Come and get me you big brute!

Gulfnews: Bin Laden ‘probably back home in US’ — The way things are going I’d say anything is possible. It’s the last place we’re looking.

Dubai: If you ask people where they think Osama Bin Laden was hiding, the answer would inevitably be Afghanistan or Pakistan.

But for some reason, a large number of readers surveyed online believe he is hiding in the United States.

In the Gulf News online survey done on May 7, 30 per cent of the responders said Pakistan was the terrorist’s likely hiding place. Only 12 per cent said Afghanistan, while 51 per cent said it was the United States.

spotted by Greg Allen

  1. Don Marsh says:

    Yeah, he is the guest of someone like Michael Moore Alec Baldwin. They have the resources to hide him and a common enemy.

  2. gamabunta says:

    If it turns out to be true then it proves what I and alot of other people have thought all along: Homeland security is a big joke.

  3. Henrique says:

    Nooo! Bin Laden is in Brasilia, which is the capital of Brasil. Please ask uncle bush to drop some bombs over every building in the town.

  4. david says:

    Good photo, John! Funny.

    Osama bin Laden is on record for saying he did NOT plot 9/11. Every story needs a villain. Osama became “the enemy” because how can you fight a war without a captain at the helm? Osama, if he did bring down the towers on 9/11, deserves a medal for waking up millions of people around the world. Sure, 3000 people went to sleep forever, but millions WOKE UP. You do the math.

  5. Osama says:

    You got me!!! You guys are good

  6. Dan says:

    I saw him at the Burger King in New Orleans eating a Whopper with double bacon.He was wearing Nikes and a cowboy hat.

  7. James Hill says:

    It must be sad to be an American. Lied to all the time.

    It must be sad not being an American, since you have no say in how the world works.


  8. Diane Ensey says:

    Naw, you’re all wrong – Osama was right in front of me at the Madison Park Starbucks last week. He ordered a Triple Venti Sugar Free Vanilla Soy latte and two of those little butterhorn pastries. He paid cash and actually left a tip.

    The staff seemed pretty blase about it – says he comes in every day, usually with his Shar-Pei called Muhajadeen.

  9. Wayne says:

    Osama is presently hiding out near Atlanta working as an Eagle’s Landing High School science teacher. I think Dvorak’s picture implies that he might be gay. John, you should be on the look out for that lawsuit!

  10. site admin says:

    He’s just a colorful dresser.

  11. ECA says:

    OK, I suggested this over 1.5 years ago..
    a friend and myself, thought ‘WHERE is a good place to hide’…

    Basic thought is…ANYPLACE, but over there… And NOT in Europe or asia.

  12. Roc Rizzo says:

    Last I heard he was staying in the Lincoln bedroom in the White House.

  13. Matt H says:

    #7 – Nice. So in your eyes Osama deserves a medal for conspiracy to murder innocent men, women, and children – please enlighten me as to how that comment has any rational, or moral, sense.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe they should start looking in places such as bear gatherings 😉

  15. david says:

    #16. Matt, Americans killed off innocent [Native American] Indian men, women, and children so that they could establish colonies and, later, states into a union so that Law could be the new Bible (U.S. Constitution) of a new people. Osama woke me up from my sleep. Before 9/11 I was asleep like you are now. I trusted what was told to me. Osama, more than anyone else in my life had the courage to break me out of this dream you call society. It caused me to search for Truth. Brother, brother, there’s far too many still asleep. War is not the answer. We’ve got to find some way to awake from the brutality, the prison we live in and wake to what is Real. Osama did this. By way of God. There’s no way you can understand this now. My perception has changed. I know that what you think is real is just your imagination. The problem is that you can not let go of your beliefs. You hold on to what society believes because you are afraid of not being accepted by society. I let go. Yes, I walk alone in your eyes. But, I am never alone now. I am always with God. In fact, I am God. Until you can understand that you cannot judge me. Let go of your beliefs. SEE. Osama and 9/11 was the epiphany that set me on a different path, a path that I didn’t know existed. But search, and God will reveal Himself to you. Indeed, God does work in Mysterious ways. You gotta believe in magic, my friend. I am God because Osama caused it on 9/11.

  16. joshua says:

    lmao # 17…Angel……this isn’t your first *bear* mention, I think we know your type of man.

    In all seriousness(i know it’s not easy), when was the last time anyone has seen OBL???

    I honestly thought he would be *captured* just before elction day 2004, but was wrong, so I’m going for just before the mid-term elections.

  17. GregAllen says:

    A few weeks ago we were vacationing in an ME country and we had a driver pick us up for a tour.

    No kidding! Our driver was a DEAD RINGER for Osama bin Laden.

    I have spent quite a few years now among some really fierce looking Muslims so I am not easily flumoxed. But it felt just a little wierd putting my family in the car of somone who looks exactly like the #1 enemy of Americans.

    Of course, the first thing he asks is “What country are you from?”

    Oh, what the heck…. tell the truth… “America.”

    It took a few miles to realize that he was really nice and engaging. EXCEPTIONALLY nice, actually, since Arabs tend to be a little stand offish over here.

  18. John Wofford says:

    1. David is back-packing on a path that Dante found too freaky and loathsome even for him.
    1. Osama’s demonization by the popular press has perhaps been a bit overdone, but if you either kill innocent people or approve of innocent people being killed for religious (or really, any) reasons then you, and the culture you mirror, have some deep issues that really should be addressed. And note that I am non-specific as to any particular culture, ethnicity, nation or society.

  19. joshua says:

    #21…John….bet they still issue a fatwa for you 🙂


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