OSX86 Project – 08 May 2006:

The Empire strikes back? It’s been 9 years since the “death” of the Macintosh clones, but apparently they can’t be killed. After seeing OSx86 for sale in Bangkok, it was only a matter of time before commercial pirates moved to the “hard” stuff. If Apple makes the big money on hardware, why shouldn’t illegal cloners do too? Apparently they’ve caught on, selling such items as the “PowerPC G6 Macintosh”, an “Apple G6 Macintosh-Clone Computer” with a 3.8GHz Pentium 4. Along with the fancy OSx86 compatible hardware, it comes pre-loaded with something the seller likes to call “Mac OSX-86 Apple MacOS X Tiger 10.4.3”. A “low, low” price of $500 ensures plenty of sales.

  1. Eideard says:

    After looking at the OP at OSX86, I noticed other interesting stuff I could actually Comment on from personal experience. I’m certainly not wasting my few discretionary buck$ on a scary clone.

    But — OSX86 requires registration, blah, blah, blah, to Comment.

    Never mind.

  2. moss says:

    Nice still.

  3. Awake says:

    I’m guessing that a ‘Bootcamp’ type arrangement would be fairly easy, even as an afterthought on an existing standard XP system.
    Regardless of what Mac zealots may say, it is a Windows world out there, so for the time being I will continue to boot into XP. I would consider booting into OSX for the ocassional Mac-only program.
    Does anyone know if ‘Paralllels’ runs in reverse, where you run an XP installation and you can open an OSX window. That may be th emore practical solution for most of us.

  4. chookalana says:

    Just don’t upgrade OS X…… Then it’s broke!

  5. ken ehrman says:

    i love macs, i really do but it is the absence of clones that has allowed apple to keep tight reins on device mfrs. control that it will lose if clones catch on and start cross pollinating with the legimate children of jobs.

    then you’ll see macs flame out in their own spectacular death throws.

    emporer steve might want to stock up on mock turtlnecks for when people start pointing

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    There’s no such thing as bad publicity.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    I almost forgot!

    *waits to listen a mac head yell “even pirated mac clones are better than PC pirated clones!”*

    To be honest if I could I’ll buy one, where can you get a souped up PC for that price?


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