Plumber’s crack, butt crack, trouser cleavage. Some women and gays love it, but for the rest of us who have been forced to observe certain anotomical deliniations can finally breath a sigh of relief. So, buy your favorite plumber, mover or other bend over person a pair and make the rest of his customers happy.

It’s goodbye to builder’s bum

It took three years to develop a pair of pants which move with the wearer`s skin, according to manufacturer Jockey.

Some 6,000 male bodies were scanned and measured to help create the “stay put” shape and prevent unsightly behinds creeping above the belt.

Called 3D Innovations, the pants are made in two halves and cut on the bias.

The cotton and spandex fabric is cut across the grain and the two halves are twisted and joined with a seam.

This helps the pants mimic the way the skin stretches, according to Jockey.

A spokeswoman for the company said: “The builder`s bum, an unsightly glimpse of a behind that no one ever needs see, is officially going to be a thing of the past.”

The 3D Innovations go on sale tomorrow costing around £10 per pair.

  1. Milo says:

    “A spokeswoman for the company said: “The builder`s bum, an unsightly glimpse of a behind that no one ever needs see, is officially going to be a thing of the past.”

    What about the young girls bum, that is a sightly glimpse that I can’t look away from?

  2. RTaylor says:

    The problem is wearing pants below the belly. The wearer can fool himself into believing he still has a 38 waist, and in reality he needs a 44. Some of these guys will cinch a belt and jeans tighter than any young woman. The problem is solved by a reality check and the correct size trousers, not technology.

  3. Tim says:

    It’s up on the home page, but only US residents can purchase.

  4. Joanne says:

    I suspect they’d better market them to the women, as the plumbers
    wives will be buying, not the plumbers. The problelm outlined by
    RTaylor is not going to be seen as a problem by people with the low down side smile. jh

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Curiously, many women have no interest in the perky, well-toned buttocks of the male models you’d find in Playgirl. ”

    Same here 😛 Gimme a paunchy man with a hairy back too into that equation *listens to the armies of readers hissing in disgusts*


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