cares in the sense that it’s a waste of space

  3. RTaylor says:

    A quick goggle search estimated McCartney’s wealth at $500 M. Even with prenups this is going to cost the old lad.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    That’s the difference between the UK and the USA.The americans prefer the feuds of you younger celebrities.

  5. Gary Marks says:

    You know this is going to get ugly if Heather’s team has played the “unsupportive of an amputee” card this early in the game. It probably means they’re holding a lot more nasty cards.

  6. Drew says:

    Well this is Dvorak “Uncensored” — so even stuff like this (filler) gets tossed in from time to time.

  7. Mike Voice says:

    8. What Gary said, in #7

    I’m also curious to see how Paul & Linda’s kids line-up.

    Since they saw her as a gold-digger, does Paul’s “seeing her for what she really is” mean they can all tell him “We told you so…” – and then all jump into the mud-slinging?

    This will be tabloid fodder for at least a year. Longer, if the 10-years and running precendent of Anna Nicole Smith is any indication…

  8. Ein says:

    Will you still need me
    Will you still feed me
    Will you divorce me
    When I’m 64. (a month away)

  9. bquady says:

    #5- I generally appreciate your amiable, amusingly cantankerous persona, Mr. “Paul Theodoropoulos”, and have assumed that you’re a pretty fair chap, all in all. But I never imagined that I could envy and admire you as much as I do now, after watching you tear those straw men to shreds in comment 5. Boy! What a man! Usually even the most courageous people stick to arguing with positions that other REAL PEOPLE take, but you are BRAVE enough to belittle ARTIFICIAL, MADE-UP LIBERALS! Of your OWN INVENTION! WOW! Creative AND destructive!

    Seriously, though, cut that s__t out, please. It’s dishonest and you know it.

  10. bquady says:

    #5- I generally appreciate your amiable, amusingly cantankerous persona, Mr. “Paul Theodoropoulos”, and have assumed that you’re a pretty fair chap, all in all. But I never imagined that I could envy and admire you as much as I do now, after watching you tear those straw men to shreds in comment 5. Boy! What a man! Usually even the most courageous people stick to arguing with positions that other REAL PEOPLE take, but you are BRAVE enough to belittle ARTIFICIAL, MADE-UP LIBERALS! Of your OWN INVENTION! WOW! Creative AND destructive!

    Seriously, though, cut that petty s__t out, please. It’s dishonest and you know it.

  11. joshua says:

    According to the U.K. press, he is worth about 850 million pounds….over a Billion U.S. dollars. Thats damn amazing when you consider the heavy tax bite in the U.K. They said she would under present divorce law, and since there was no pre-nup(which isn’t binding in the U.K. anyway) get approx. 200 million pounds for 4 years marriage and 1 kid.

  12. Pete says:

    What’s actually pathetically funny about this is that they have said that they can’t maintain their relationship due to constant press intrusion – ffs nobody cares about the McCartney’s, they’re never reported on in the daily rags lol

    Maybe their real intention is to get a few column inches (for a change – hardly the most exciting couple in the world!)

  13. Gary Marks says:

    #15, if they need a little more press, I can start them off with a story about the many nights Paul has spent sleepless from being visited by Linda McCartney’s ghost, coming back to warn him of Heather’s golddigging ways and the possibility that she may even try to poison Sir Paul. Of course, that’s just a rumor I heard. I also heard he had an affair with a meter maid named Rita.

  14. david says:

    So what? They break up but they fight like little children blaming eachother for not being loved. MOVE ON. That “falling in love” feeling only lasts for a year, two years max. When it is over, people should just leave and look for another mate. It would give other people a chance to fall in love.

  15. Mike Voice says:

    #11 & 12 being almost duplicates

    My first thought: Comments are moderated, why don’t the moderators eliminate duplicates??? [I thought they were doing this, since that has not been the problem it once was…]

    Oh, wait…

    They were posted 10-minutes apart….

    Closer examination – can you tell I have some time on my hands? – reveals the word “petty” was added to #12, so it is not a duplicate of #11.

    I can only assume bq felt #11 wasn’t worded strongly enough, and felt the need for the added emphasis in #12…

  16. Eideard says:

    Good morning, Mike. There are several of us Moderating. The two posts landed separately — and were probably OK’d separately.

    Now, only John can delete the original duplicate because it’s His post.

  17. site admin says:

    righties, lefties, righties, lefties. Sounds like masturbation styles. Can we stop using such terminology!

  18. Zuke says:

    #12 bquady must not live in California, where a progressive tax is proposed nearly every election.

    This June, Prop 82 seeks an additional 1.7% income tax on individuals earning more than $400,000 to pay for free preschools…

  19. Zuke says:

    p.s. 2 selfish people does not a good relationship make… doh

  20. Mike Voice says:

    Hi Eideard,

    What were we both doing up that early? [And why am I back here, this late?]

    I just thought it was funny to see the first double-post in a long time – which I assumed was because posts are moderated [rightly so, apparently] .

    Then, it irritated me to notice that they weren’t duplicates, but an intentional repost – with only one word added to the 2nd post.

    I must be easily irritated – that early in the morning – because it sure doesn’t seem worth the bother to bitch about it now. [grin]

  21. alice says:

    Frankly, i glad Paul saw her for what she really is. The American people could see that right off. When she was being interviewed by Larry King and he asked her did she know Princes Diana she interrupt him with ” I am not in to that kind of stuff” or ” I don’t want to discuss that” Larry was trying to ask did had she met her because they did the same kind of charity work, it was obvious to me that her mind was on Princes Diana troubles not Larry King or the public. Paul McCarthy maybe 64 years old but he is still too good to have to settle for a uppity disabled person.

  22. Vinnie says:

    I am on Paul’s side. He is a good guy who deserved better than what he got. Heather was mean to him and hit on him with her fists.She bossed him around and was screamed at him all the time. I bet he will be glad to be rid of her. Maybe after he gets her out of his life then maybe he can have some peace. Paul must have had sympathy for a disabled person or he never would have married her to start with.


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